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Some Of John Mccain's Lies
By mid-September the Obama campaign pretty much admitted they had no strategy for Sarah or anything else that was not in their game plan. Since they had clearly not done scenario planning they found themselves in a box they could not wiggle out of.

So conservatives are faced with a choice. Abandon what they truly believe in and vote for McCain just because he's a republican. Or visit here for the best candidate for them. I choose the latter.

They waited for the storm to pass and when it was over they moved forward, got the vote out and defeated one of the most notorious members of the House of Representatives.

malaysia election It sounds simple but, it takes the right candidate to do it and ever since she's entered the race, our new Mayor of Orange County Teresa Jacobs has demonstrated it.

Hillary can be non committal about Iraqi Freedom, merely hinting she will bring the forces home, until the last month of the campaign. Then she can make it a promise; since there will still be over 100,000 American troops in Iraq by election day and the casualty numbers could easily be double what they are now.

But McCain's campaign advisers stood up and made their candidate face a hard reality; something the Obama campaign has had difficulty. McCain not only listened to the feedback but based his decision on it.

Does anyone outside of political pundits, advertisers, polling services, and others profiting from the spectacle really believe that these long mind-numbing campaigns result in a more informed voter?
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