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God and the Lessons of Money - Part 1
We are at the beginning of the next decade of the new millennium. In the first few years of the brand new century, we've witnessed a number of the greatest accumulations of wealth ever. The currency markets was raging, real estate markets were rising and even following the Internet Stock bubble burst, it seemed that America continued to sing that old song from the 30's, "We're In THE AMOUNT OF MONEY".

But as time continued, the true estate market in addition to the stock market showed themselves to be the Emperor with no clothes. As companies went from having defined benefit pension plans where retirees would know how much they might get when they retired, to defined contribution plans where in fact the employees took on the market risk, what seemed to be a good idea suddenly is becoming an albatross, an indicator of evil and foreboding of bad times ahead.

Regardless of what index you look at, the markets have all dropped beyond anyone's worse expectation. But what is worse may be the effect that a lack of 28, 35 or 40% methods to people who have no other liquid asset base.

The most notable 1% of the wealthy in the us control 33% of all the privately held wealth in the country. The next 19% which consists of professional, managerial and small enterprises control 51% of the wealth. That leaves the remaining 80 percent of American workers to talk about a paltry 16% of the wealth of the country's economy. That means that salaried and wage employees, while making up the largest part of the American workforce, have very little control of their own destiny.

This is the reason that I have chosen to utilize the Book of Ecclesiastes for our text today. The timelessness of the Bible speaks to all or any generations concerning the realities of life and what's truly important in the bigger scheme of things.

We twenty-first century Americans can learn something from the ancient Israelites. By using the principles of the Bible as set up a baseline we can understand how the current situation can be overcome on an individual basis. Because just as in Israel, salvation is made of the average person not of the country. And like Israel we should discover how to live, what things we can control and what things we can't.

In spite of what prosperity preachers teach, the Bible does not say that everyone will be rich. The Smith-Barney brokerage commercials tells the message of what many churchgoers believe about money AND salvation. "We earn money the old fashioned way; we EARN it."

God's message is fairly different than what is said on Wall Street-He provides to those who don't deserve it, giving to them something they will have no capacity to earn and provides it in their mind without expectation of repayment. He has adopted us into his family as joint heirs with all the current privileges to be a natural-born child.

The Lure of Money

Verses 1-. It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or Independent, what I am about to say applies equally to all the members of your affiliated party. Many of them are likely to bust hell wide open.

I don't say that due to what policies one or the other party has tried or is wanting to enforce, or what platform they have or what legislative agenda they have tried to enact. The truth is, while I have no idea some of them personally, the Bible says that "There's none righteous, no not one. There is none who seek after God." Rom. 3:10

The majority of the legislators in both houses of congress is there to get paid. Or even while in office, then after.

It really is little wonder that ordinary American's have little say in what goes on in the world. There is no lobby for Ordinary Folk. There are no Senator's that are going to go to work to push for legislation that benefits Average Jane and Joe.

But there comes a cost for having wealth. The more you have, the more you want. Back the 60's, reporter asked him how much cash will do. John D. replied, "Slightly bit more."
A FRESH York survey of these making over $200,000 each year showed that while these were far better off than most American's, they felt more aware of their relative insufficient wealth as compared with those earning more than they. Basically, they had more anxiety because of not earning millions each year than those that earned under $100,000 per year.

We believe that if we have additional money, everything will undoubtedly be alright. If only I possibly could make an extra $5,000, $10,000 per year, we'd be ok. We believe, just like John D. Rockefeller that if we just had a little more, everything would be alright.

For this reason Solomon says, "There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common among men: A man to whom God Has given riches and wealth and honor, so that he lacks nothing for himself of all he desires; yet God will not give him the power to consume of it, but a foreigner consumes it. That is vanity, in fact it is an evil affliction."

The quest for wealth has been the sign of the American experiment. Time and time again, those who were ready to risk much have been able to reward themselves and their families with a higher quality lifestyle and the betterment of society.

But the Protestant Work Ethic that was instilled by our Puritan forebears that allowed America to end up being the envy of the planet in wealth and prosperity has been corrupted and misplaced.

Rather than placing focus on a genuine day's wage for a genuine day's work, and the reality that all person's vocation, regardless of how trivial or mundane, had worth in and of itself, we find that those that lead a corporation by elimination of the workforce are the most highly compensated, rather than those whose effort allows the merchandise to be taken to market.

The Puritans felt that work, whatever it involved, had worth as long as the individual realized that he was doing it as "unto god, the father". Beginning in the Garden of Eden, humans have the need to DO, to cultivate, to work.

Now, those that do the least will opt to lower expenses by laying off those that assemble, distribute and sell the things that cause them to be able to be compensated.

What has happened? How did the machine become corrupt?

Simply stated, it was because while most individuals were not Christian before the Puritans, however they at least held to what was a nominally Christian worldview that viewed God as in control and that things were under his providence.

Additional info understood that God created everything on the planet, everything in the universe and that people are all going just how of all flesh. Quite simply, no matter just how much wealth is accumulated in this life, if you don't have Jesus Christ as savior, there is absolutely no amount of money which will allow you to get into heaven, there isn't enough money in the world to keep you from going to hell, and that everything nowadays is eventually likely to pass away.

The Rich man in Luke 16:19-31 would have foregone all of his wealth if he could only have a drop of water to be placed upon his tongue to quench the torment he felt. But instead of the ease he previously in this life, he could only wish he could send warning to his category of the reality of hell.

Now, we are in Post-Christian America, where even churchgoing Christians tend not to understand the basic principles of Orthodox Christianity, that the word, "God helps those who help themselves" is not in the Bible, but was a quote from Benjamin Franklin. That wealth isn't a symbol of God's blessing, but more often an indicator of personal spiritual apathy and a declaration of independence FROM God.

In study after study it has been shown that there surely is an inverse relationship between income and interest in God. Put simply, generally speaking the more money you make, the not as likely you are to visit church regularly, to pray regularly and to take into account God in general.

The Love of Money

What is it that we are to love? How are we to react to love when we receive it? Why do people sometimes don't look out for the requirements of others? God is at the center of all of those questions.

In the first place, we have been to love God with this whole core and might. There's to be nobody or nor any thing that comes between our relationship with ourselves and our creator, sustainer and redeemer. For unless our relationship with God is to be able, our relationship with this families, our neighbors and co-workers can't be right.

But how many people do we know who boast of what earthly possessions they have or their capability to do this or that, or to go here or there.

In Paul's first letter to Timothy, he compares the life of godliness compared to that of seeking money because of its own sake. (1Tim 6:6-12)-What Paul is getting across to Timothy is that while there is nothing wrong with wealth in and of itself, far too often wealth, the need to be wealthy and/or the pursuit of it becomes a snare and trap for many who become enamored by its allure. Wealth is really a desire that's difficult to satisfy and it becomes a stumbling block to those who seek to serve Christ.

In the Book of Acts, Ananias and Sapphira tried to attend some of what the proceeds of a sale of real estate that they owned from the Apostles with their own destruction. (Acts 5:1-10). It had been not they were wealthy, but they were attempting to deceive God by declaring they had given their all, when they only gave a portion.

Look, God owns it all anyway. He doesn't need what you have. But if you'd like the best He's got, you must be willing to turn over control of what you perceive as yours to Him. As Americans, we have a tendency to look at things and feel that we can accomplish anything on our own.

But as Jesus said in Luke 12:48, "For everybody to whom much is given, from him much will be required..." or as is in a few translations "much is expected".

But far too many of us have already been guilty of answering the question that writer Denis Brogan asked in the mid-forties; if God was to be replaced..."What would replace Him? Could anything replace Him but 'Democracy' made into an object of worship, or business or success?"

And the business of business is to advance SELF interest. That is, the determination to create money may be the overriding principle in the advance of the capitalistic ideal. Michael Douglas as Gordon Gecko in "Wall Street" purring, "Greed is good", is now being transplanted into the real life by Bernie Madoff.

Compare the current hand wringing over our current status of the economy using what Jesus said to his disciples in Matt. 6:25-33. "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, everything you eat or what you will drink; nor about the body, what you will put on. Is not life a lot more than food and your body more than clothing? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you be worried about clothing? Think about the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory had not been arrayed like one of these brilliant.

"Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown in to the oven, will He very little more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore usually do not worry, saying 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'

"For after all these exact things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you'll require each one of these things. But SEEK FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and ALL THESE THINGS shall be put into you."

And for the reason that last line is encapsulated the entirety of the desire of the Christian; to seek the righteousness that God graciously gives to his subjects in His Kingdom, the gift that none could work for, earn, buy or deserve.

And when we submit to the authority of the only wise God, to whom be honor, glory power and majesty, now and forevermore, we have all our needs looked after.

The Labor of Money

If we are perfectly honest, not merely are we all doing work for the Lord, ME! You want to be on the throne of our lives, we want to have control of our households and we want control of our pocketbooks and billfolds.

In other words, we wish a small 'g' god that people can control, one we are able to dictate our wants, needs and desires to and also have the expectation that, just like a genie of the magic lamp he will grant us our wishes and the desires of our hearts.

Which leads to the following quote; "Show me someone's checkbook, and I show you what is important in their mind." Your spending habits tell more about you as well as your personality and desire than other things.

Today, when you go back home, I want one to do something for me. Take your check book, online bank statements or just the receipts for days gone by three months. Go back and look at just how much you allocated to YOU, just how much you spent on your loved ones and then how much you spent on GOD. Then break that down into percentages to see the most important thing to you.

Now, when I say what you spent on God, I don't only mean what you placed into the offering plate, although that's important. I also mean what you spent on developing your relationship with God. You understand, music, cd's, books, movies, dvd's, magazines. Anything that would enhance and strengthen your connection, knowledge and love of God.

Then, just how much time did you spend in the last month at work. 40, 50, 60 hours? And what were your profits for that point. Then how much of your energy was spent together with your family? And how much of this time was spent in meaningful communication?

Then just how much of the rest of the time was spent with God? Counting church services. And of this time, how much was spent in "meaningful communication"?

Someday, when I'm ready I'm going to write an essay that could turn into a book. It's about my cousin who died this January. I already have the title for it; it's called "Buddha and the Cross".

You see Artie was what I and the household called him, but also for 26 years that he was on the Michigan State Police, he was known as Buddha.

Now, long story short, Buddha was a profane, drunken, womanizing poor excuse for a human being. But simultaneously, he was a caring, devoted father, loving son and kind officer who help others and think about them before thinking of himself.

After he died, his wife asked me to speak at his funeral. And, as my mentor, companion and Father-in-law once told me, "You can't preach anyone into heaven or hell. That's all in God's hands."

WHEN I stood and begun to speak to his brothers, his wife, daughters, friends and former co-workers, I spoke what I know to be the truth from the Bible. Artie will make you as mad as anything, but he could also make you break out in the biggest smile and heartiest laugh. He could try your patience and he would take the best care of you. He'd can get on your last nerve, but he would walk out his way to do something good for you.

read more knew he was a sinner; he knew that he deserved punishment. But he also knew that Jesus died for him. And I leave all the answers to all or any the questions anyone ever has about his fate in the Hands of God, who found seek and save the lost, to supply a way of salvation not for the righteous, but for sinners.

What does that have related to the labor of money? Let me tell you. In Isaiah 55, god, the father says, "Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat. Yes come, buy wine and milk without money and without price."

"Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen diligently if you ask me, and eat what's good, and let your soul take pleasure in abundance. Incline your ear, and come to me. Hear, as well as your soul shall live; and I'll make an everlasting covenant with you-the sure mercies of David.

"Seek the Lord while he might be found, call upon him while he could be near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He'll have mercy on him; also to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.

"For my thoughts are not your ideas, nor are your ways my ways' says the Lord. For because the heavens are greater than the earth, so can be my ways greater than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts."

God is not a guy he should lie. Consider yourself. Consider your life. Consider what money cannot buy and seek the Lord while he may be found.

Rev. Adrian Powell can be an ordained minister in the Church of God (Anderson, IN). He could be an experienced church planter, pastor, speaker and seminar resource, having served and ministered in churches in the Midwest, Eastern and Southern USA.

A strong expositional speaker, Adrian is called to create the Church the "Whole Counsel of God" in the regions of Evangelism, Apologetics, Grace, Christ and Culture, Unity, Reality and Racial Reconciliation and submission to the reality of Scripture. "The Church must remain true to the word, 'Reformed and Always Reforming'".

A popular preacher of the Gospel, he has also had articles published in the Columbus Dispatch, Urban Trendsetters and national magazines such as Vital Christianity and Purpose Magazine.

A bi-vocational minister, he has over 15 years experience in the Financial Services industry. He could be an associate of the Society of Financial Services Professionals, the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, has received his Fraternal Insurance Counsellor designation from the National Association of Fraternal Insurance Counsellors and happens to be seeking the Charter Life Underwriter (CLU) from the American College. He could be also available to speak in chuches on Biblical Economics, Stewardship and Finances, THE REALITY About Tithing and Real Prosperity.

For questions about speaking schedules and availability, contact him at [email protected]. His website for Biblical Finances is
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