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I was thinking on that previous conjecture that she seems to align herself with associates that are dumber than her. Szabo was a clear example of that and she came back to him multiple times. This was even when she did confide everything to me, and did have me on her fancy. What a fickle wench she is. Now there is the Murcian, and from the interactions I have seen she does have a tendency to put herself up and above him. He went through the wrong door and he got mocked by her. She did call him stupid, although once I did pick upon it, she got all defensive; "you don't even know him," "I say that about a lot of people, like Sakshi, despite her being academically great." However, the thing is, she never ever called me or referred to me as dumb, stupid or silly. Which I always found amusing.

This leads me to believe a little theory. Currently she is one of the smartest students in the class. I could see from her brief interactions that she likes this pompous attitude. She likes this power that it gives her, as she is literally in control of that poor Murcian and his friend (fat guy, don't really know too much about him. He looks like he gave up on life). I think she has developed a superiority complex, which has been building up over time, but couldn't be actually used, since I was always quite the humbling reminder of her idiosyncrasies and she would tell me about her worries and insecurities, sometimes things she would only tell me. What I am trying to say is that her superiority complex ( I need to google this for more info and a more precise diagnosis) makes her do what she does. And I think I can understand it, since I myself know the value of this "power," and it is intoxicating.
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