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5 Types Of Job Aplicant You May Unjustly Ignore
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Hiring for almost any position is difficult and time-consuming. The temptation to take shortcuts with the process can therefore be overwhelming, but this can also make it easy to dismiss employment applicant on the basis of just one or two factors. That, in turn, means you will be overlooking some genuinely great candidates.

Here are five types of applicant about whom you may ask: ?are they necessarily so very bad??


Yes, those boozy nightclub pictures or that slightly over-the-line sexual talk on the Facebook or Twitter page might not immediately strike you as very professional.

However, it could be argued that recruiters often overdo the social media marketing stalking these days. The end result is that someone being a certain way within their personal life doesn?t mean they're necessarily that way in their professional life ? indeed, they may otherwise be your dream candidate.

2. THE MAIN ONE Who?s BAD At Interviews

Understand that it isn?t an individual?s flair in the interview room that you?ll need from them on a day-to-day basis at work. So does it certainly matter so much that they may have been nervous or fluffed one or two peripheral interview questions?

3. read more Who Studied Online

Seeing that an applicant graduated from an online-based, non-brick-and-mortar institution might cause you to wonder if they?re as effective as they state. Is that first-class degree worth up to the ones awarded to graduates at the red-brick or plate-glass university in your nearest major city?

That could be an understandable worry if the institution is an obscure one or the course the applicant studied appears to lack relevance to your position. But whatever you do, don?t reject the candidate simply on the basis that they studied an online degree.

4. The One Who?s Constantly Changing Jobs

Given that recent CIPD research found UK workers? job satisfaction to possess hit a two-year low, is it such a shock that more folks are switching jobs a lot these days? It?s been quite a long time since the days of ?jobs for life? for most of us.

Job-hoppers shouldn?t necessarily be treated as undesirable ? not when they have also long been connected with such positive and unique traits as ambition, adaptability and a willingness to take risks, as may serve your business well in the event that you add such a candidate to your staff.

5. THE MAIN ONE With The Employment Gap

The longer someone has been out of employment, the harder it will be for them to break back to the workplace. But are employers sometimes harsh in judging candidates for a few months as well as years unemployed?

After all, everyone includes a reason for not having been in employment for a particular time period, also it may be a very valid one regarding a candidate who might just be an excellent asset to your team.

Would you like to minimise your odds of missing out on the best candidates ? even those that may have a flaw or two? Give the Fusion In-House Recruitment Software from Webrecruit a go, as it really does cover all of the bases.

Related Articles - In-House Recruitment Software, Recruitment Technology,
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