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Case Ref: 621128 Status: Closed
Outcome: [Not set], [Not set], [Not set]
1. What type of interaction is this? ... Inbound call
2. Is this a transfer from Tier 1 or a customer calling? ... Customer
3. Has the customer already reported the fault they are calling about? ... No
4. What is the customer type? ... Consumer
5. Asset Selection ... Undetermined
6. What is the fault asset? ... Broadband
7. Consumer Broadband Product ... UPTO_8M
8. Using the attached KM, select the product type from the options below. ... Up to 8Mb DSLMax
9. What's the customer calling about? ... New fault
10. What is the problem? ... Dropping out
11. Is there a MSO on the line? Please check the Customers number and area codes against the attached KM. ... No
12. Our MSO checks show ... no MSO
13. Device Model? ... Hub
14. we're going to run some checks that may take a little time, are you ok to stay on the chat with me? ... Customer wants to stay online
15. Are they calling from their broadband enabled telephone line? ... Calling from alt number
16. See KM. Check with customer the status of Home Hub lights. Do the lights indicate that the customer is connected to broadband ? ... Connected
17. Our tests show the customers hub is ... In sync and connected to the exchange
18. We can see the maximum amount of drops in sync seen on the customers line over the last 5 days is ... Undetermined
19. We can see the maximum amount of drops in PPP seen on the customers line over the last 5 days is ... Undetermined
20. Using the attached KM, run KBD to get access to RRT. ... OK
21. Analyse the RRT results. Is the Customer's broadband dropping out more than 6 times per day? ... 0 to 4 drops per day
22. We can see the maximum amount of drops in PPP seen on the customers line over the last 5 days is ... Undetermined
23. Our tests to see if the customers hub is connected to the internet is ... undetermined
24. Use the information on the right for the full description of the healthcheck result CO8 - Connected Slow Sync Slow Throughput. ... OK
25. Analyse the IP Connectivity results. Is the Customer dropping out more than 6 times per day? ... 5 or less drops per day
26. Advise the customer our tests show the connection is stable. This indicates that the dropping you are experiencing is most likely to be device or home set up related. ... Ok
27. We will now go through checks to help resolve this issue ... Ok
28. I can see that your broadband connection is really stable between the exchange and your hub. Are you using a wireless connection? ... Multiple devices - wireless only
29. Have you always had this problem with your wireless or is it only recently? ... Always
30. Can you get near to your hub and ensure you have a good signal strength please? ... Yes
31. Which Operating System is installed on the customer's device? ... iPhone
32. System Test: Wireless SSID ... Undetermined
33. Is the customer connected to the correct wireless network (SSID) as listed above? ... Connected to own Hub
34. Device Status? ... Manageable
35. Device Status? ... Manageable
36. Where is your Hub located? ... Living Room
37. We recommend that the Hub is not placed on the floor, next to windows or behind other objects in order to give a good signal strength. ... Ok
38. We also recommend the Hub is not too close to TVs, Set top boxes, cordless phones, baby monitors, games consoles, Bluetooth controllers etc. ... Ok
39. You can also try changing the way your Hub is facing to improve the wireless signal. ... Ok
40. Now that we have given you some information is there anything in your set up that you would like to change? ... No
41. Where are you using your device in relation to your Hub when you notice the drops? ... Adjacent rooms
42. If your property has very thick internal walls, then this may be affecting the wireless signal. If this is not the case then it is more likely to be a problem with interference ... Ok
43. Advise the customer to monitor the connection. Save progress and provide the customer the case reference. Advise the customer if they see the issue further to call us back ... Customer called back - Issue resolved
44. We're unable to remotely test for interference in your home, but you can try some things yourself in order to identify the source. We can send you a mail with full details on how to do this ... Ok
45. Send the customer a Right Now email with tips and information on how to get the best wireless performance possible. ... Ok
46. We will now look to see if we can if we can improve the speed issue. ... OK
47. End Call. ... End Call
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Regards; Team

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