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Rules :
*Empires = UK, France, Germany, Russia, Austro-Hungary.
*States = Everything that is on the map but is not an empire
*Rebels = Self declared Rebelous states inside Empires/States
1. Choose Empire, State or Rebels + Flag + Rebels choose 5 starting Provinces
2 . Empires start with 100 G, States start with 75 G and Rebels start with 50 G.
3. You can claim up to 3 unclaimed (white) Provinces per turn.
4. You can claim up to 9 claimed (colorful) Provinces if you win the battle for them against their owner.
5.Have Fun!

Types of Divisions that can be trained :
Infantry Division (10 G) Short : ID, Maintance : (1 G)
Armored Division (20 G) Short : AD, Maintance : (3 G)
Artillery Division (25 G) Short : ArD, Maintance : (5 G)
Air (Fighter and Bomber) Division (100 G) Short: AiD, Maintance : (15 G)
Navy / Fleet Division (100 G) Short :ND, Maintance : (15 G)
* The more troops you have, the higher the chance you will win a battle in a certain province.

Technology (base cost plus technology group cost modifier):
agricultural reform (+20% forcelimit) 400 G
manufactories (+20% income) 400 G
Armored Division upgrade (Upgrades all existing and future Armored Divisions) 400 G
Artillery Division upgrade (Upgrades all existing and future Atrillery Divisions) 400 G
Air Division upgrade (Upgrades all existing and future Air Divisions) 800 G
Navy Division upgrade (Upgrades all existing and future Fleet Divisions) 800 G
colonists : (allows u colonize at max 3 squares distance an extra province) 500 G

Province income : 5 per province (If no battles are taking place)
Cities : Cost 50 gold to build and gives extra 15 income.

Forcelimit : 2 per province owned (if u have 10 Provinces u can have 20 divisions)
Random general spawned for each country (stats ranging from 1 to 6) (Random number generator)
Only Defending sides can ambush
All u have to send to me is a image that shows the way are you attacking or defending (small circles for armies arrows for movement path).For terrain I'll look on a map . If both sides move armies but they don't meet(lines are not intersecting/lines go around circles) it means no battle , land will still be occupied and it takes a turn till it can be annexed.

Alliances : The person that u want ally with must say "I accept" under your comment.(Tag him to be sure he answers), Maximum 3 Alliances
Wars: No wars till turn 3 . Rebel countries cannot be attacked for 1 turn from their creation.
Territorial conflicts: you have to solve them before next turn else you get random provinces assigned by GM.
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Regards; Team

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