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Properties = coloring/ changes color of a part transparency materials properties etc. Etc.
Properties are important of scripting with a script you can change it changing properties at a different times, making the game interactive and enjoyable

Server script service
Putting the script inside it, diving into different or special scripts
telling the script of which object do you want to change of the property (material color)
Meaning by that properties window but what if you want to change it while current ingame is running through a script?
It can't be changed because we aren't controlling it because we have to do it inside that script, telling the script to what object should be changed of a property, to do it we reference it (telling the script that where an object is in the game)

Inside the workspace well. what is a workspace? let me tell you! its all the parts/objects that are visible to players (inside a game) input "game" to identify the object, workspace is located inside the game the explorer, explorer keeps hold of everything you need to files workspace scripts etc. Etc

"game" - using it as a starting point when referencing objects
saying "game" will let us choose these "services" and now you can choose any objects inside this workspace "camera" "terrain" "parts" are all inside the workspace if you close the workspace it will be hidden and also indented slightly also showing they are members of that workspace and anything you can see in the game world and so anything you see in the game world that you can interact with and select parts is inside that workspace so lets say in the script "game.workspace" then put a dot for when you want you want to reference a new object inside of the previous one so we do look inside the workspace and get the part writed out so thats the name of it it will be shown an autocomplete menu and now we have our part referenced we can access to the part now we can view all the properties and if we click on the dot so if we press dot to insert you'll see all of these blue icon things appear in this list right? these are called properties that we can change example we choose one of them to view all the properties available in the properties window so lets choose one, transparency once we have our property we can just by typing equals then setting it to a new number obviously transparency is a number from between zero to one

Zero being an apaque you can't see through it being totally transparent
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Regards; Team

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