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It sounded like violin music, and it was coming from the basement... Teen Poppy Whitehouse and her crush Ben Alkyl walked down the stairs. Poppy was clutched on to his right arm and could feel his biceps from Baseball. As they turned the corner they checked their surroundings to find no one was there, but only a radio playing Violin Music. The lights flickered then turned off as Poppy held on to Ben's arm even tighter. All of sudden the door slammed shut, so the basement was pitch black and no light could come in. All she could see was the tall athletic figure of Ben. He grabbed her hand which almost made poppy faint but she kept it together, because now was not the time. Ben shouted "Anybody there" but they both knew it was to quiet for someone to still be in the schools basement. Ben quickly grabbed the flashlight from on top of the desk and tried to turn it on, But it was dead of course. "Cr-"Ben begin to say but then started to say something else "Lets go grab pillows and snacks from around the basement and make a fort area" Poppy replied "ok I'll grab the snacks" She could see him nod, so she then walked over to the teachers lounge. She grab a blue box filled with what she thought was cookies, she grabbed a case of water, a tub of ice cream with spoons, and two of Mr. Liratates sandwiches, he always ate during class. She walked back over to the nice fort Ben had made. She walked over confidently at least she couldn't get embarrassed in the dark, but to late she tripped and got ready to bang her head against the tile. But instead she got caught by Ben. They both laughed as Poppy said "Thanks" She showed him, her food finds... but by accident spilt water all over his shirt, she started blushing as she apologised he just took off his shirt which made her blush even more. "Well this is going to be one heck of a night" Ben said as he grabbed her by the waist...
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