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-- Fnatic vs Mousesports -- Fnatic wins

Vetoes if Fnatic is Team A:
- Fnatic ban nuke, Mouz ban overpass, Fnatic ban mirage, Mouz ban cbblestone, Fnatic ban cache - train/dust2

Vetoes if Mouz is Team A:
- Mouz ban overpass, Fnatic ban mirage, Mouz ban cbblestone, Fnatic ban nuke, Mouz ban train - cache/dust2

If cache: Both are good on it w their loosy style, but mouz has way more exp on it and NiKo and his teammates always steps up huge on this map, so Mouz wins in a close match

If dust2: Once again both are good on it w their loosy style, but here I`d say its a coin toss and the one who starts w more momentum might get the win, slight advantage for Fnatic
cause they have played this map way more than mousesports recently in official matches - Ill follow my gut here and say fnatic wins in overtime

If train: Here`s where I think Fnatic has the advantage, used to be a really good map for the old fnatic back in the days and a rlly good map for olof, plus they have
way more exp playing the map than mouz, so imo heres a 100% fnatic victory


-- GodSent vs EnVyUs -- EnVy wins

Vetoes if GodSent is Team A:
- GodSent ban dust2, EnVy ban train, GodSent ban nuke, EnVy ban overpass, GodSent ban cache - cbble/mirage

Vetoes if EnVyUs is Team A:
- Envy ban mirage, GodSent ban nuke, Envy ban train, GodSent ban cache, Envy ban overpass - dust2/cbble

If cbble: Envy us have way more exp on it, in the other hand they prob lost confidence yest cos of their defeat vs navi, but overall think they are favourites here
and GodSent didnt impress me at all by their performance yesterday and they have better maps than cbble in their pool.

if mirage: One of Godsents best map, they definitely know how to play on it way better than envy, unfortunately envy has no other choice imo than leaving it open if they
lose the coin toss, so if it comes to this map, GodSent are the favourites but, anything can happen cause GodSent`s recent performances on it have been kinda sloppy, so its gonna be close

If dust2: Here`s a coin toss again, both teams are pretty similar styles, i am sure they wont respect each other on dust2 and will play their own game, if it comes down to this map
I think envy are the favourites cause its kennyS playground and apEX always put up good numbers on it, in the other hand GodSent have been strugglig a lil bit to win against way weaker opponents


-- North vs HR -- North wins

vetoes if North is Team A:
- North ban train, HR ban dust2, North ban cache, HR ban mirage, North ban cbblestone - overpass/nuke

vetoes if HR is Team A:
- HR ban dust2, North ban train, HR ban mirage, North ban cbblestone, HR ban nuke - overpass/cache

If cache: Both teams struggle and are unexperienced on it, HR looked pretty bad yesterday vs mouz and North barely play the map, thing is, will North risk playing cbble again after losing twice
and against a team that has cbble as their best map? Thats a tough decision and after HR loss yest on cache, if North knows how to play the map I think they should def make use of it.
So North wins here cause of individual performances.

If overpass: If it comes down to overpass this is very scary, I think HR plays pretty good on this map and so does North, HR could be favoured here cause of their methodical style but
honestly, nobody from that team have been stepping up their game during this major, and meanwhile North have been playing decent with some good individual performances, so even tho
HR should be favourites here, I think North wins in a close match

if nuke: North massacre if they start CT, North wins in a close match if they start T - not much to say never watched HR playing this map but North is def strong.
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Regards; Team

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