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You: F22. Please say if reading! This is a dramatic roleplay involving a woman and her brother in law. I would be most compatible with a more dominant male roleplay partner.

My name is Annie, I stand tall at 5'9'', my slim build accentuated by my broad shoulders and long limbs. My auburn eyes are my most striking feature. My hair is dark, a shade of brown that borders on black, and falls in loose waves just past my shoulders. I keep it tied back in a messy bun most days, out of practicality rather than fashion. My face is angular, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline. My nose is straight and my lips are full. As for sexual details, my breasts are a generous handful and my ass is fit and toned.

Your brother, Tom, and I have been together for three years and got married last year. I work as a nurse in the emergency department, and he is an office manager. Ever since we got married, our relationship has changed. Tom has been drinking and gained a lot of weight over the year. You and I haven't spoken much, but we used to be closer when Tom and I were just dating. Tonight, Tom invited you to watch the Super Bowl.

I come home around halftime after a long and grueling shift at work. I unlock the front door and step inside, greeted by the familiar smell of home. I take a deep breath, relieved to be back after a long and tiring shift at the hospital. As I kick off my shoes and hang up my coat, I hear the sound of a bottle clinking against glass. My heart sinks as I realize that my husband is already drunk. "Annie, you're home," he slurs, stumbling into the living room. "Finally. We're starving!" I try to keep my cool as he continues to speak, his words slurring together and barely making sense. "I'll go fix something up." I sigh in defeat. I'm wearing dark blue scrubs and a black turtleneck underneath for obvious reasons. I barely say hi to you and just go to cook you both something to eat.

(Please continue with a description of yourself and some background information about your character! If you're into non con, feel free to play as Tom to fill any needs. After a few replies we can move to discord if we are compatible.))

Stranger: Reading.

Stranger: (Give me a second to type.)

You: (Take your time)

You: (If you sent something, I have not received it)

Stranger: (I'm Julien, 26 years old. I'm 6'3, pretty fit with broad shoulders and arms, nothing like hard, washboard abs but the essence of one on my abdomen. My facial features are a big ethnic nose, a strong jawline, and high cheekbones. I have thin dark brown hair that doesn't reach quite to my shoulders, but I usually have it in a bun nearly at all times. I usually keep myself cleanly shaven, but my hair grows fast, so it ends up being a perpetual 5 o'clock shadow. I have dark blue eyes, and if there is anything else you want to know about me, don't be afraid to ask. Below the belt, I'm 7.5 inches.)

Stranger: (Did you get that? Only have sent description)

You: (Got it. I'll play 25 by the way, Tom will be 29)

Stranger: Growing up, Tom and I didn't always get along. We'd have countless physical fights together about most shit that didn't matter. My parents were thankful when he finally moved out of the house, and we didn't talk much after that except for on holidays. Those few years mostly consisted of him and me having some awkward small talk together and a fake promise that he would contact me to get drinks. All of that until you came along. When the two of you were dating, you had almost acted as a catalyst between us. All three of us would go out for drinks and talk all night, I'd spend countless times on your couch. It changed when the two of you got married. You wouldn't come along when Tom asked to go out for drinks, always at work. I've barely seen you since the wedding, and if I had it's only been in very brief passing, never stopping for conversation.

The first thing I noticed upon coming over tonight was that Tom was already drunk when I got there. Pregaming, he told me, though there was something depressing about it when he was the only one doing it. I didn't question it, I only grabbed myself a beer from the fridge and tried to catch up while I watched the game. When you finally got home, I was only feeling a little tipsy, Tom was sloshed. He was complaining about his hunger before you came in, I tried to remedy it by suggesting pizza, but for some reason he really wanted you to cook. I smiled when you came in, but I could see the exhaustion written all over your face, watched as you disappeared into the kitchen. I took the last sip of the beer I was working on and got up. "Get me another too," Tom slurs out to me, barely halfway done with the drink he was holding. I go into the kitchen, dropping the bottle into the trash. "How was work?" I casually asked as I opened the fridge.

You: (That's a great background!)

Stranger: (Thank you.)

You: I greet you with a mutter, a small nod in your direction before disappearing to the kitchen. I rush into the kitchen, scanning the fridge and pantry for ingredients to throw together a quick meal. I grab a package of pasta and set a pot of water to boil on the stove. While the water heats up, I chop up some garlic and onions, tossing them into a skillet with a splash of olive oil.

I flinch and look back over my shoulder. It's been a while since we've seen each other, and I've missed you. Despite the tense atmosphere with Tom, I feel a spark of warmth seeing a familiar face. "It's great to see you," I say with a tired smile, grateful for the moment of relief from the tension. "Oh you know.. same as always, but I wouldn't have it any other way. How have you been?" I ask, genuinely wanting to hear from you.

Stranger: There's a slight twitch in my eyebrow when you flinch, though I bite my tongue back to ask about it. I grabbed a bottle from the fridge, smiling at your comment. "Yeah, I've missed you. Got yourself a big job and a husband, and suddenly you have no time for friends." I say in a teasing voice as I open my drink, shrugging. "Same old shit," I say, taking a sip of my drink. "Living the same day over and over again, fixing cars, working out, occasionally dragging Tom home from the bar." I scoffed slightly, turning my head slightly to look at him over on the couch. "Do you want a drink or anything?" I suggested.

You: My heart drops when you playfully nudge at the fact I haven't had time for you. "That's... I've been working a lot it wasn't intentional. I'm sorry if it seems I have disappeared" I sigh. Over the past few months, I've lost a noticeable amount of weight. My clothes fit loosely on my slim frame, and my face has a more defined jawline. I'm grateful for the weight loss, but I know it's not from a healthy place. I haven't been eating anywhere near the amount I should be. "Oh, I'm okay, thank you" I refuse the drink. The sizzle of the vegetables fills the air, and I add a can of diced tomatoes to the mix. I sprinkling some salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. The pasta is ready, and I strain it in the sink, adding it to the skillet with the sauce. It's clear I was in a rush to get Tom his dinner.

Stranger: "It's alright," I say in a softer tone. "Just teasing you," I say, my eyes running over your figure a little bit - admittedly, a habit that has never gone away since I met you. Even when we'd go out with friends, they'd catch me staring at you. Lucky for me, Tom is never observant enough to notice. This time it felt different, though, while in the past, it came from the pure attraction I felt for you, it now felt more like concern. I remember you first got your job when you put on your scrubs and sent me a picture of yourself. So happy to have your dream job, I told you you could make any outfit work. You looked different than the picture... The scrubs fit loosely on your body, and your face looked sunken. I was trying to find the right words to mention it to you when I heard Tom yell from the living room. "Fucking hell!" He shouted at the TV, and I turned away to check what was happening. "Did you get me another beer?" He mumbled as I came in, and I walked over to pick up the beer in his hand. "You're not even finished with this one," I said, dropping on the couch beside him.

You: You watch me get tense as I hear his voice and I quickly plate two portions of food, one for you and Tom and none for myself. I serve him his food without a word and he asks me to bring him another drink. I stare at the empty cans on the coffee table, ready to protest against it but he raises his voice at me. "I didn't fucking ask for your opinion, I asked for a whiteclaw" he laughs after. I nod and do as I am told.

Stranger: I take the plate from your hand as you bring it to us. "Thank you," I said quietly before frowning at Tom's tone and chilling laugh afterward. "Hey, come on. No need to talk to her like that," I said as I started to dig into my food, feeling Tom's eyes digging into me. "Don't tell me how to talk to my wife," he grumbled back, and I shrugged. "If you're being shitty to her, I will." I shot back without hesitation.

You: I bring him back the drink and he tells to shower and not come back downstairs as the game is just for the guys. I tell you goodnight and head up. I go to the bathroom and turn on the water, letting the sound of the shower drown out my thoughts. I feel insecure and sad, wishing things were different, but not sure how to make a change. He scoffs when he hears the water go on for more than 5 minutes "I swear she doesn't understand the water bill exists."

Stranger: I wave slightly to you as you disappear upstairs, feeling not only uncomfortable with the way that the relationship between you guys has changed but also angry about it. I try to stay silent, enjoying the food, noting how you didn't eat yourself, and paying attention to the game. But Tom wants to talk. I glared over at him, shaking my head. "You used to take hour-long showers growing up. Take up all the hot water so it was freezing by the time I went in there." I scoffed myself, shaking my head. "She's had a long day at work, let her have a shower at least." I muttered, taking another bite of my food.

You: After my shower I change into my pajamas, trying to ignore the knot in my stomach. I pull on long pajama pants and a navy blue long sleeve cotton top. Tom called it dressing like a nun, he is often disappointed I don't wear anything 'sexy' to bed. The truth is, I don't want to attract his attention, he scares me. My hair is damp and in waves. I settle into bed, listening to the TV downstairs, wondering how long Tom will stay up for.

Stranger: The rest of the evening, Tom had become relatively silent. There was only some loud celebration when our team won. I had a few too many drinks and knew I wouldn't stay up long enough to get sober enough to drive home. Tom told me to make myself comfortable on the couch, it was a little past 12AM when he stumbled up the stairs to the bedroom. Upon coming in, he didn't say anything, only stripping himself from his clothes. He crawled next to you on the bed, your back turned to him, and he immediately took your waist, pulling your body against his. His mouth began to kiss your neck. "Always wearing so many clothes..." He grumbled disapprovingly as his hand reached for the waistband of your pants.

You: I have been fast asleep until he came in. Despite being anxious I was still so tired and exhausted that I couldn't possibly stay awake. I immediately push Tom's hand away and sit up. "Don't touch me, not tonight" I warn. I was no interested in any physical contact, especially knowing that he is wasted

Stranger: He frowns when you pull away from him, though his hand tries to find your waist again. "It'll be quick." He tries convincing you, pulling you to lay back down. "Just relax. We haven't had sex in so long," he whines out to you.

You: I feel a surge of panic and fear as he tries to pull me back down and insists on having sex with me. I try to gently push him away, telling him that I don't want to have sex right now and that I need some space. But as he continues to plead and whine, I start to feel trapped and helpless. I know he will get what he wants regardless of what I say so I stop protesting

Stranger: The moment you become quiet and lay on the bed, his mouth is back on your neck. His hand pulls down your pajama pants and panties, though only so they are around your knees. His breath is hot, he didn't brush his teeth as he continues to kiss on your neck and over your shoulder, your back pressed into his chest as he reaches inside his boxers. He groans when he enters inside of you, his arms are wrapped tightly around you pulling you to him as he thrusts into you. He did tell the truth. It was barely 5 minutes when it was finally over, him letting out a loud groan, warm liquid filling you up before he pulled away onto his back. Almost immediately, he's asleep.

You: I sob quietly into the pillow as he thrusts in to me without a thought about how I feel about this. I feel sore as I wasn't at all aroused for this and my womanhood was just forced to take his cock. I stay still as I wait for him to stop and fall asleep. I wouldn't be able to sleep until I got all the evidence off of me. I quietly make my way to the shower and wash myself, shell shocked and depressed
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