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# Author: Jakub Nawała <[email protected]>
# Created: June 1, 2021
import xml.dom
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pims
from ._logger import setup_console_and_file_logger
from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT, Popen
import re
import shutil
import pandas as pd
from pims import PyAVVideoReader
import argparse
from enum import Enum
from cpbd.compute import compute
import platform
import sys
import logging
from .utils import utils
from .ugc import ugc

logger = setup_console_and_file_logger(__name__, log_file_name=f"{__name__}.log", level=logging.INFO)
single_file_script_path = Path(
'/'.join(__file__.split('/')[:-1]) if platform.system() != 'Windows' else '\'.join(__file__.split('\')[:-1]),
f'mitsu_single_file.{"sh" if platform.system() != "Windows" else "bat"}'

class Results(Enum):
Makes it less error-prone to index a dictionary with objects storing IQIs results
UGC = 3
VQIS = 4

def _get_mm_file_properties(path: Path):
Get properties of a multimedia (MM) file identified by *path*.

:param path: path to a video or image file from which to extract properties
:return: a 3-tuple: (i) MM file width, (ii) MM file height and (iii) the number of frames (0 for images)
# Try to read as a video file first
video = PyAVVideoReader(str(path))
except (OSError, TypeError):
# Try to read as an image file instead
image =
nb_frames = 0
img_w = image.frame_shape[0] # 0th index -> no. of rows (=height), 1st index -> no. of columns (=width)
img_h = image.frame_shape[1] # img = image
return img_w, img_h, nb_frames

logger.debug(f"The input video has the duration of {video.duration} seconds.")

nb_frames = len(video)
logger.debug(f"The input video has {nb_frames} frames.")
video_w = video.frame_shape[1] # 0th index -> no. of rows (=height), 1st index -> no. of columns (=width)
video_h = video.frame_shape[0]

return video_w, video_h, nb_frames

def _run_agh_viqs(mm_file_path: Path, script_path: Path, binary_path: Path, selected_vqis=32767,
Runs 15 VQ AGH's Video Quality Indicators (VQIs) on an input video or image (identified by *video_path*) and returns
Pandas DataFrame with results.

:param mm_file_path: path to a video or image file to process
:param script_path: path to a VQIs calculation automation script
:param binary_path: path to a binary executable computing VQIs
:param selected_vqis: a positive 16-bit integer stating which VQIs to run (all are run by default)
:param bash_path: a path to a BASH interpreter that should be used to run the AGH VQIs
:return: Pandas DataFrame with VQIs results or -1 if an error occurred
if bash_path is None:
bash_path = Path("/bin/bash")
if binary_path is None:
binary_path = Path('\'.join(__file__.split('\')[:-1]),
'mitsuWin64_multithread.exe') if platform.system() == 'Windows' else Path(
'agh_vqis_binary_x86_mt' if platform.system() == 'Linux' else 'agh_vqis_binary_macosx_mt')
# sfs --- single file script
sfs_call_elems = [str(bash_path), str(script_path.resolve()), str(mm_file_path.resolve()),
str(binary_path.resolve()), str(selected_vqis)]
# completed_sfs_run = run(sfs_call, check=True, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
sfs_popen = Popen(sfs_call_elems if platform.system() != 'Windows' else sfs_call_elems[1:], stdout=PIPE,
sfs_stdout, sfs_stderr = sfs_popen.communicate() # wait for the VQIs to finish
except OSError as e:
logger.error(f"Calling the {str(script_path)} script failed with the following message: {e}")
return -1
if sfs_popen.returncode != 0:
logger.error(f"Calling the {str(script_path)} script failed with the following return code: "
logger.error(f"{str(script_path)}'s output: {sfs_stdout.decode('ascii')}")
return -1
logger.debug(f"The {script_path} script was successfully executed")

# Read the results from a proper CSV file and remove leftovers (ffmpeg log & the CSV file with results)
results_folder_name_match ="VQIs-results-d{4}-d{2}-d{2}",
csv_filename_match ="results-.+.csv", sfs_stdout.decode("ascii"))
assert results_folder_name_match is not None
assert csv_filename_match is not None
folder_name =
csv_filename ='"', '')

vqis_csv_path = Path(folder_name) / Path(csv_filename)
vqis_res_df = pd.read_csv(vqis_csv_path, sep=r"s+")

logger.debug("Removing leftovers")
shutil.rmtree(folder_name, ignore_errors=True)

return vqis_res_df

def _colourfulness(frame: np.ndarray):
Runs Colourfulness image quality indicator (IQI) on a single video frame (see the *frame* parameter). Returns
Colourfulness IQI result for this frame.

Importantly, this code is based on Mohit Lamba's implementation of Colourfulness IQI in Matlab. See the following
gist for more info:

:param frame: a 3-dimensional numpy ndarray representing a single video frame. First two dimensions correspond to
image size (height x width). The last dimension corresponds to three colour channels: red, green and blue.
:return: Colourfulness IQI result for the input video frame
# r_ch --- red channel, g_ch --- green channel, b_ch --- blue channel
r_ch, g_ch, b_ch = frame[:, :, 0], frame[:, :, 1], frame[:, :, 2]

# rg = R - G
rg = np.abs(r_ch - g_ch)
rg = rg.flatten()

# yb = 1/2(R + G) - B
yb = np.abs((0.5 * r_ch + 0.5 * g_ch) - b_ch)
yb = yb.flatten()

# standard deviation and the mean value of the pixel cloud along direction, respectively
std_rg = rg.std()
mean_rg = rg.mean()

std_yb = yb.std()
mean_yb = yb.mean()

std_rgyb = np.sqrt((std_rg ** 2) + (std_yb ** 2))
mean_rgyb = np.sqrt((mean_rg ** 2) + (mean_yb ** 2))

colourfulness = std_rgyb + (.3 * mean_rgyb)
return colourfulness

def get_colourfulness_iqi(mm_file_path: Path, is_video=True):
Computes the Colourfulness image quality indicator (IQI) for each frame of an input video (as identified by the
*video_path* path). Returns a Pandas Series with Colourfulness IQI for each video frame of the input video.

:param mm_file_path: path to a multimedia file (video or image) to process
:param is_video: a flag indicating whether we are processing a video (True, the default) or an image
:return: Pandas Series with Colourfulness IQI for each video frame of the input video
if is_video:
mm_material = PyAVVideoReader(str(mm_file_path))
mm_material = # PIMS, by default, reads each file as a series of images
# Store Colourfulness IQI results for the input image or for all video frames in Pandas Series
# s --- series
colourfulness_s = pd.Series(np.zeros(len(mm_material)))
for frame in mm_material[:]: # frame is in the RGB24 pixel format (i.e., 3 channels, 8 bits long each)
colourfulness = _colourfulness(frame)
logger.debug(f"Colourfulness IQI for the {frame.frame_no}-th frame: {colourfulness:.5f}")
colourfulness_s.loc[frame.frame_no] = colourfulness

return colourfulness_s

def convert_to_grayscale_itur_bt601_7(frame: np.ndarray):
Converts RGB input frame (*frame*) to a single channel uint8 grayscale image. Importantly, the conversion is done
according to coefficients defined in Rec. ITU-R BT.601.7.

:param frame: a 3-dimensional (height x width x no. of channels) numpy ndarray representing an RGB image
:return: 2-dimensional uint8 numpy ndarray with a grayscale version of the input frame
assert frame.ndim == 3, "Input frame given does not seem to be a colourful image. Exiting."
gray_frame = np.zeros((frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1]))
gray_frame = frame[:, :, 0] * .2989 # 0th channel = red channel
gray_frame += frame[:, :, 1] * .587 # 1st channel = green channel
gray_frame += frame[:, :, 2] * .114 # 2nd channel = blue channel
gray_frame_uint8 = gray_frame.astype(np.uint8)
return gray_frame_uint8

def _blur_amount(frame: np.ndarray):
Runs Blur Amount IQI for a single grayscale video frame (see the *frame* parameter). Returns Blur Amount IQI result
for this frame.

:param frame: a 2-dimensional 8-bit uint numpy ndarray representing a single video frame (as a grayscale image).
The two dimensions correspond to image size (height x width).
:return: Blur Amount IQI result for the input frame
# Transform the input video frame to grayscale
gray_frame = convert_to_grayscale_itur_bt601_7(frame)
blur_amount = compute(gray_frame)
return blur_amount

def get_blur_amount_iqi(mm_file_path: Path, is_video=True):
Computes the Blur Amount Image Quality Indicator (IQI) on the input image or video (as identified by the
*mm_file_path* path). The function returns Pandas Series with Blur Amount IQI result for each video frame in the
input video (the Series has a length of 1, if the input is an image).

:param mm_file_path: path to a multimedia file (video or image) to process
:param is_video: a flag indicating whether we are processing a video (True, the default) or an image
:return: Pandas Series with Blur Amount IQI for each video frame of the input video (or with a single entry if the
input is an image)
if is_video:
mm_material = PyAVVideoReader(str(mm_file_path))
mm_material = # PIMS, by default, reads each file as a series of images
# Compute Blur Amount IQI for the input image or for each frame of the input video
# s --- series
blur_amount_s = pd.Series(np.zeros(len(mm_material)))
for frame in mm_material[:]:
blur_amount = _blur_amount(frame)
logger.debug(f"Blur Amount IQI for the {frame.frame_no}-th frame: {blur_amount:.5f}")
blur_amount_s.loc[frame.frame_no] = blur_amount
return blur_amount_s

def _ugc(in_path: Path, results_vqis: pd.DataFrame):
FPS = utils.get_FPS(str(in_path))

# Get a list of shots
scene_list_out = utils.find_scenes(str(in_path))

if len(scene_list_out) == 0:
return None

shots_data = utils.get_shots_data(scene_list_out, results_vqis)
shots_data = ugc(results_vqis, shots_data)

return [{
'range_start': int(item['frames_range'].split(', ')[0]) - 1,
'range_end': int(item['frames_range'].split(', ')[1]) - 1,
'ugc': item['ugc']
} for item in shots_data]

def get_ugc_iqi(in_path: Path, nb_frames: int, results_vqis: pd.DataFrame):
shots = _ugc(in_path, results_vqis)

if shots is None:
return None

ugc_s = pd.Series(np.zeros(nb_frames))
for frame in range(nb_frames):
for shot in shots:
if shot['range_start'] <= frame <= shot['range_end']:
ugc_s.loc[frame] = shot['ugc']

return ugc_s

def store_results(results: dict, in_video_path: Path, out_filename_base="agh_vqis_colourfulness_blur_amount"):
Stores results of image quality indicators (IQIs) calculated on (all) video frames of the input video.

:param results: a dictionary of objects with IQIs results
:param in_video_path: path to the input video that was processed
:param out_filename_base: part of an output CSV filename independent of input video filename
:return: nothing yet
assert len(results) != 0
# Generate a filename that reflects to what input video it belongs to
out_filename = "_".join(["VQIs", "for", in_video_path.stem]) + ".csv"
# Handle the case when only one type of IQI was run
# if len(results) == 1:
# iqi_enum, res = results.popitem()
# out_filename = "_".join([f"{}", out_filename])
# try:
# res.columns = res.columns.str.replace(':', '')
# except AttributeError:
# pass
#"Storing {} results in the {out_filename} file")
# res.to_csv(out_filename, index=False)
# return
# More than one IQI type was run -> merge results for different IQIs
iqi_enum, res = results.popitem()
# res.columns = res.columns.str.replace(':', '')
# out_filename = "_".join([f"{}", out_filename])
while len(results) != 0: # when this loop is finished, res will hold all results merged into one DataFrame
next_iqi_enum, next_res = results.popitem()
res = pd.merge(res, next_res, left_index=True, right_index=True)
# out_filename = "_".join([f"{}", out_filename])

res.columns = res.columns.str.replace(':', '')
res.to_csv(out_filename, index=False)"All results stored in the {out_filename} file")

def _get_selected_vqis(options: dict) -> int:
vqis = {
'blockiness': 1,
'sa': 2,
'letterbox': 4,
'pillarbox': 8,
'blockloss': 16,
'blur': 32,
'ta': 64,
'blackout': 128,
'freezing': 256,
'exposure': 512,
'contrast': 1024,
'interlace': 2048,
'noise': 4096,
'slice': 8192,
'flickering': 16384

# selected_vqis = sum(vqis.values())
selected_vqis = 32767 # select all by default

for key, value in options.items():
if not value:
selected_vqis -= vqis[key] # remove vqis
except KeyError:

return selected_vqis

def parse_user_input(cli: bool = False, options: dict = {}):
Parses user input (as provided through the command line).

:return: nothing yet
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Computes image quality indicators (IQIs) for the input image or for"
" each video frame"
" from an input video. If no specific set of IQIs to compute is"
" selected, 15 AGH VQIs are run by default.")
if cli:
help="Path to a multimedia file (image or video) to process or path to a folder with "
"multimedia materials"
" (photos or videos) to process", type=Path)
parser.add_argument("-c", "--colourfulness", help="a flag indicating whether to run the Colourfulness image"
" quality indicator", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-b", "--blur-amount", help="a flag indicating whether to run the Blur Amount image"
" quality indicator", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-u", "--ugc", help="a flag indicating whether to run the ugc video"
" quality indicator", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--vqis", help="a flag indicating whether to run the 15 AGH video"
" quality indicators (VQIs). The VQIS argument must be a number"
" specifying which VQIs to run. Each VQI represents a subsequent bit"
" of a 16 bits long positive integer. For example, the Blockiness VQI"
" corresponds to the least significant bit of this integer. The ordering"
" of the rest of VQIs is as follows (values in parentheses identify"
" decimal values that correspond to the one particular bit being set in"
" the 16-bit positive integer): Blockiness (1), SA (2), Letterbox (4),"
" Pillarbox (8), Blockloss (16), Blur (32), TA (64), Blackout (128),"
" Freezing (256), Exposure (512), Contrast (1024), Interlace (2048),"
" Noise (4096), Slice (8192) and Flickering (16384)."
" Please note that you can provide a value for the VQIS parameter"
" in the form of a hexadecimal number."
" For example, 0x7FFF means running all VQIs.")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--shell", help="asks to run an alternative Bash interpreter (instead of the default "
"/bin/bash). Provide here a path to the interpreter of your choice.")
parser.add_argument("-e", "--exec", help="provide here the path to the binary file running 15 AGH VQIs. The "
"default is to use the agh_vqis_binary_x86_mt binary contained in the "
"repo.", type=Path)
parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="provide here the path to the video file", type=Path)
args = parser.parse_args()
# Run 15 AGH VQIs if no VQIs were selected
if cli and not args.vqis:"No IQIs were selected. Running 15 AGH VQIs only.")
args.vqis = "0x7FFF"
return args

def process_single_mm_file(in_path: Path, cli: bool = False, options: dict = {}, args=None):
Processes single multimedia file (image or video).

:param in_path: path to an input file to process
:param options: options for executable file
:return: status, 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Read properties of an input multimedia file
if args is None:
args = parse_user_input(cli, options)

in_mm_file_w, in_mm_file_h, nb_frames = _get_mm_file_properties(in_path)
is_input_video = True # a flag making further processing logic easier to comprehend
if nb_frames == 0:
is_input_video = False

# Prepare a dictionary in which to store objects with IQIs results
results = {}

# Run Blur Amount IQI on the input video or image (if requested)
if ('blur_amount' in options and options['blur_amount']) or args.blur_amount:"Running the Blur Amount IQI on the input ({str(in_path)})")
blur_amount_s = get_blur_amount_iqi(in_path, is_video=is_input_video) = "Blur_amount"
results.update({Results.BLUR_AMOUNT: blur_amount_s})

# Run Colorfulness indicator on the input video or image (if requested)
if args.colourfulness or (not cli and 'colourfulness' not in options) or (
not cli and 'colourfulness' in options and options['colourfulness']):"Running the Colourfulness IQI on the input ({str(in_path)})")
# s --- series
colourfulness_s = get_colourfulness_iqi(in_path, is_video=is_input_video) = "Colourfulness"
results.update({Results.COLOURFULNESS: colourfulness_s})

run_UGC = False
if is_input_video and (args.ugc or (not cli and 'ugc' not in options) or (
not cli and 'ugc' in options and options['ugc'])):
run_UGC = True
options['TA'] = True # UGC indicator requires TA
options['SA'] = True # and SA IQIs

if cli and args.vqis:
vqis_selected = int(args.vqis, base=0) # parse optional hexadecimal input

if not cli:
vqis_selected = _get_selected_vqis(options)

vqis_res_df = None
# Run the script on the input video or image (if requested)
if not cli or args.vqis:"Running requested AGH VQIs on the input ({str(in_path)})")
agh_vqis_path = Path(options['exec']) if ('exec' in options and options['exec']) else args.exec
vqis_res_df = _run_agh_viqs(in_path, single_file_script_path, agh_vqis_path, vqis_selected,
bash_path=(Path( if is not None else (
Path(options['shell']) if ('shell' in options and options['shell']) else None)))
if type(vqis_res_df) is not pd.DataFrame: # Running the VQIs failed
return -1

if (len(vqis_res_df) != int(nb_frames)) and is_input_video:
f"For some reason the number of frames read by PIMS does not match the number of frames read "
f"by {str(single_file_script_path)}. You may want to check whether the results are valid.")
logger.warning(f"This is the difference in the number of frames as indicated by the two methods: "
f"{np.abs(len(vqis_res_df) - int(nb_frames))}")

if run_UGC:"Running the UGC IQI on the input ({str(in_path)})")
# s --- series
# print(results)

ugc_s = get_ugc_iqi(in_path, nb_frames, vqis_res_df)
if ugc_s is None:"Error when running UGC IQI")
else: = "UGC"
results.update({Results.UGC: ugc_s})

if vqis_res_df is not None:
results.update({Results.VQIS: vqis_res_df})

# Store all results in a single CSV file
store_results(results, in_path)

return 0

def process_folder_w_mm_files(folder_path: Path, cli: bool = False, options: dict = {}, args=None):
Processes a folder with multimedia files.

TODO Consider adding recursive directory search. In other words, allow to recursively process files in all

:param folder_path: path to a folder with multimedia files to process
:param args: user arguments namespace, as returned by argparse (after processing user input)
:return: status, 0 if successful, 1 otherwise
# Iterate over files in the folder one-by-one
for child in folder_path.iterdir():
# Ignore subdirectories
if child.is_dir():"Skipping a subdirectory ({str(child)})")
# Ignore non-video and non-image files
# TODO Add here any video or image extensions we want to support
if (child.suffix not in [".mp4", ".mov", ".avi", ".mkv", ".ts"]) and (
child.suffix not in [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".bmp", ".gif"]):"Not a multimedia file ({str(child)}), skipping")
# Process a single video file
# TODO Consider adding functionality of keeping all results in a single CSV file (as done in the legacy BATCH
# file)
mm_file_path = child # mm = multimedia
status = process_single_mm_file(mm_file_path, cli, options, args)
return 0

def main():
# TODO Implement user input processing interface that allows to choose individual VQIs from the 15 AGH VQIs in a
# user-friendly manner
args = parse_user_input(True, options={})

in_path = args.path
in_path = in_path.absolute()
if not in_path.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"The path you specified ({in_path}) does not exist. Exiting.")
if args.exec:
agh_vqis_path = args.exec
assert agh_vqis_path.exists(), f"The binary file with 15 AGH VQIs you specified ({str(agh_vqis_path)}) "
f"doesn't seem to exist. Quitting."

if in_path.is_dir():"Processing a folder ({str(in_path)}) potentially containing a set of multimedia materials")
status = process_folder_w_mm_files(in_path, cli=True, options={}, args=args)
in_mm_file_path = in_path # mm = multimedia
status = process_single_mm_file(in_mm_file_path, cli=True, options={}, args=args)

return status

if __name__ == '__main__':
exit_code = main()
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You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

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Regards; Team

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