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" much as I want to, Valla, I don't think I will ever get used to this peace now that Diablo has been vanquished." Johanna, the brave and mighty Crusader spoke softly as she and her Demon Hunter ally, Valla, ate a feast befitting of two champions.

"It is a bit surreal, yes. After fighting so many battles and losing just as many comrades, the sudden tranquility is ill-fitting. But in time, I'm sure we will grow used to it."

"For our sake, and the sake of the land, we must." She smiled at Valla and let out a small laugh as the two of them continued eating. Soon after, their meal was over, and as they left to return back the the small housing they'd set up in New Tristram, they talked about their plans for the future.

"So, what will you do now, Valla?" Asked the bulky crusader.

"You know what I'm planning. You and I are staying together for the foreseeable future. Why do you keep asking?" she replied with an irritated look on her face.

"I just want to be certain. After fighting together for so long, it would be a waste to disband now. You never know when misfortune may arise again."

As the two of them arrived at their makeshift home, they began to undress from their heavy armor and robes. Johanna shivered as the cool air hit her bare skin, and as she turned on her heels, she started to make her way to the room both of them were sharing. She found Valla already undressed, running a brush through her long, silky black hair. She kept brushing as she looked into the mirror, speaking up when she noticed Johanna enter.

"So, what are we doing come sunrise? I had planned on helping the town rebuild, but if you'd rather get some questing in, so be it."

Johanna sat on the edge of the bed and stretched. "The town is fine for now. We should maintain our strength in case the worst occurs. When morning comes, the quiet town air will fill with the dying shrieks of the accursed."

Valla finished up what she was doing, then retired to the bed to get a good night's rest. As the moonlight poured in through the open window, she couldn't help but sigh in relief that all the fighting and bloodshed was over. Sure, there were still monsters roaming about, but it was nothing they couldn't handle. She began to fall asleep when all of a sudden she heard a faint hiss along with a warm sensation on her bare legs.

"Johanna, you're doing it again. You said if you felt one coming, you would leave the room. You know how I-"

Suddenly, Johanna grabbed Valla's head and shoved it under the covers, laughing triumphantly as she let another large emission out right into her face. "I know, I know, but in times like this, we have to have a little fun every now and again!" After 3 more powerful emissions, she let her go. Valla's neatly brushed hair was now a ratty mess, and she cursed her under her breath. "It will not happen again. You have my word. That dinner just did not sit right with me.

Valla said nothing, she just turned away and stared out the window. That's the third time this week, she thought. Why does she insist? Is she catching on...?

As the night went on, the two of them eventually drifted off to sleep.

Once morning came, the pair wasted no time in dressing and getting ready to run a few quests. As Johanna got sorted through her weapons, she decided to pick a weaker load as to not get bored killing everything instantly. She insisted Valla do the same, but to no avail. The two of them remained close to New Tristram, hitting only the weaker areas. Even though they outmatched their enemies, they noticed that they had slightly increased in strength since they'd last went hunting.

"Johanna, if you're feeling low on energy, just call for me. I'll be at your side in an instant."

She nodded but then declined. "I'll be fine. And besides, I don't think you want to be close to me right now. I'm still not over last night's dinner."

"Nonsense. I'm willing to put up with that in order to save your life. Quash those thoughts telling you otherwise.


Time passed, and monsters were slain. The pair of fighters had received quite the load of loot. As they made their way home, they went over the contents, and split whatever they wanted to keep.

"My, this cloak is unlike any I've ever laid eyes upon..." Valla seemed to be enthralled by the equipment in her possession, but Johanna was wary.

"If it's new to you, then take care in using it. We should get it appraised before anything else."

But nothing. Valla's eyes lit up like a child receiving a new toy. She admired it, leaving the rest of the loot duty to Johanna. The job was much easier once they were back home, but nothing compared to the piece of equipment that Valla was so absorbed in. She eventually pulled herself away from it long enough to eat dinner and wash up before bed, but it was still on her mind.

"It may be out of place to say this, but I wish I had found that much sooner. Diablo would've posed no threat in those."

Johanna simply grunted as she lay on her back, looking up at the ceiling. "Just don't do anything reckless." she easily managed to pull Valla out of her fantasies, though, as she soon let another potent release free. The space under the covers heated up almost instantly, and Valla, irritated, tried her best to shrug it off. She ultimately failed though, as Johanna repeated her actions from last night. Her face firmly planted in between her cheeks, Valla had no choice but to inhale the putrid fumes currently being expelled from her rear. After a few minutes of messing with her, she let go. Without a moment's hesitation, Valla stood up and looked Johanna straight in the eye.

"Why do you do this to me? Do you have any idea what it does to me? I-"

"I offer my sincerest apologies, Valla. These actions are not befitting someone such as myself. I pray that you forgive me with time..."

The sudden mood change started sending Valla over the edge. She couldn't bear to speak her mind, but she didn't want there to be tension between her and the only person that was truly there for her.

"Johanna, I..." she looked at her feet, not knowing how to find the words she so desperately wanted to express. "...I don't mind what you do. I rather find it...inviting, actually..." Her voice quivered as the words left her mouth. "I didn't want to say anything out of fear that you might-"

"Speak no more, Demon Hunter."

Valla's eyes darted upwards, fearful of the expression she might find on Johanna's face. But her fears were extinguished as she saw the same, warm look that she had grown used to over the months.

"I will be glad to help you. With anything you need. Now, put those fears aside and come to bed..."

Her body trembling, she did as she was instructed, still in disbelief about what she had said.

Johanna continued. "...but know this. I will expect the same treatment.

Valla widened her eyes as she turned to look at her. She was half-expecting her to be joking. Her face was stoic. She was dead serious. "Johanna, I couldn't possibly do that to you. You've saved me countless times, and that would be an insult to someone as mighty as yo-"

"Did I not do the same? But yet, I never thought twice about it. We cannot always be so serious." A smile crossed her face, calming Valla in the process. "So, what do you plan to do about it?"

She said nothing. Valla simply stared ahead at the mirror on the wall, going over the events of the last ten minutes in her head. "I..." she slowly rose from the bed, bent over slightly, and let out her "retaliation" right towards Johanna. "Please forgive me..."

A groan of dissatisfaction came from the Crusader. "Please, that is nothing. Honestly, do you think that compares to the wrath I've let loose on you?"

It was true. Johanna was able to clear rooms with the gas she produced. Valla's, while potent enough on their own, came nowhere near. She tried a couple more times, and even though they were worse than the initial one, she wasn't able to match her.

"Good enough." Johanna said with a slight chuckle. "But we will work on that later. For now..."

Valla turned to look, only to discover her, spread eagle, pleasuring herself.

"Something is off. This doesn't feel as good as usual..." she spoke between light moans as she looked right at Valla. "Perhaps a little assistance is required...?"

Her heart skipped a beat as she felt herself begin to perspire, but Valla didn't waste any time in joining her in the bed. She was about to get to work, when she felt Johanna firmly grip her hair.

"No. You will do as I say, and you are not to stop until I finish."

A chill ran down Valla's back, as those words rung heavy in her ears. Johanna covered her with the thick bed sheets, and she got to work. Her tongue flitted around the lips of Johanna's pussy, and she moaned accordingly. Feeling Johanna's fingers find their way through her hair, she was getting hotter and hotter with each passing second. Eventually, Valla felt a long puff of hot air hit her face and mouth, and heard Johanna quickly speak up.

"Do not stop. No matter how bad it may get."

The space under the covers quickly heated up, and the smell filled Valla's nose. She recoiled and flinched with each passing emission, but did well to heed Johanna's instructions. Eventually, she felt herself hoisted up above the covers, her face pressing against Johanna's.

"You absolutely reek..." she teased. "We'll have to clean you up afterwards. But until then..." She began to pull Valla's panties downwards and past her ankles until they were completely off. Covering them both with the sheets, she spread Valla's legs, and pressed her lips to hers before she started rubbing against her. Passionate moans came from both women, and things only heated up as she decided to take it a step further by expelling more of her gas under the sheets.

Valla was absolutely loving it. The pleasure from having her clit rubbed only mixed with the intense sounds and smells being produced by Johanna's ample ass. Throughout the night, the women tried anything and everything that crossed their minds, eventually settling on a sixty-nine position as they lustfully ate eachother out. By then, Valla was much more relaxed and open to just about anything, so she had no problem letting her own gas out near Johanna's face. They spent about an hour savoring each other's tastes, sounds, and scents. By the time both women were empty, they had climaxed at least ten times between the two of them. They were both breathing heavily, covered in sweat, and despite the window being open, the combined smell from them hung heavy in the air.

"Johanna..that was...something else." Valla spoke slowly, clinging to her lover.

She simply smiled and returned the thought. "Yes. I wouldn't mind making that a nightly occurrence. If you would have that, of course."

She nodded and rested her head on Johanna's chest. "Without a doubt in the world..."

As the two women drifted off to sleep, they did so with a newfound confidence that neither would want to let go of...
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