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My name is Katherine Elizabeth Fernandez. I am currently 16 years old, and I am in 10th grade. The school I am currently attending is called Pinecrest Glades Academy. I am going to be telling you, "My life story." You are probably thinking "OMG, I don't want to hear about a random girl's life story" but my life is kind of interesting. Let's start from the very beginning, I was born on January 24th, 2007. My parents told me that when I was born, I was very tan. I am still tan to this very day but not as dark when I was a baby. My dad told me that when I was born, my uncle had bit my leg softly because my cousin when she was little had got bitten by a dog so when I was born, my uncle wanted to bite me so I could be like my cousin. When I was little, I remember everyday waking up and watching T.V with my brother, Chris. We used to watch GI Joe, Transformers (the original one), Jem and the Holograms (the cartoon), Yo Gabba Gabba, The Backyardigans, Babar: King of the Elephants, Littlest Pet Shop, Power Rangers, Power Rangers: Jungle fiery, and much more. Our parents made us watch old kid cartoons from back in their time. When I ask someone what they watched as a kid they said the regular stuff and when I asked them if they watched the shows I use to watch, they were like what is that or I have never heard of that. One time in my biology class, I was talking to my friend, Brianne, about shows we use to watch as a kid and I said I watched Jem and the Holograms, and my science teacher said OMG who said they watched Jem and the Holograms as a kid. I was like I did Mrs., and she was like wow. I told her my favorite character were the Misfits because of their cool costumes and cool songs they had. The theme song for that show slapped. I remember I would get so excited about when I saw the Misfits started to song their part. I still remember their part till this day. Their part goes like this "But we're the Misfits, our songs are better. We are the Misfits, The Misfits. And we're going to get her." They were by far the best characters or of the whole show. They should have a show named after them called "The Misfits." So basically, getting back to story, sorry that I went off. The reason why I went off topic is because I have ADHD. You are probably wondering what ADHD is. ADHD's medical name is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. There are many types of things people due if they have ADHD. Some of the most common symptoms of ADHD are often fidgeting or squirming when sitting, is easily distracted, talks out of turn, has trouble with following through, has difficulty staying on task, shifts rapidly from one task to another without completing first task or activity, emotional outbursts, doesn't listen, or seems not to process what is being said, prone to losing items including school work, and personal items, difficulty in following even basic instructions, impatience, general restlessness, large and frequent emotional swings, and prone to anger and hot tempered. Me and my brother both have ADHD, my brother knows how to control his impulses while I can't. My parents say I could also control my impulses if I tried. The medication I am taking is called Focalin 40 XR and Focalin 10. I take Focalin 40 XR in the morning for school and that medication last me for 8 hours and I take Focalin 10 in the afternoon and that last me for 5 hours while I finish my homework. When I take my pill, I do a countdown from 3. One day, I randomly did that and to this day I still do it. It is like a way to hype myself before taking my pill. There are some accommodations for having ADHD such as having extra time on a test or extra time for a homework assignment. The teacher can help me understand the lesson better if I don't get it and the teacher can teach me one on one.
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