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Orbera Before and After
If you are considering getting an ORBERA procedure, you may be wondering how the procedure works and what to expect afterwards. This article covers the procedure, recovery, and potential side effects. The cost is also discussed. You should know that this procedure can take as little as twenty minutes. The procedure is usually done on the same day, and the results are visible after six months.

Before you can get the procedure, you'll need to know exactly what to expect. The procedure uses a small balloon that's placed in your stomach via endoscopy. It will stay in place for about six months. Over time, the balloon will reduce the amount of food you can eat, retraining your brain to recognize when you're full.

After a balloon is placed in your stomach, you'll go through a series of follow-up appointments. You'll also attend routine in-person sessions with your support team, which can help you lose more weight than you thought possible. During Weight Loss , you should follow a healthy diet and exercise plan. You should also consider joining a support group to help you stay motivated.

Patients who undergo Orbera gastric balloon surgery should prepare for a few days of recovery. The procedure involves the placement of a balloon in the stomach that will remain in place for six months. The patient should prepare to eat smaller portions for several days, and may need to take some additional medications. The recovery period also includes learning how to adjust to new eating habits.

This procedure is similar to gastric bypass surgery, with only a slight difference. During the procedure, the patient is given a mild sedative, then the balloon is placed into the stomach, where it is filled with saline. Weight Loss takes up the space in the stomach, causing the patient to eat less before feeling full. This leads to weight loss.

Before you decide to undergo an Orbera balloon procedure, you should know that the procedure can be costly. The balloon is removed after six months, so you will need to pay for this as well. Some centers cover this charge in the price of the procedure, while others will charge you separately. If you're considering the procedure, it's important to ask about the total cost, and what services are included.

After Weight Loss , your surgeon will insert a small balloon into your stomach. This balloon will gradually shrink the amount of food you're able to eat, re-training your brain to recognize when it's full.
Patient testimonials

If you are considering getting Orbera, you'll want to read through some patient testimonials. These testimonials can help you decide if the procedure is right for you. There are a few risks involved, though. The risks of the procedure include spontaneous hyperinflation, acute pancreatitis, and even death. The FDA has issued a letter to health care providers warning about these risks.

Some patients may experience nausea and vomiting after the procedure. Symptoms of this type of discomfort can be a sign of a serious underlying health issue. The severe pain can be life-threatening, so it is important to seek immediate medical attention if you feel any stomach pain. Another risk is deflating of the balloon after its placement, which can lead to bowel blockage. Though there have been no reports of deaths caused by this condition, it is a serious concern.
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