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aphmau sleeps and dreams to escape her sad and bland reality. one night, she meets a mysterious and charming young man named aaron who seems to reside in her little dream world.
→ on-going
this book contains mentions of suicide, self overdose, abuse and the over-world:
if you have problems concerning these subjects please stop reading.
written by shesaidtothesky
original plot line from Maksn on YouTube
short updates and late updates

( "ew, look at that lame excuse of a girl-- can't even answer a stupid question!" aphmau sighed and rested her head on her palm. her eyes had a sense of tiredness in them. it was very much visible.

"well aphmau? do you know the answer to this equation?" the teacher said, still awaiting the said girl. aphmau cursed inwardly at her bad luck before speaking,

"t-the answer? o-oh, sorry m-miss, i d-don't know..." she stuttered.

the teacher sighed and shook her head, not happy with aphmau's lack of effort for the past few years. but she couldn't help her, that girl simply wouldn't listen!

"miss aphmau, you know that this is for your education and not yours okay? work harder, i don't want to call home." the teacher said strictly before turning around and changing the power point to the next part of the lesson.

giggles were heard as aphmau buried her head into her school bag for comfort. it wasn't her fault that she was doing badly in classes, especially maths. it was mainly here parents' fault. they were always drinking and shouting throughout the night, making it hard for her to sleep. she just wanted a good life.

she sighed for the nth time that day and just thought about her bad luck in life, and how jealous she was of everyone around her.

/ end of chapter one.

( aphmau sighed, watching her feet pat along the pavement as multiple cars drove by. she considered jumping in front of one and ending her life, but she wasn't bothered at the moment and just wanted to get inside the comfort of her bed.

she wasn't rich- nor poor. she was just in between since her parents did not care about her that much. they only cared about the fact of her going to school and not being home for the day. but they still got angry when she tried to not come home. they always spend their nights drinking away and getting 'wasted'.

she grimaced at the front door of her home, getting her keys out and silently opening the door lock.

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