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Namasthe all. Myself Dr Anagha. Firstly I would extend my warm greetings and thank all of you for joining us this evening on the occasion of my father’s retirement. I’m actually thinking if this is even real…. I’m still unable to accept the truth that my father is getting retired…. Time flew so quick !

I always felt the pride, for my father working for the Country’s esteemed organisation, a golden opportunity to serve the nation and society together. May be I never expressed this to him, but I was always a proud daughter !

One biggest thing what he taught me, and is well known for everyone is…. his *Principles*. In spite of various tough times and hurdles in our lives, it was one thing on which he never compromised at any moment. He was, and is, and will be, a man of principles, no matter what the situation is. And I myself personally imbibed the same qualities from him, not to compromise on the principles.

One hidden aspect he have (may be not hidden actually as many of you must have already known), is that apart from being a work-o-holic, he is a good artist and poet. Being his colleagues, you all know that even better than us ! From paintings to writing telugu poetry, he never let the artistic fire in him go away, and may be that is the reason why I am also into such classical arts ! This is one more thing what I have learnt from him…. To enjoy the profession and continue the passion parallelly without disturbing each other.

Not only for our family, but even among our relatives, he’s a ray of hope in a blind tunnel when someone is stuck to make a decision. That’s one thing why many rely on him confidently. That shows how much people trust him. Guiding the family is fine, but when someone else is also relying on you for some important decisions, that shows the importance his advise holds for many!

Usually at certain age, most of the Indian parents wish to get their daughters married , but he asked me to continue my studies and even supported me to pursue my Post-graduation now, something for which I can’t thank him enough. He always understood my interest in studies and supported well in all possible means. Wish every daughter had a father like him

I always wonder how many different angles a person can hold, at times he speaks as a scientist, at times a philosopher, at times highly spiritual, at times funny. He master’s the art of how to speak relevantly in different situation, and his perception of world in different angles in really inspiring

Having said a lot about him, I hereby conclude this. I thank the organisers for giving the chance for me to speak as I never said or expressed these to him. I am now feeling happy that I expressed myself on the dais. I thank each and everyone of you for being with him as a family for all these years.
And finally…. Welcome Home nanna….!
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Regards; Team

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