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Minecraft Says it Wants nothing to Deal With NFTs, Blockchain

While certain industries are sussing out their opinions regarding NFTs, the video game community is making it clear: NFTs stand for "No F'n Thanks" in their field.

The most recent company to take a stand against non-fungible tokens: Mojang Studios, the developer of the massively popular video game Minecraft.

In a statement put out today on the official Minecraft website, titled "Minecraft and NFTs," the company clarified that it would not allow any form of blockchain or NFT integration with its game.

Mojang Studios and Minecraft laid out a number of reasons for being against NFTs. One reason is that they stated that fake scarcity plays a significant part in the. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens are basically digital assets that are stored on blockchain. The token is unique and connected to the media file to prove ownership of the piece, which turns NFTs into speculation assets.

The statement makes clear that Minecraft does not oppose monetizing, and uses the example of users charging for access to a Minecraft server as an acceptable use scenario. However, because NFTs would alter the game's dynamics and give players who have monetary advantages in games the game, the Minecraft developer is opposed to the technology.

"To ensure that Minecraft players enjoy an enjoyable and safe experience, blockchain technology is not allowed to be used inside our Minecraft client and server applications. Nor can they be utilized to create NFTs that are associated with any in-game content, including skins, worlds and other items, or other mods," declares the statement.

The developer also brought up concerns about the credibility of third-party companies that mint Minecraft-related NFTs, and their tendency to cancel projects, and fraudulently inflate prices on NFT aftermarkets.

Molly White, the Web3 is Going Great website, has succinctly stated that "No blockchain is necessary for an online game" The website is a watchdog of scams, frauds and dramas in the Web3 world. This includes NFT projects and cryptocurrency.

As White notes, the value of existing (and illegal) Minecraft NFT projects tanked following the announcement of Mojang Studios' statement. NFT Worlds, also associated with tokens, saw both the token's value and its NFT floor prices fall by more than 70%.

Minecraft's Mojang Studios is far from the first video game company to operate far away from NFTs. Gamers have expressed that they don't like the idea of purchasing NFTs in addition to the video games they already own. The industry has followed their lead and listened to their anti-NFT opinions. Sony just unveiled Playstation Stars, a loyalty program that rewards users with digital collectibles. The company stated that these digital collectibles were not NFTs.

"It's definitely not NFTs. Absolutely not. You cannot trade them or sell them. It's not making use of any Blockchain technology, and certainly not NFTs." Grace Chen, Sony's VP of network advertising and loyalty said in an interview with The Washington Post.

Mojang Studios ended its statement with a promise to be monitoring the progress of blockchain technology to be used in future use cases. However, this opens the door to potential uses based on current possibilities. But, at least in the near future, this is another win for gamers who absolutely hate NFTs.

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