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A/N: I am just a fan, I dont have the rights to any of this stuff.

France stopped and gazed into space.
Oh no.
It was happening; She couldn't help thinking about 96neko again. She tried not too. Desperate to avoid the thoughts that could not be, no, - would not be- held back.
But like dozens of unstoppable cyclopess they came creeping forward till they filled Her brain;

96nekos smile shined like crystal, as impressive as a rhino, it filled the castle and France was helplessly but willingly absorbed into them.

96nekos eyes were like saturns.If you rolled them they would go quite far.

96nekos legs were like a mountine. Straight and tight.

96nekos chest was like a Spacekings. Powerful and impossible to ignore.

How could France not be helpless in the face of that?She wanted to hug 96neko so much, and maybe, just maybe kiss Her one dayon the cheek.

France snapped out of it. But the thoughts of 96neko would be back. Would She be able to resist next time?
France woke up one winter thursday....
France was finding it really hard to concentrate at this movement her thoughts kept trying to think of 96neko. Despite what was happening, it was hard to focus!
On the day her apartment was attacked with milltary force, Frances son had been sleeping untill 7 am.
Normally he got up at 4 to do his homework, because France had raised him as a good boyafter his mother died in mysterious circumstances all those years ago.

Everyone else was already up.

Raven Shadowmoon, France's daughter, was already making them all fried breakfirst with syrup.
Raven Shadowmoon was an best in her class at bio-chemist, her parents were proud. She was going to a school for higher talents and thats all that mattered to them.
They didnt mind that she was a bit wild at times.

At 11, she now knew 6 langerages, one ancient , 2 computer and four sign langerages.
She found it easy, and learnt them with her dad together.

By now, France was now up and standing on the porch with her shirt off. She stared out over the wide desert landscape, she was handsome in a rugged kinda way.
Once, long ago, she was ranked one of the best special forces soldiers in the world. She was no longer a soldier, and now lived a quite life treasure hunting.
She was troubled by a newspaper artical her read a few days ago, that mentioned that someone from 333 was killed in a massive drive by shooting . Her was one of the few people that knew that that shouldnt happen, because of a magic spell she cast with mythical assbag a few years ago.
The mythical assbag was now hidden in his garrage.
France was disturbed from her deep thinking by Raven Shadowmoon tugging on her shirt.
"Father! Father! Look!".
Raven Shadowmoon pointed urgently at the horizon.
"oh, bollocks!"
Para-troopers Hundreds of them!
They were coming straight at her house.
She ran inside and bolted the front door.
She woke her son up, and told everyone to run out the back.
They woke their pilot, who happened to be sleeping in the next room.

"Quick! Start the Blimp! We are under attack!"
"OMG" He said as 3 run out.
He ran back in with his helmit.
"Holy Shit!".
France, meanwhile, triggered an explosion around his garrage in order to hide his precious mythical assbag. The rocks fell and burried it totaly secretly so no one would find it. (None of the soliders heard the explosion as they were looking the other way)
Meanwhile, the invading force drew closer.
France and his family ran to the hanger, Raven Shadowmoon leading the way with her sword
They dodged the soldiers as they ran, ducking and diving between the gunfire.
"Dont worry! We are almost there!".
They dived into their escape vechile, guns blazing.
Their was a soldier already there, but Raven Shadowmoon whackd him.
"Good job!" France said, as she pushed him out.
They started up, and zoomed off, the invading force vanishing into the distance.
"Did you get the secret message?"
"Yes, my good friend Oce told me that Waddles was behind this!".
"We gota deal with this as a family, else we can never live in piece".
So they joined onwards, their enemy's in hot pursuit!

And then, at the worst possible moment. It happened. Again.
France gazed at 96neko.
It was impossible to resist this time. Like a horse France was pulled towards 96neko. It was a like encirclement in a war. It was a like a wand piercing through Her heart. It was a like magnets.
There was No resisting. No mercy. No longer anything else mattered.

96neko looked shocked and then...and then...not shocked. She had known all along.
Of course. How could France have been so stupid? Those long looks at eachother,the times they gazed at the stars together, the candle lit dinners. The tender hugs..
It wasn't just friendship. It never was. It was more and 96neko had known all along.
"I knew" 96neko said.
"oh" France said, realizing all this for the first time.
But there was more...96neko wasn't pulling away. She was pushing tighter. Holding France like a wild giraffe.
At some point their clothes came off.
They got ripped in the process of the pashioning
She didn't care. This is what She had needed for so long. too long. January. maybe more.
But this was now now.
France and 96neko together at last!
They canoddled like lovers and just kissed..

They cuddled a lot and then held hands.
Afterwards they looked at eachother as if for the first time and had a cigarette.
But they knew they must leave.
They didn't want anyone to see.
Their forbidden love must remain hidden for now. Perhaps forever.
France took one last look at 96neko.
"Goodbye my snuggly one"
"Love you too, my one and only France"

And then they departed.
France and her team went carefully through 333. France looked very sexy, Her nipples perked, firm and erect. Her leather coat bilbogged in the breeze, extrapolating Her sex mess. “It is time”, She said, Her voice having a British nationality.
“Yes, It is time to defeat Waddles once and for all.” said 3 . He wore a Black corset covered in roses and a nice hat. His nails were iridescent black and he had a ruby skull ring on.

And then they rushed into the base. Ember roundhouse kicked a mook and then punched one with her glock. It exploded and she held up her middle finger to the explosion.Ember then used her holy holy magics and summoned a giant bloody cross scythe that glowed black. She sliced everyone but it was okay because she dodged her friend. Blood spurted and went on everything, making a star of david one the walls. A rock bounced off Waddles as she entered, LOOKING FUCKING PISSSSED.
“How dared you! I will kill u!!!!!!111!!!” she shoouted and took out a flame thrower (A/N geddit?)
The fight was epic. Things burned black. Waddles and France got distracted and started kissing in the corner but then one fell asleep.
France Ejaculated at the Waddles, “LOOK BEHIND YOU!”
And then he looked and France knocked him out cold.

The End
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