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RaceRealist, did you ignore these links?:

"At the population-level IQ and Microcephalin correlate significantly (.790 and .847)
Microcephalin significantly predicts population differences in IQ"

"At the center of the debate on the emergence of modern humans and their spread throughout the globe is the question of whether archaic Homo lineages contributed to the modern human gene pool, and more importantly, whether such contributions impacted the evolutionary adaptation of our species. A major obstacle to answering this question is that low levels of admixture with archaic lineages are not expected to leave extensive traces in the modern human gene pool because of genetic drift. Loci that have undergone strong positive selection, however, offer a unique opportunity to identify low-level admixture with archaic lineages, provided that the introgressed archaic allele has risen to high frequency under positive selection. The gene microcephalin (MCPH1) regulates brain size during development and has experienced positive selection in the lineage leading to Homo sapiens. Within modern humans, a group of closely related haplotypes at this locus, known as haplogroup D, rose from a single copy ≈37,000 years ago and swept to exceptionally high frequency (≈70% worldwide today) because of positive selection. Here, we examine the origin of haplogroup D. By using the interhaplogroup divergence test, we show that haplogroup D likely originated from a lineage separated from modern humans ≈1.1 million years ago and introgressed into humans by ≈37,000 years ago. This finding supports the possibility of admixture between modern humans and archaic Homo populations (Neanderthals being one possibility). Furthermore, it buttresses the important notion that, through such adminture, our species has benefited evolutionarily by gaining new advantageous alleles. The interhaplogroup divergence test developed here may be broadly applicable to the detection of introgression at other loci in the human genome or in genomes of other "

- 82.9% for chinese,
- 78.6% for french,
- 63.8% for arabs,
- 12, 25% for kenyan
- 3.3%, for congo.

Big correlation with IQ.

DNA show clear difference on brain between races, how can you deny that?

Also, no need for translation, I will post the links directly:

Is this fake too? Koreans are always at the top on adoption studies.

Since the beginning of IQ test, blacks were always at the lowest part.

Intelligence is Highly Heritable and Polygenic

Africans clearly lack of intelligence genetically.

Consensus is with me.

Honestly, you can't argue against that, I just don't see how.
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