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// ==UserScript==
// @name Razors Alis Hacks
// @version 6.6
// @author Razor
// @match*
// @match*
// @updateURL
// @run-at document-end
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_getResourceURL
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==

// define levels of hackery
var playerSettings = {
"normal": {
"speed": 1,
"maxCells": 32,
"maxSize": 1500,
"isToxic": 0,
"ignoreBorders": 0,
"decayRate": 0.002,
"staticDecay": 0,
"slow": {
"speed": 0.00001,
"recombineTime": 0,
"maxCells": 1,
"maxSize": 1700,
"decayRate": -0.0001,
"staticDecay": 1,
"isToxic": 0,
"ignoreBorders": 1,
"viewBaseX": 10000,
"viewBaseY": 10000,
"startMass": 4000,
"fast": {
"speed": 10,
"recombineTime": 0,
"maxCells": 1,
"maxSize": 7000,
"decayRate": -0.02,
"staticDecay": 1,
"isToxic": 1,
"ignoreBorders": 1,
"viewBaseX": 10000,
"viewBaseY": 10000,
"startMass": 30000,

/* Complete list of available per-player detail settings:
# grep -roP "playerDetails..+(s+)" . | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | grep -oP playerDetails.+ | tr -d ');,' | sort | uniq
playerDetails.decayModifier - internal game mode use, changes do nothing
playerDetails.decayRate - only used if staticDecay is 1. values from 0.9 (extremely fast decay) to -1 (extremely fast growth)
playerDetails.dynamicDecay - internal game use, changes do nothing
playerDetails.hasToxicWall - razors gayest invention yet
playerDetails.ignoreBorders - can go outside map borders
playerDetails.isAdmin - enables/disables the use of hacks
playerDetails.isToxic - makes players toxic feed shrink eaters
playerDetails.isTroll - only used pre-connect to determine trollability of player
playerDetails.maxCells - number of cells player can be split into
playerDetails.maxSize - max size in RADIUS of cell, not mass
playerDetails.nameColor - array of RGB colors, can not be altered in game
playerDetails.nameColor.b - blue
playerDetails.nameColor.g - green
playerDetails.nameColor.r - red
playerDetails.recombineTime - how quickly can this player recombine, 30 is slow, 0 is instant
playerDetails.scoreDivisor - internal only, changes do nothing.
ejectSize, ejectSizeLoss, ejectDistance all pretty self explanatory
playerDetails.speed - how fast is the player, 1 for normal, 10 for very fast
playerDetails.startMass - starting size in cell mass
playerDetails.startSize - starting size in cell radius
playerDetails.staticDecay - off by default, uses dynamic decay formula based on total server mass. 1 for enabled a constant decay rate
playerDetails.sub - SUBJECT of json web token, used to identify their account across games
playerDetails.totalScore - internal to track last total score of the player
playerDetails.validFrom - internal only used during connection and token vlidation
playerDetails.viewBaseX - 1920 default, 10000 for massive view
playerDetails.viewBaseY - 1080 default, 10000 for massive view
You can do /set playerID settingName newValue to alter an individual players value above
Or you can do /playerDetails playerID to see their current values for all of these in console
/* List of server-wide changes:
Coming soon...
// Counter to roll through levels of hackery (index = nextHack modulous hackCount)
var nextHack = 1;

// Mass toggle values
var massToggle = [2000,18000];
var nextMass = 1;

// Add the dom elements we want to display information in
$(function() {
// Fix the max length for the skin url box
// Add the hack div to the overlay2 div
$('#overlays2').append('<div id="hackdiv" style="position: absolute; top: 40px; left: 19px; color: #fff;"></div>');
// add player id, target id, status, and hotkeys to the hack div
$('#hackdiv').append('Your Player ID: <span style="font-weight: bold;" id="yourplayerid"></span><br>');
$('#hackdiv').append('Hack Target ID: <span style="font-weight: bold;" id="targetplayerid"></span><br>');
$('#hackdiv').append('Status: <span style="font-weight: bold;" id="hackstatus"></span><br>');
$('#hackdiv').append('<div id="hackkeys" style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 15px;"></div>');
// add the hackkeys list to the hackkeys div
$('#hackkeys').append('<b>Hotkeys:</b><ul id="hackkeylist" style="list-style: none; padding-left: 15px;"></ul>');
// add each of the hotkeys to the hackkey list
$('#hackkeylist').append('<li><b>LEFT CLICK</b> to target player</li>');
//$('#hackkeylist').append('<li><b>MIDDLE CLICK</b> to target ALL OTHER players</li>');
$('#hackkeylist').append('<li><b>1</b> toggle hacks low/medium/ghauf<br>');
$('#hackkeylist').append('<li><b>2</b> teleport target(s) to mouse<br>');
$('#hackkeylist').append('<li><b>3</b> toggle target(s) mass big/small<br>');
$('#hackkeylist').append('<li><b>4</b> spawn virus at mouse<br>');
$('#hackkeylist').append('<li><b>5</b> kill target(s)<br>');
$('#hackkeylist').append('<li><b>/</b> send chat & commands</li>');
// make greeb sad

// Wrapper to send commands
function sendHack(command) {
//console.log('SENDING: ' + command);

// Wrapper to send commands targeting to player(s)
function sendTargetHack(command, targets, params) {
// If params is an array, join it with spaces
if (Array.isArray(params)) {
params = params.join(' ');
// if the targets are an array, send it to multiple targets
if (Array.isArray(targets)) {
for(var target in targets) {
sendHack('/' + command + ' ' + targets[target] + ' ' + params);
} else {
sendHack('/' + command + ' ' + targets + ' ' + params);
unsafeWindow.sendHack = function (command, params) { sendTargetHack(command, JSON.parse($('#targetplayerid').html()), params); };

// helper for console fuckery
unsafeWindow.setAll = function(key, value) {
// Get the json targets on our target player id list
var targets = JSON.parse($('#targetplayerid').html());
sendTargetHack('set', targets, [ key, value ]);

// Update our player ID every few seconds
var updateMyID = setInterval(function(){
}, 10 * 1000);

// Keypress handler
function keydown(event) {
//console.log(event); // for debugging
// Do not process keypress events NOT on the body element itself
if( != "BODY") {
var command = '';

// if we dont know our player id, request it
if (!$('#yourplayerid').html()) {

// This is ` or ~ key
if (event.keyCode == 192) {
$('#hackstatus').html('Set target = self');

// if the target ID is not defined, no commands will work
if (!$('#targetplayerid').html()) {
$('#hackstatus').html('target not set');

// Get the json targets on our target player id list
var targets = JSON.parse($('#targetplayerid').html());
// IF the targets list is an array of players, make sure our id is not in the target list
if (Array.isArray(targets)) {
var myID = parseInt($('#yourplayerid').html());
var myIndex = targets.indexOf(myID);
if (myIndex) {
targets.splice( myIndex, 1 );
// This is 1 key, toggle between hacks
if (event.keyCode == 49) {
// calculate index of hacks to apply
var hackIndex = nextHack % Object.keys(playerSettings).length;
var hackKey = Object.keys(playerSettings)[hackIndex];
var settings = playerSettings[hackKey];
// apply hacks
for (var k in settings) {
sendTargetHack('set', targets, [ k, settings[k] ]);
// set next hack to the next index
$('#hackstatus').html('set target hacks to: ' + hackKey);

// 2 key, teleport to mouse location
if (event.keyCode == 50) {
sendTargetHack('teleport', targets, [ mouseX, mouseY ]);
$('#hackstatus').html('teleported target');

// 3 key, toggle mass hack 2k/18k
if (event.keyCode == 51) {
var massKey = nextMass % massToggle.length;
sendTargetHack('mass', targets ,massToggle[massKey]);
$('#hackstatus').html('mass set to ' + massToggle[massKey]);

// 4 key, spawns virus cluster at mouse location
if (event.keyCode == 52) {
var sizes = [100, 200, 300, 500, 700, 900, 1000, 1300, 1600, 1900, 2200, 2500, 2800, 3000, 3100];
sizes.forEach(function(size) {
command = "/virus " + mouseX + " " + mouseY + " " + size;
$('#hackstatus').html('spawned virus cluster');

// 5 key, kill target(s)
if (event.keyCode == 53) {
sendTargetHack('kill', targets, '');
$('#hackstatus').html('killed target player(s)');

// Get target cell ID
function getClosestCellID(X, Y) {
$('#hackstatus').html('searching for cell id near mouse ' + X + ',' + Y);
var cells = unsafeWindow.allCells;

// Loop through all the cells and extract JUST the players
var playerCells = [];
for (var i in cells) {
var playerCell = cells[i];
// Ignore food pellets & tiny cells
if (playerCell.isFood || playerCell.size < 35) {
// F is old agarplus obfuscated isVirus flag
if (playerCell.f || playerCell.isVirus) {
// Calculate the x and y distances
var distx = playerCell.x - X;
var disty = playerCell.y - Y;
// calculates distance between two X,Y points
var distance = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(distx, 2) + Math.pow(disty, 2) );
// save our player cell info
var razorCell = {}; = i; =;
razorCell.distance = distance;
razorCell.size = playerCell.size;
razorCell.x = playerCell.x;
razorCell.y = playerCell.y;
// Sort the cells by distance ascending
playerCells.sort(function (a, b) { return a.distance - b.distance; });
//console.log('closest player identified: ');
//console.table(playerCells.slice(0, 1));
if (playerCells.length) {
return playerCells[0].id;
} else {
return 0;

// left Mouse click handler
function leftMouseClick()
var cellid = getClosestCellID(mouseX, mouseY);
if (cellid) {
$('#hackstatus').html('requested player id of cell ' + cellid);
var cell = unsafeWindow.allCells[cellid];
if(cell.extra && {
$('#hackstatus').html('target player switched to ' + $('#targetplayerid').html());
} else {
$('#hackstatus').html('unable to get player id of cell ' + cellid);
$('#hackstatus').html('could not get closest cell id');
// middle Mouse click handler
function middleMouseClick()
$('#hackstatus').html('setting target to all CELL IDs');
// make sure to update the player list when doing this
playerlist = [];
command = "/playerlist";
setTimeout(function() {
var playerIDs = [];
for (var key in playerlist) {
// Skip adding OURSELVES to the middle mouse click list
if(playerlist[key].id == $('#yourplayerid').html()) {
if (playerIDs.length) {
} else {
$('#hackstatus').html('Error updating player IDs');
}, 600);

// Add the event listener for key press events
//window.addEventListener('keyup', keyup);
$("#overlays2").on('mousedown', function(event) {
//console.log("mouse click event on overlays2 " + event.which);
if( event.which == 1 ) {
if( event.which == 2 ) {

// global vars to keep stuff in for reference
playerlist = [];
commandlist = [];
playerdetails = [];

// handle server responses to our queries
onMultiChat = function(user, message) {
if(user == 'SERVER' && message[0] == '/') {
// remove the leading / and split command at the ": " response
var split = message.slice(1, message.length).split(': ');
var command = split[0];
// remove the command we saved and recombine the array for parsing
var response = split.join().trim();
// we got an OK response from a command
if(command == 'ok') { return; }
// We got our ID back from the server
if(command == 'playerid') {
// List of supported commands
if(command == 'commands') {
commandlist = JSON.parse(response);
// We got a list of all players from the server
if(command == 'playerlist') {
playerlist = JSON.parse(response);
// We got the servers current configuration
if(command == 'config') {
config = JSON.parse(response);
// We got playerDetails for a client
if(command == 'playerdetails') {
playerdetails = JSON.parse(response);
console.log('UNHANDLED COMMAND: ' + command);
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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