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why the fuck am i like this. i literally push away everyone that i love or care about just because i dont think i deserve to be loved and it always results in me being alone. maybe i deserve this though. i mean why wouldnt i? im a terrible person and i honestly dont even deserve to be alive. this is all my fault. everything bad that happens is my fault. i dont think even god loves me. why would he honestly? id be so much better off if i never got close to people, i just end up getting hurt and i only have myself to blame because i never fucking know what i want. but honestly after all the shit i put up with i dont just fucking leave people like they do to me.i hate myself so much. if i was even half way good enough this wouldnt happen and i could actually let myself be happy for once. this is probably the 5th time this has happenes and i dont know whats wrong with me. what the fuck is wrong with me. why is it impossible for the people i love to care about me enough to stay? why am i still here. how did i get so messed up and why am i so obsessed with myself that i cant stop wallowing in my own self pity to look up and enjoy life. there are so many beautiful and wonderful things and i dont deserve any of them. i dont know why im addicted to saddness, but i do know that its probably going to take a lot more than last time for me to be okay again. what gives him the fucking right to just walk out of my life like that after all the shit i put up with. i was a bitch though. its my fault. shit. this always fucking happens. i wish i was dead. i didnt know my body produced this many tears and to be perfectly honest i didnt ever wanna know but here i am.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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