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Final Exam Review:

1.All energy on Earth comes from the Sun.
2.The purpose of photosnthesis is to convert the sun's energy into protien for the plants.
3.The equation for photosnthesis is carbon dioxide+water --Light energy is required-->glucose+oxygen, or 6co2+6h2o--sunlight energy-->c6h12o6+6o2.
4.The reactants of photosnthesis are 6co2+6h2o and the products are c6h12o6+602.
5.Organsisms that conduct photosnthesis are plants.
6.The plant cell organelle that conducts photosynthesis are the chloroplasts.
7.The Chlorophyll absorb light from the sun and transfers the energy to the plant.
8.During transpiration, water moves throughout the plant, evaporating from the stomata.
9.The stomata are little slits in a plant that allows the movement of gases in and out of the leaf.
10.The gaurd cells have a huge affect on the stomata, this gaurd cell makes the slit open when it's in the sun, to enable photosynthesis and closes without it or if it is dehydrated it will close, and if hydrated it will open.

Cellular Respiration:
11.The purpose of cellular respiration is to release the energy in food and capture it in a form of ATP.
12.All organisms conduct cellular respiration.
13.The chemical equation for cellular respiration is glucose+oxygen-->carbon dioxide+water+energy, or
14.The reactants in cellular respiration is glucose and oxygen while the products are carbond dioxide, water, and energy (i.e ATP)
15.The mitochondria conducts cellular respiration.
16.During cellular respiration, our body takes the energ from food and converts it for our body to take in, in doing so, it lets us continue to live, if we weren't allive(i.e all organisms) then there would be no hydrogen we let out and the plants would die off and then the organisms would die off without oxgen.


18.The structure of DNA is called a double helix.
19.The DNA is found in the Nucleus of the eukaryotic cells.
20.During DNA replication there are three major steps; unwinding, the two strands of DNA have to seperate before any replication can occur. Replication, the DNA of each strand is copied. Polymerases, the original strands of DNA pair up with the new strands.
21.The base pair rules are the purines always pair with the primidines, Adenine goes with Thymine and Cytosine goes with Guanine.
22.Watson's and Crick's research showed that DNA's structure was made up of deoxyribose nucleic acid.
23.In RNA's process, it is allowed to leave the nucleus to continue it's routine, while the DNA is stuck in the Nucleus.

Protein Synthesis:
24.A gene is a trait that is passed down from the parents to the offspring.
25.A gene codes for a phenotpic trait, which is a physicall trait you can see.
26.The first step in protien synthesis is the transcreiption from mRNA to DNA genes, then the mRNA moves to the ctoplasm, and then the ribosome. The mRNA goes through the ribosomes three bases at a time, which is when the tRNA matches up with the DNA bases. Then finally, the tRNA releases the amino acids at the top.
27.During transcription, mRNA is formed.
28.mRNA is made in the nucleus, then leaves to fufill it's duties.
29.Only one codon is needed to specify three amino acids.
30.During translation, three steps take place; initiation, where the ribosomes assemble to the targeted mRNA. Elongation, when the tRNA transfers an amino acid to a coresponing tRNA, and creates a chain of amino acids. Finally, termination, when a 'stop' codon is reached and releases the ploypeptide to stop the chain.
31.Translation occurs in the cytoplasm.
32.The monomer of protien is deoxyribose.

33.There are 46 chromosomes in a human somatic cell.
34.There are 23 chromosomes in a human gamete.
35.There are 23 autosomes and sex chromosomes in a human body.
36.If the body cell of an organism has a haploid number of three, then there would be 6 chromosomes in the body cell.
37.There are 23 chromosomes in the females' sex cell, or ovum.
38.The purpose of meiosis is to take 23 chromosomes from the father and 23 chromosomes from the mother to make the offspring.
39.When nondisjunction occurs, there is one extra chromosome in the bod, which is also known as down's syndrome.
40.In cross-over the results would be recombination chromosomes.

41.The passing of traits from parents to offspring is called heridity.
42.A phenotype is a phsical trait such as eye color or hair color.
43.A genotype can be heterzgous or homzygous traits such as HH, Hh, or hh.
44.For B-brown and b-blue, the homozygous dominant trait would be BB for brown. For heterozgous it would be Bb for brown, since the dominant trait shows, and for homozygous recessive it would be bb for blue.
45.The probability of having an offspring with blues eyes from a heterozgous father and a blue eyed mother would be 50%.
46.For this couple above, the phenotypic ratio of their offspring would be 50% brown eyes and 50% blue eyes.
47.The genotpe for a male ix XY and the genotpe for a female is XX.
48.Three phenotypes can be produced by codominant alleles.
49.The blood type of a person who inherited an A allele and an O allele would be blood type A.
50.A punett square is a device that help determine the probable outcome of genetic crosses.
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