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3 Easy Ways To Make Magic Mushroom Chocolate
Magic mushrooms and chocolate have been used as a match made in heaven for generations, so here are a few recipe ideas to help give it a go.
Although magic mushrooms can be enjoyed straight up as they are, they can make a great addition to your cooking – especially if you have a sweet tooth. Chocolate and magic mushrooms are an excellent mix, allowing you to enjoy great flavour as you munch down your shrooms. So here are a few recipes to combine the two into magic mushroom chocolate, making the mushroom experience much more palatable.
Dosage for all of these recipes is quite simple. All you have to do is use one normal raw dose per portion.
Example: If you are creating one chocolate bar to share between two people, use two doses of magic mushrooms and evenly distribute it throughout the entire bar. This will mean half a bar equals one dose.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The psilocybin within magic mushrooms – the main psychoactive ingredient – quickly breaks down when exposed high temperatures, so make sure your shrooms are never placed in any overly hot substance.
The most simple and straight forward method of creating a magic mushroom infused chocolate is as follows.
You will need:
Thoroughly dried magic mushrooms
Bars of store bought chocolate (whatever you fancy)
A large saucepan
A glass bowl
A sharp knife
Chocolate moulds (if you don’t have moulds you can use a non-stick baking tray)
The first thing to do is make sure your magic mushrooms are thoroughly dried.
Buy mushroom Chocolate Online
Using your sharp knife, cut up your magic mushrooms into small pieces.
Break up you chocolate and place it in your glass bowl.
Put some water in your saucepan then place your glass bowl on top of it to create a DIY bain-marie.
Place your saucepan on a heat source and bring the water to boil. As the water boils it will heat up the chocolate above it, causing it to melt.
Alternative: If you are struggling to get this to work, you can also place your bowl of chocolate in a microwave on low. However, whilst this will work, you will need to keep a very close eye on your chocolate, as it will easily burn when microwaved.
Now that you have melted chocolate, allow it to cool for a second.
Once the chocolate has cooled a little, but is still liquid, add in your finely cut mushrooms.
Stir the chocolate mix so that the mushroom are evenly distributed throughout it.
Carefully pour it out into your moulds and then put them in the fridge to cool and set.
Once it has set, enjoy!
If you fancy yourself as something of an expert in the kitchen, then why not try making some chocolate to put your mushrooms in from scratch?
You will need:
Thoroughly dried magic mushrooms
2 cups of cocoa powder
¾ cup of unsalted butter
½ of sugar
2/3 cup of whole milk
1 cup of water
¼ cup of powdered sugar
¼ teaspoon of salt
A sharp knife
A large saucepan
Mixing bowls
A sieve
Chocolate moulds
Place your water in your sauce pan and heat it to a simmer.
Whilst the water is heating, finely chop your dried magic mushrooms.
Mix the cocoa powder and butter into a paste.
Add the cocoa mix into the now hot water. Mix it all up and bring the mixture back to a simmer.
Once simmering, remove the mix from your heat source and transfer it into a mixing bowl.
Using a separate bowl, sift your sugars and salt together using a sieve. This will remove any lumps.
Add the sugar and salt into the cocoa mixture and stir thoroughly.
Whilst stirring, slowly add the milk to the mixture.
Once everything has reached an even consistency, add your magic mushrooms and stir thoroughly to help create an even spread.
Pour the chocolate into the moulds, then place them in a fridge to cool and set.
For those who want to enjoy their magic mushroom experience as a chocolatey drink, try the following.
Note: be careful here not to make the drink too hot, or it could damage the mushrooms.
You will need:
Thoroughly dried magic mushrooms
3 ½ cups of sugar
2 ¼ cups of cocoa
1 tablespoon of salt
A cup of whole milk per serving
A sharp knife
Large mixing bowl
An airtight container
Cut up your dried magic mushrooms into small pieces.
Combine all of the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl, stirring thoroughly to ensure an even spread.
Put the mix in an airtight container, ready for use as your hot chocolate mix whenever you want it!
To turn you mix into a cup of hot chocolate, microwave a cup of milk so that it is hot, but not boiling. Then all you need to do is stir in 2 tablespoons of your mix and enjoy!
Note: it is a good idea to allow the mushrooms too steep in the mix for 5 minutes or so before drinking. Also, swallowing the chunks of mushroom will increase the potency of the trip – it is recommended, but is not necessary.
Additions: you can add anything else you want to the hot chocolate: whipped cream and marshmallows are great examples!
We hope you enjoy your new chocolatey treats! Combining mushrooms and chocolate is an age old tradition, and one we love.

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