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Minecraft Says no to NFTs because they Create 'scarcity And Exclusion'

Minecraft players Minecraft will not be able to purchase in-game content such as worlds, persona items, skins and other mods through NFTs.

Minecraft the most-sold video game ever, won't support NFTs. proxylist101 They "create an environment where there are haves and have-nots"

Mojang Studios, a Minecraft developer, has stated yesterday (20 July) that NFTs are against the game's core values in a clearly written post on the Minecraft website.

"NFTs and other blockchain technologies create digital ownership based on exclusion and scarcity, which does not align with Minecraft values of creative inclusion and playing together," the company wrote.

"The speculative pricing of NFTs and the investment mentality surrounding them takes the focus away from the game and encourages profiteering. We believe this is incompatible with long-term joy, and success for our players."

Minecraft said the statement was made in response to the feedback of members of the community who asked for clarifications on the studio's position on NFTs and blockchain.

This means that Minecraft, unlike other virtual world games, will not allow blockchain integrations within its client or server applications. NFTs are not allowed to be used in the game to create content, such as skins, worlds, or other items, as well as other mods.

Microsoft-owned Mojang has also said it is concerned that some third-party NFTs may not be trustworthy and could result in a loss for those who purchase NFTs. It highlighted scenarios where third-party NFT managers could "disappear without notice" or NFTs could be "sold at fraudulently or artificially exaggerated prices".

"We recognize that the creation within our game has intrinsic value, and we strive to create a market in which those values are acknowledged."

Online gaming has seen an increase in interest in blockchain technology like NFTs. This issue was also discussed at Future Human earlier in the year.

Companies such as GameStop have expressed confidence in NFTs as an important aspect of the future of gaming, and has launched its own NFT marketplace.

Some companies aren't yet all-in. EA's CEO has said that blockchain and NFTs could be the future of gaming. However, he has stated: "Right now it's not something we're pursuing."

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