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Are usually safest distance from a 5G cell Tower system?
If you've ever been through a city and spotted tiny 5G cell towers on street light poles. They look like little boxes, but they're actually broadcasting wireless signals from mobile providers to your phone.

They are replacing larger built cell towers. While they're not as noticeable however, they could create issues for users.
It is the Federal Communications Commission's Radiation Exposure Thresholds

The FCC's Radiation Exposure Thresholds establish the safe distance that one can expose to electromagnetic energy generated by wireless devices. The limits for exposure are based on scientific data that show that RF energy could cause harm to health.

what is a safe distance from a cell tower (SAR) is a measure of the radiofrequency energy absorbed by tissue. It's typically 1.6 milliwatts per kilogram calculated over one gram of tissue.

But, since 5g operates at higher frequencies this could be able to cause greater energy intensity on the skin and other exposed body parts. This can result in various potential harms, including exacerbated development of skin diseases such as dermatitis, skin cancer and cataracts.

Due to the possible harmful effects of radiation from 5G, PSU has chosen to set a general localized maximum power density of four MW/cm2 averaged on 1cm2, and not exceeding 30 minutes for all 5G services at 3000 GHz. This localized limit is in accordance with the peak spatial-average SAR of 1.6 W/kg, which is averaged over 1 g of tissue at 6 GHz.
The FCC's Maximum Exposure Thresholds

In the event that you've used mobile phone, you probably know that a safe location from the tower is around 400 meters. This is due to the transmitting power of a cell tower increases dramatically the further your location from the tower.

While this sounds like something that's good, the reality is that people who live close to towers may actually be more susceptible to health issues. For instance, a 2014 study in India discovered that people who lived within 50m from cell towers suffered significantly more health complaints than those who were far from antennas.

However, this study also found that people who moved to areas further away from cell towers noticed their symptoms return to normal within a few days. Other studies have revealed that exposure to high frequencies of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) could cause cancer, brain tumors as well as other health issues.

This is due to the fact that radiofrequency radiation, used in wireless communication can penetrate the human body's exterior layer, the skin. This is important to understand because the skin serves as a protective barrier against mechanical injury, infection by pathogenic microorganisms, and the entry of harmful substances. It is also the most important organ in the human body. what is a safe distance from a cell tower is accountable for maintaining the integrity of other organs.
safe distance to live from cell phone tower are based on numerous assumptions that are not supported by evidence from science. They include the incorrect belief that exposures to RF radiations are not harmful due to the limited penetration into the body (i.e., tissue heating).

This assumption does not take into account the more extensive penetration of ELF components of modulated RF signals, as well as the effect of short bursts of heat from pulsed RF waves. These assumptions are not in line with current understanding of the biological consequences of RF radiation. As such, they should not be considered for health protection exposure guidelines.

Furthermore to that, ICNIRP and FCC limit the maximum limits of exposure to peak local SARs, based on the peak frequency of absorption (psSAR) that is not a reliable dosimetric instrument to assess the amount of exposure to RF radiation. In particular, psSAR is inaccurate for frequencies above 6 GHz. Additionally, psSAR hasn't been tested for RF radiation exposed to other environmental agents such like sunlight. The interactions of RF radiation and other environmental agents may produce synergistic or antagonistic results. This can lead to an increased risk of adverse health effects. For instance, exposure to RF radiation with sunlight may raise the chance of developing skin cancer and exacerbate other skin conditions like acne.

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