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1. Numbers

account, amount, average, difference, division, figure,
growth, heap, number, rest, result, sum, variety, zero --
to total -- absolute, all, another, any, different, entire,
every, few, final, first, general, half, immense, many,
one, quite, second, several, single, some, total -- about,
almost, below, frequent, further, once, over, very.

Additional vocabulary:
the four rules, addition, substraction, multiplication,
remainder, fraction, even/odd number, cardinal/ordinal
number, surplus, the multiplication-table problem in
arithmetic, dozen/a score, pile, bulk, to substract, to
multiply, to calculate, to compute, to lessen, to
eliminate, to total up, numerous/countless, innumerable,

2. Measurements and Weights

date, depth, detail, distance, end, equality, fortune, hour,
length, load, measure, mile, minute, month, pair, pause,
quarter, surface, year -- to estimate, to thin, to weigh --
deep, distant, equal, even, farther, great, heavy, high,
irregular, less, light, long, more, most, much, narrow,

Additional vocabulary:
measure of length, square/cubic/liquid measure, an inch, a
foot, a yard, a sqare inch, an acre, a square mile, a cubic
foot, a register ton, a pint, a quart, a gallon, a bushel,
avoirdupois, an ounce, a pound, a stone, a hundredweight, a
ton, breadth, burden, contents, capacity, to enlarge, to
widen, to deepen, to shorten

3. Amounts

barrel, basin, basket, bottle, bowl, box, capital, debt,
division, gift, interests, lot, mass, means, part, plenty,
price, profit, quantity, savings, space, value, worth -- to
class, to deal, to distribute, to gain, to gather, to give,
to increase, to leave, to lend, to lose, to receive, to
reduce, to rise, to ruin -- entirely.

Additional vocabulary:
proportion/mixture, trifle, gap, to deprive s.o. of,
to lower, to diminish, to consume, to contribute (to), to
heap up, sufficient, grave, extremely/compeletely


4. Points in and spaces of time

age, birth, century, date, death, evening, future, holiday,
moment, morning, past, presence, silence, time, year, youth
-- to begin, to fade, to hurry, to last, to pass -- ago,
ancient, due, early, former, future, immediate, late,
original, present, regular, up-to-date, young -- after,
afterwards, all of a sudden, already, at first, again,
finally, gradually, immediately, now, sometimes, soon,
then, till, when.

Additional vocabulary:
period, duration, eternity, present, instant, posterity,
childhood/old age, to elapse, to linger, to cease, to
resume, durable/eternal, primitive, constant,
instantaneous, simultaneously, instantly, previously

5. Calendar

April, August, autumn, century, Christmas, day, December,
Easter, February, Friday, holiday, January, June, July,
March, May, Monday, month, moon, November, October,
Saturday, September, spring, summer, sun, Sunday, Tuesday,
Thursday, Wednesday, week, winter, year -- always, today,
tomorrow, tonight, yesterday.

Additional vocabulary:
calendar, working-day, week-day, leap-year, decade,
birthday, Whitsuntide (Pentecoste), dusk, dawn, twilight, a

6. Time, Clock

afternoon, clock, day, evening, hour, minute, moment,
morning, night, quarter, watch -- to advance, to ring, to
stop -- exact, fast, late, quick, slow -- in the afternoon,
always, this evening, again.

Additional vocabulary:
alarm-clock, (wrist-)watch, dial, long/short hand, sun-dial,
forenoon, quarter of an hour, half an hour, to put back,

III. Outer Space

7. Space and Sky

air, cloud, distance, earth, east, echo, form, heaven,
height, limit, line, material, middle, north, shadow,
shape, sky, south, space, star, sun, surface, temperature,
turn, west, world -- to appear, to light up, to slow up, to
turn -- bright, clear, high, long, natural.

Additional vocabulary:
darnkness, new/full moon, waxing/waining moon, crescent,
sunbeam, eclipse of the sun/moon, sunshine, fixed star,
planet, shooting star, the milky way, celestial body,
pole-star, Charles's wain/The Great Bear, to beam/dazzle,
to revolve (round), to illuminate, to gleam, blazing,
(in)visible, sunburnt

8. Weather

air, blast, cold, degre, drop, fog, heat, ice, rain, shower,
snow, temperature, thunder, weather, wind -- to blow, to
change, to fall, to melt, to rain, to warm, to whistle --
bad, clear, cold, dark, dry, ffine, fresh, hot, rainy,
violent, warm, wet.

Additional vocabulary:
thermometer, barometer, atmospheric pressure, climate, the
tropics, whirlwind, snow-storm/-flake, hurricane,
weather-forecast/-chart, moisture, dew, thunderstorm/-clap,
hail, frost/hoar-frost, heat wave/cold spell, mist,
raindrop/rainbow, cloudburst, thaw, drought, to splash/to
trickle, to rage, to howl, to shiver, to soak, stormy,
changeable/unsettled, foggy, chilly, sultry, moist, damp,
overcast, hazy

9. Geography and Geology

bank, bay, capital, coal, colony, commerce, cotton, country,
course, crossign, discovery, district, earth, gold, grass,
ground, growth, hill, hole, iron, island, land, length,
life, map, mark, market, merchant, metal, mine, mountian,
mouth, mud, nation, native, neighbour, ocean, origin,
outline, passage, path, people, plain, plant, poool, rail,
range, sand, settlement, slope, soil, spring, square,
state, station, stone, stream, street, trade, traffic,
valley, voyage, water, way -- to cover, to extend, to
flood, to flow, to form, to grow, to separate, to shake, to
stretch, to surround -- broad, clear, commercial, deep,
high, local, low, native, plain, pure, rare -- across,
anywher,e apart, around, aside, away, backwards, behind,
below, beneath, near, next, nowhere, over.

Additional vocabulary:
continent mainland, hemisphere, north/south pole, equator,
horizon, summit, ridge, pass, gorge, landslip, glacier,
lake, canal, cave, pasture, heath, highlands, plateau,
boulder, volcano, eruption, marsh, bog, swamp, whirlpool,
eddy, stagnant water, earthquake, waterfall, clearing,
oasis, dike/dam, straits, beach, gulf, the tides, low/high
tide, breakers, isthmus, sluice, ock, inundation, cliff,
sand-bank, promontory, brook, affluent, tributary,
watershed, divide, ford, to submerge, to overflow, to be
outlined against, to burst forth, steep, shallow, extinct,
earthly, earthen, marshy, boggy, swampy, muddy
Europe (European), Germany (German), the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland (British), England
(English), Ireland (Irish), Scotland (Scottish, Scotch),
Wales (Welsh), Austria (Austrian), Belgium (Belgian), Spain
(Spanish), France (French), Italy (Italian), the
U.S.S.R/the Soviet Union (Soviet-(Russian)), Switzerland
(Swiss), the Netherlands (Dutch), Sweden (Swedish), Denmark
(Danish), Norway (Norwegian), Greece (Greek), Africa
(African), Asia (Asian), China (Chinese), Japan (Japanese),
America (American), The United States of America
(American), Australia (Australian), London, Dublin,
Edinburgh, Vienna, Brussels, Rome, Leghorn, Moscow, the
Hague, Tokyo, Washington, Canberra
the Straight of DOver, the English Channel, the Irish Sea,
the Pennine Chain, the Shetland Islands, the ORkney
Islands, the Isle of Wight, the North Sea, the Atlantic
Ocean, the Mediterranean, the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Rocky
Mountains, the Appalachians, the Great Lakes

10. Space, Length in Space

base, bottom, centre, corner, course, crossing, difference,
direction, distance, end, entrance, extension, extent,
front, haste, height, hurry, length, middle, place,
quarter, range, spot, step, surface, zone -- to cover, to
creep, to develop, to distinguish, to divide, to drive, to
drop, to ente,r to escape, to extend, to fall, to fasten,
to find, to flow, to fly, to fold, to follow, to gather, to
handle, to head, to hold, to hurry, to inculde, to jump, to
keep, to lean, to leave, to lie, to lift, to lower, to
pass, to place, to ride, to rock, to roll, to run, to
shake, to sink, to sit, to slide, to slip, to spread, to
stand, to turn, to twist -- aboard, abroad, absent, calm,
different, distant, distinct, empty, flat, high, irregular,
large, left, level, local, long, quick, right, round, wide
-- across, after, against, ahead, around, aside,
backward(s), before, below, beneath, beside, between,
beyond, close, contrary, down, farther, here, inside, of,
under, up, upper, upstairs, upwards, where.

Additional vocabulary:
expanse, dimension, vacuum, extremity, frontier, boundary,
neighbourhood, remoteness, upper part, to expand, to hover,
to soar up, to descend, extensive, widespread, voluminous,
bulky, centrally located, spacious, comprehensive,

IV. The Human

11. Body

arm, back , bag, basin, beard, belt, blood, body, bone,
bowl, brain, breath, calf, chest, composition, condition,
elbow, eye, face, fat, feeling, finger, fist, flesh, foot,
forehead, hair, hand, heart, heel, joint, look, man,
memory, mind, mouth, muscle, nose, root, shoulder, sight,
spirit, stomach, strenghth, sweat, tongue, tooth, trunk --
to beat, to bend, to bite, to breathe, to cry, to feed, to
feel, to handle, to seize, to sigh, to stretch, to sweat --
bare, female, lean, male, pale -- inside, outside

upper arm/forearm, thigh/shank, palm, finger-tip, thumb,
knuckle, shin(-bone), ankle, sole, hip, skeleton, skull,
temple, palate, tip of the nose/tongue, upper/lower jaw,
gum, upper/lower lip, vocal chords, gullet, oesophagus,
eyeball, the pupil of the eye, eyebrow/lash/lid, curl /
parting, waist, backbone, spine, windpipe, belly, abdomen,
navel, kidney, gall-bladder, appendix, bowels, intestines,
circulation of the blood, nervous system, pulse, marrow,
tonsils, spleen, sinew, to pant, to gasp, to weep / to sob,
to wink, to blink, to yawn, to sneeze, to chew, to
perspire, masculine, feminite, corpulent, stout, plump,
meagre, slender, slim, lanky, robust, husky,
long-/short-sighted, beardless

12. Look and movements

activity, address, air, appearance, balance, beauty,
behaviour, charm, colour, dance, expression, movement,
skill, smile -- to act, to cry, to dance, to express, to
frown, to lean, to lie, to move, to please, to smile --
active, beautiful, busy, charming, coarse, handsome, happy,
irregular, lazy, light, merry, nice, regular, rough, ugly

complexion, countenance, physique, physical constitiution,
weakness, gait, errand, collision, clash, to conduct
oneself, to weaken, to dangle, to grow pale,
graceful/awkward, attractive, striking, wobbly

13. Senses


ability, anxiety, application, attention, colour, crash,
cruelty, curiosity, eye, face, feeling, hate, heat, sight,
smell, taste -- to astonish, to crash, to fade, to fear, to
flash, to hate, to hear, to heat, to hurt, to regard, to
smell, to taste -- able, afraid, anxious, aware, beautiful,
clear, coarse, cold, cool, cruel, curious, dark, delicate,
dry, dull, faint, fair, fearful, fine, fond, fresh, gentle,
glad, handsome, happy, hard, heavy, hot, lovely, merry,
nervous, nice, painful, pretty, rough, sharp, smooth,
sweet, ugly, warm, weak, wet

glance, touch, hearing / sound wave, brightness, perfume,
scent, to behold (beheld, beheld), to gaze, to stare at, to
perceive/to sense, piercing, furtive, deafening, noisy,
delicious, disagreeable, monotonous, slippery

14. Life and death

accident, ashes, being, creature, death, dream, dust, grave,
life, loss, murder, ruin, sacrifice, tear, want -- to bury,
to die, to dream, to drop, to finish, to poison, to remove,
to save, to strike, to suffer, to twist -- asleep, awake,
aware, dead, living

burial, funeral, funeral procession, funeral march,
mortality, tomb-stone, grave-stone, tomb, coffin, epitaph,
wreath, grave-yard, cemetery, corpse / ummy, deceased,
cuicide, cremation, urn, to drown, to be drowned, to shed
blood, to embalm, to grow old, to mourn (for), to commit
suicide, gloomy, dismal, dim/mortal

[I thought this topic's name is "*Life* and death"!]

15. Health, disease, cure

attack, bath, blow, care, change, cold, cough, disease,
doctor, faint, fever, fold, growth, harm, health, hunger,
medicine, nurse, operation, pain, patience, poison, remedy,
rest, sympathy, wound -- to apply, to arrange, to bear, to
break, to burst, to catch, to dress, to enjoy, to fade, to
faint, to grow, to hurt, to nurse, to rest, to swallow --
blind, careful, careless, delicate, mad, merry, faint,
full, healthy, hungry, lame, natural, painful, pale,
senseless, sore, tired, unhealthy

illness, sickness, infection, contagion, delicacy, injury,
loss of blood, blood transfusion, breakdown, collapse, fit
of apoplexy, exhaustion, indisposition, relapse, recovery,
sleeplessness, cold in the head, whooping-cough,
hoarseness, influenza (flu), swelling, ulcer, fracture,
toothache / headache, cancer, polio(myelitis), pneumonia,
measles, scarlet fever, sunstroke, tuberculosis, dressing /
plaster, cotton wool, injection, prescription, remedy,
ointment, tablet, pill, dispensary, night-duty, patient,
sick person, to ache, to consult, to swell up, to bleed
(bled, bled), to heal, to disinfect, to vaccinate, to
squit, to limp, to stutter, to snore, to recover from,
vigorous, sturdy, robust, sickly, feeble-minded, insane,
hereditary, dumb, mute, deaf, innate, exhausted, drowsy,
unconscious, dizzy, bland-headed, crippled, malignant
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