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Ingapirca; Gringos Abroad
- Ingapirca is the largest site of Inca ruins in Ecuador
- Small Museum on Site at Ingapirca
- Ingapirca is in the province of Canar in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador
- Guides generally help in Ingapirca and show the tourists around (recommended by Gringos Abroad)
Source:; or search Ingapirca and look for the article titled; Ingapirca, Ecuadors Largest Incan Ruins
Ingapirca; International Travellers
- The Native Canari were present at Ingapirca (as well as Cuenca) BEFORE the Incas. The Canari worshipped the moon and maintained a female-led society (Matriarchal). Their construction is characterized by rounded lines. The Incas; however, worshipped the sun and led a male led society (patriarchal) society. The Incas construction is characterized by rectangles.
- The famous Inca stacked stones without mortar are only found in either religious places, or places of importance.
- Ingapirca is the site of the only Inca temple that exists in an oval shape, due to the Canari and their style of building.
- The Incas couldn't conquer the Canari, so they allied with them, lived together, mixed, and eventually their culture overtook the Canaris. This happened around 1470
- Buried in a sacred site, they found a richly decorated and heavily jeweled female ruler, surrounded by servants in a fetal position.
- Archaeologists estimate that about eighty people lived in Ingapirca, probably primarily of religious and political importance. The normal people and people of slightly less importance lived in surrounding areas.
- Ingapirca was discovered because of a sun temple that was uncovered, because it was the only thing exposed to the elements. Archaeologists worked on the site around and in the 1970's
- Source;; or you can search for Ingapirca and look for the article titled; Visiting Icuapirca Ruins from Cuenca, Ecuador

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