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- At CES 2017 which took place in Las Vegas in Nevada
- Several car companies show a vision of a futur car for personal transportation
- But Toyata want to make driving personal.More emotionnel.The Concept-I, it's just a concept-car also it's not ready to produce yet.
- Developing idea to be fun to drive for to accommodate the adavance of the technologie and also autonomous driving
- The car making at Studio of design CALTY of toyota in Newport Beach in California
- The car gives of owner the choice of automated or manual mode, that why Toyota called kinect warmth
- At Toyota, we recognize the important question isn't to know if the futur car will be equipped with automated or connected technologies.
- This engagement will be with I.A Agent who called Yui
- Yui communicate with the owner from oustide and inside.
- Like a personne next to a car, Yui display th word " Hello " in ouside of the car
- Imagine when you got a Concept-I for the first time, it's like when you met someone for the first time, and you share some information
- The Concept AI and Yui learn and adapt and created a link. The link can really created lot of interesting dynamics
- Inside of the car, the driver et passanger enter in the environment it's not like same car today. The Concept-I is white and gold.
- You don't have screen on the center dashboard. Instead, the car display some information where it's need and present through variety of interface, including holographic images, sound, vibration and light.
- Some colour light inside the car provide a clue about if the car is in automated or manual drive
- Lenses in the rear of the car project video from outside cameras to reduce blind spots
- I.A. Agent will learn driver's preferences including how and where she likes go
- Sensor inside the car can be know emotional stat of driver and Yui can ajust the driving or can be relaxing the route
- Because it's connect of social network, Yui can reminder of driver a mission or suggest a restaurant
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