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Florida Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company - Determination of Duty of Care
The jury in the second trial court found that t here is no right to defend the appellee and therefore, none of the insurance policies are a valid contract for liability insurance coverage by Florida lawyers' Mutual Insurance Company ("Florida Lawyers"). linkedin was reversed.

The Court of Appeals, the Third District of Florida, affirmed. The majority opinion stated that the Appellate Division of the Second District of Florida had "erred" in finding that it did not have jurisdiction to grant relief on behalf of Florida Lawyers. The majority further held that the claim was "speculative," which meant that the claim could not be sustained because of its "impracticability."

The Florida Supreme Court reversed the reversal of the trial court. The Court of Appeals had not taken into consideration the facts surrounding the claim and thus had incorrectly concluded that Florida lawyers Mutual was not a licensed insurer, even though it had been a licensed insurer for the last several years. The Court of Appeals had misconstrued the word "speculative" in the statute. The majority opinion stated that there is a common meaning of "speculative," namely that there may be no evidence for a conclusion other than "speculation."

The majority further held that the insurance company had failed to establish a duty of care to protect the rights of the insured. The majority did not find a duty of care necessary in this situation because the appellee was at fault. This failure was "inconsistent with the insurance company's conduct."

The majority opinion stated that the majority of cases involving the law of negligence and tort had found no duty of care by Florida lawyers Mutual, even though they had recognized a duty of care by a defendant or the insurance carrier. The majority further stated that the fact that the defendant or insurer did not have a duty to act in a reasonable manner was not dispositive and did not necessarily establish that the defendant or insurer lacked a duty of care.

The majority stated that the trial court's decision of "in favor of the defendant, Florida Lawyers," in the first trial court was erroneous and should not have been approved. as a matter of law. The trial court's error was based on its improper focus on whether the insurance policy provided a "substantial risk" that the injury would result. from the defendant's act or omission.

The majority found that the majority of the Florida insurance companies that it had surveyed "stated a substantial risk of harm if they failed to do business." The majority also found that the "substantial risk" that the company had failed to make payment for damages in the case was not enough to establish a "substantial risk" of harm.

The majority held that the trial court erred in finding that Florida Lawyers Mutual did not have a "duty to protect." This case was reversed.

Mutual Insurance Co. was sued by a former employee, Richard Boggs. In his complaint, Boggs alleged that the company violated a state statute that protects public employees from sexual harassment by corporations and that it discriminated against women. The plaintiff filed a complaint against Mutual Insurance on behalf of the female employees under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, claiming that the company had a duty of care for women employees.

The trial court found that there was no duty of care by Mutual Insurance; however, it determined that the company did have a duty of care for employees who were involved in sexual harassment in their workplaces. in that it was not negligent in denying the plaintiff's request to be allowed to file a sexual harassment claim against his employer. The court concluded that the company was required to act reasonably, even though it declined to allow Boggs to bring a claim against the company for its discrimination because it was in violation of a statute of limitations.

The majority held that there was a duty of care for a private individual to protect the rights of the individual under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, but that the duty of care for public employees was not owed to the individual. The duty of care owed to the company was not reasonable. In this case, the court determined that the majority did not have jurisdiction to consider whether a company has a duty of care because the statute of limitations did not apply in this situation.

It should be noted that the majority in Mutual Insurance did not consider the fact that the employee had a reasonable expectation of receiving a favorable resolution of his or her claims. The majority found that the employee was entitled to a jury award for a jury trial, and thus the court did not need to determine whether the employee was injured as a result of the negligence of the company.
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