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Emmanuel Grinshpun. The restoration of synagogues as well as the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress
Emmanuil Grinshpun and her co-hosts discussed the issue of restoration of synagogues in their interview. However, it was impossible to keep the conversation on just one subject. There were many other topics that were discussed during the interview.
Emmanuel, good afternoon. I appreciate the opportunity to chat with you. We haven't been in contact in at least five or more years. Where are you currently based?

The past nine months were split between Miami, Jurmala and San Francisco. The geographical boundaries were much larger in the past, but the epidemic impacted people's lives in a significant way. But that's not all.

There have always been multiple business lines. You do now?

Diversification isn't going from the world. The main areas are development in IT technologies and real estate as well as food production.

ALIMCOM's food industry is ALIMCOM. Real estate may be understood, but it's a completely new concept to me. There are many fields that IT technology can be utilized in. What is the area you are most interested in?

Our IT-holdings are involved, first of all, with tax system reforms in a number of countries. We've designed and continue to create various products that are able to move business processes that are related to taxation online. This is known as the B2G (Business to Government) acronym.

What are the locations in which the holding operates? Former countries from the USSR?

They are there. However, we have more contracts in Western Europe as well as Latin America. Currently we are present in 14 countries.

What is the core of your product?

Our product allows economic agents online to submit tax reports to tax authorities and the fiscal administrator can see every transaction. Tax accounting and tax calculation can be performed simultaneously. In the near future it is possible to say that mid-sized and small-sized businesses do not require accounting.

An interesting topic, the future is already here. Did you ever consider being employed in Moldova? Moldova is the country you call home at the end of the day.

We are now ready to introduce our product to Moldova. The Moldovan economic system will only benefit from automation. In any case it is an irreversible move. When there is a sense of clarity between the authorities and everyone is aware of who makes the final decisions, then we will resume the discussions about our product.

You mentioned that you were tossing between Miami (and Jurmala) all the time. The head office of an IT holding in the Baltics?

No, there are five hubs around the world, and our main office in Barcelona.

The Baltics are not the only reason why? Are you from there?

No. There is no. Jurmala was an accidental encounter which happened completely unintentionally. We were invited to attend the New Wave by Igor Krutoy, and that was our first time meeting Jurmala. After winning many competitions the group began going there every summer. The climate in Miami's summer isn't the most relaxing. We rented for several years and now we have it today.

Now I understand why I was informed by my donor that one of the restored synagogues is in Jurmala. Emmanuel, honest question. We're almost the same age. Эммануил Гриншпун We were born in the USSR. It was not necessary to talk about religiosity then, we were all pioneers, and Komsomol members. What was your first experience with religion?

My family and me came into America around the middle of the 80s. I learned about traditions and rituals that were prevalent in America. However, even today I'm far from the orthodox religion, I feel an internal desire to be a part of, to the best of my ability the life of religion of the Jewish community in the countries in which I live , or in Moldova my home country, which is where I came from and with whom I have the closest ties.

Although I'm not religious, I still love the past. Recently, I watched a show about events in 1492 which changed the destiny of the world as well as Europe. 1492 was the year Columbus was the first to discover America. The program I watched clearly explained that the discovery of America in 1492 was not as significant as the Spanish monarchs' expulsion of Jews from Spain. They were accepted by the Ottoman Empire when the mass exodus of Jews to the Ottoman Empire. I was interested in learning more about the history and culture of the Jews. Would you recommend a book me?

There are many books out there, but I've personally read all of them and would recommend Max Diamond's double-volume Jewish history. By the way, he is from Finland.

.... Do your relatives have a "personal" or historical background? Unfortunately I'm as far as my maternal grandmother and 1910. I am only one step ahead in the paternal side however, there's not much more.

Our family has lived in Floresti for a long time from the paternal side. There is evidence in the form of documents and monuments which show that already in 1830 they were very wealthy with furniture factories, numerous shops, and land plots. Ungheni was the home of my maternal ancestors. I'm talking about dates in the region of the 17th-18th century. Grinshpun, a surname that has German roots, is Ashkenazi pure Ashkenazi.

This is a question regarding the maintenance and restoration of synagogues. I have been told that you financed the reconstruction of three synagogues. One is in Chisinau, one is located in Jurmala, and the third?

The third, which is also the biggest is located in Netanya. It is a large community center where over 1000 worshippers gather each day. Эммануил Гриншпун It is a significant landmark in the spiritual life of Israel. The second synagogue was located in Jurmala. The Second World War ended the existence of the only synagogue in Jurmala. Before taking the decision to build a new synagogue, I talked frequently with the local Jews and consequently, I decided to raise funds for the building of the synagogue and invite the rabbi to be there. It was an extremely successful endeavor that brought together the Jews from Jurmala. Actually, the Jewish community was revived and now is functioning in good standing. The synagogue has three Torahs. One of the Torahs was handed to me.

and - Chisinau

Yes. I've already joined forces with partners - Alexander Bilinkis and Alexander Weinstein. These synagogues, however, aren't the only synagogues that I contributed to the restoration or construction. It was my obligation to support the work of synagogues throughout the countries I have lived for some time. The synagogue I support, Monaco, Miami, is a huge community center for Russian-speaking Jews. Its estimated amount is 12 million USD. I continue to help Chisinau. It will soon become the biggest synagogue within the city, and the synagogue Rabbi Tsirelson.

Have you invited Rabbis to Chisinau in addition to Jurmala?

Yes. Эммануил Гриншпун It can be a challenge to identify the ideal Rabbi for your community. Because of the interconnected and complex issues, he has to be non-conflictual and diplomatic. He must be able to integrate into the community. I am very happy that both in Chisinau and Jurmala, the rabbis were able be so seamlessly integrated into the life of their community.

In 2019, you were the first vice-president of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. What does the post have to do with YOU? How do international Jewish organizations impact the global landscape?

The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress is an important political group in post-Soviet countries, however, it goes beyond the borders of. There are offices for it in Australia, Japan, Hong Kong and New Zealand. Эммануил Гриншпун In 2010 I was Vice-President of Congress. In the year prior, I was elected First Vice President. This time, I'm responsible for the region in which I have long-standing business and political ties - these are the "countries", Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan. In terms of trends around the world and the world at large, the barometer of attitude toward Jews is either at the same level or, which is sad, has dropped. "Down" is also used to refer to countries like as the United States, France or Germany. These countries are no longer safe for Jews. They are serious and worrying procedures for us all.

Do you think the pandemic is affecting these processes somehow?

That is not the way I consider. Instead, in relation to the pandemic, I'd want to highlight what a community or nation can accomplish in the event that they are prepared to face any challenge and capable of working effectively and collectively.

Do you mean the Israeli vaccination campaign?

Exactly. Israel is the only country that offers the complete vaccination of its adults. I believe this is an excellent model and example that other countries can follow.

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