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Dark Past
Depiction of King Wulfric von Isolde and his family a long time ago, and how sincere his parents were. Then depicts the intrusion of the castle and the massacring of the king's parents, before his sister betrayed him and his personality became very cold and seclusive.
- starts festoso (depicting kind parents)
- starts in major key
- transitions from major to minor quietly
- subito devastante and sforzando (when parents are killed)
- quiet in minor for a while
- con amore/dolce (king and sister fall in love with same man)
- subito devastante again (when sister betrays king, same theme)
- lacrimoso/tragicamente (as king retreats into castle and turns cold)

King of Ice
Depiction of King Wulfric a few years later, still very cold towards but two people in his life. Also depicts his icy kingdom, surrounded by snow capped mountains and blanketed by freezing blizzards.
- minor key all the way through
- freddo ma non troppo
- con moto and fast minor arpeggios/scales/glissandos (blizzards, repeated throughout)
- pesante e maestoso and solid chords (mountains)
- more trills and glissandos (transition into castle where king is)
- misterioso and freddo, pedal (represent king's cold and mysterious personality)
- ends in quiet, hopelessly-feeling minor chord

Vampire's Lullaby
Depiction of King Wulfric's vampire maid, Cynthia Accalia and her motherly but devious personality. Depicts her singing a comforting lullaby to King Wulfric to aid his sleep, as he is often disturbed by nightmares of being betrayed and forgotten like he was before.
- major key most of the time, cantabile e grazioso
- rubato
- affettuoso (Cynthia starts singing tenderly to King Wulfric)
- espressivo (Cynthia comforts the king)
- some triplets and wave-motion left hand with pedal
- ends pianissimo (King Wulfric falling asleep)
- lyrics

I Can See the Future
Depiction of King Wulfric's psychic adviser, Lazarus Salazar and the walk that him and King Wulfric take early in the morning. Music suddenly shifts to wild melody as Lazarus begins to see visions of the future.
- quotes themes from King of Ice, Vampire's Lullaby, and Arrival of the Prince
- starts con brio (early morning stroll in the courtyard)
- subito agitato (as Lazarus begins to see future visions)
- shifts from melody to melody in rapid succession, connected by forte passages
- subito piano and tenuto note (as Lazarus stops seeing visions)
- bruscamente ending

Arrival of the Prince
Depiction of the arrival of sweet Prince Florence on his elegant white horse, along with his determination to find out who and where is mother is. His personality contrasts the king's greatly, as it is bright and positive. Also depicts his and King Wulfric's first meeting, which is an unwelcome one.
- brillante/con brio/festoso/con spirito/animato
- opens repeated left hand staccato chords (horse galloping)
- grand right hand motive (Prince Florence's arrival)
- bright and energetic (personality)
- ritardando, briefly minor (first meeting)
- slowly into major key and same motive (King Wulfric finally accepting Prince Florence's stay)
- ends in bright, brisk passage

Engulfed in Flame
Depiction of the nearby town ablaze, and Prince Florence's determination to save the town, risking his own life. King Wulfric sees this heroic act and starts to respect Prince Florence and eventually fall in love with him.
- con fuoco (town on fire)
- high notes (cries of help and crackling of fire)
- slancio (Prince Florence's determination and bravery to save the town)
- very harrowing and mezzoforte for most part, climaxes are forte
- fire is finally put out in risoluto and mezzopiano
- affettuoso (King Wulfric picks up the exhausted Prince Florence and brings him back to the castle)
- molto espressivo (King thinks about Prince Florence and gains respect for him)

Grand Waltz
Depiction of King Wulfric inviting Prince Florence to a dance as reconciliation, and they dance quietly to avoid being seen. Near the end, King Wulfric and Prince Florence realize they have feelings for each other.
- tempo di valse
- vivo/vivace e scherzando (dancing)
- piano (secretively)
- waltz has loud parts, soft parts, etc.
- near end, con amore and affettuoso (King and Prince fall in love)

Depiction of Prince Florence going for a walk in the dark evening, but then a large avalanche crashes down upon him and part of the town. Depicts his near-death state afterwards and King Wulfric's fear and grief
- starts comodo alternating between major and minor
- mezzopiano (dusky evening)
- suddenly fortissimo and colossale (avalanche starts)
- rapidly descending rubato diminished arpeggios (avalanche)
- solid minor chords (Prince Florence nearly killed by avalanche)
- rapid minor scales (townspeople rushing Prince Florence to castle)
- pauroso (King Wulfric's fear for prince)
- molto triste (realization that prince cannot survive without special treatment)

With Me, you will Never Die
Depiction of King Wulfric making his promise to give Prince Florence most of his monthly treatment, in order for prince to stay alive. Depicts king's relief, but also his grief that Prince Florence would be restricted to his kingdom (as the king wants Prince Florence to be free as well).
- sotto (relief)
- pianissimo and cantabile
- expressive and somewhat lacrimoso
- right hand mimics left hand (symbolizing how the king and prince must stay together now)
- lyrics
- ends molto delicato
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