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A Sweet Afternoon of Secret Pleasures: My Diary Entry
It was the day that started out like any other. I had just gotten out of school and immediately headed to the bakery to meet up with my girlfriend, who was already there waiting for me. We had decided to meet here after class so we could have some time alone together before heading home.

I greeted her with a hug and a kiss, then we both got in line to order our favorite pastries. As young free porn waited, we couldn't help but be playful with each other - sneaking touches here and there - even though it felt a bit naughty in public. When it came time for us to get our treats, I insisted on paying for hers too since she'd been studying hard lately and deserved a treat as well.

As soon as we had paid, we grabbed our goodies and went over to one of the smaller tables tucked away in the corner of the store where no one would notice us or overhear what were about to do next. We couldn't contain ourselves anymore - all this anticipation had built up between us throughout the day at school until now when it almost felt like an explosion of pleasure!
school porn devoured our pastries while simultaneously exploring each other's bodies under the table - feeling around everywhere as if no one else existed except us two lovers wanting nothing more than pure pleasure right now!

After finishing our snacks, I took out some sex toys from my bag which I'd brought along just in case things got steamy enough between us during this outing. Of course they did! So without hesitation or fear (as no one could see or hear what we were doing) I proceeded to bring out my vibrator while she regulated its intensity by pressing down on its control button located at its base... man oh man did that feel amazing!

We continued exploring new ways of pleasuring each other using different kinds of sex toys until finally reaching an intense orgasmic state where all sense of reality seemed lost and forgotten entirely....Ahhh yes what a sweet afternoon indeed!! We ended up staying much longer than originally planned but neither one of us minded as every second spent in such delicious sensations was worth it ten fold!

Eventually though reality kicked back in when someone randomly called out asking if anyone needed help.. oh goodness how embarrassing!! But luckily for us no one noticed what exactly was going on beneath that table.. phewf!!! Needless to say I think from then on whenever either one of us thinks about this wonderful memory all those same feelings come rushing back again..... ah yes sweet secret pleasures indeed!!!

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