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————-Erens POV
Levi held his finger up. "One sec."

He got up and walked toward his fridge again. He came back carrying two waters, he handed me one and I gratefully accepted it. I hadn't realized how thirsty I had been.

"Okay, so heres my sob story." I started.

—————Flashback of what Erens telling Levi
"Hello?" My mom yelled out in the empty lobby of the Ice Rink.

We had only recently moved here, about 2 weeks ago to be exact. At my old town I had been a advanced figure skater, but I needed something more advanced, so we moved here for that sole reason.

Finally a tall bald man stepped out, he had black all around his eyes.

He held out a calloused hand. "Hello there! I'm Coach Shadis."

My mom took it. "Hi, im Carla and this is Eren."

He looked down. "Welcome to the team. How old are you?"

"I'm 13."

He and my mom talked for a bit, then people started to show up.

"Eren, you can follow those boys, and go change if you want." He said pointing.

I nodded. "Bye mom." I waved as I ran off, eager to go meet new people.

I followed a tall blond boy into the locker rooms. The familiar sound of lockers slamming shut. There were two walls of lockers, and I could see a lock on every last one of them. I tapped on the shoulder of the guy i'd been following.

"E-excuse me?" I asked shyly.

He turned, looking confused. "Wha- Oh, hi! Aren't you the new guy coach was telling us about?"

I nodded. "We just moved here."

He smiled."Sweet, what your name?"

"Eren, you?"

"I'm Erwin, do you have a locker yet?"

I shook my head.

"Armin over there doesn't have a partner yet, you can share with him."

"Okay, thank Erwin!" I walked over to the boy he had pointed out.

He had blonde hair that framed his face, and was wearing the same black leotard as everyone else.

"Hi i'm Eren." I smiled.

He looked up startled. "O-oh hi, i'm Armin..."

"Do you mind if we share lockers? I asked.

"N-no." He moved his bag aside, and I placed mine next to his.

I pulled out the Leotard I had bought from the coach a week ago, and quickly pulled off my shirt. Armin awkwardly looked away, as I pulled off my underwear. I threw on my leotard and looked back at Armin.

He was looking down at his lap, avoiding my gaze. "Whats wrong?" I asked worried I had done something to upset him.

"N-nothing, lets go." He grabbed his skates and stood. I fished my skates out of my bag, and quickly followed him to the rink. Everyone was there. pulling on their skates, and talking. The girls all wore matching leotards too. They were similar to ours, long sleeves, but there were no legs. I found a free spot on one of the benches and pulled on my skates, lacing them up.

By the time I had my skates on the majority of the kids had already gone on the ice. I quickly followed, not wanting to be left behind. I placed my foot on the ice, unsure at first. It had been 3 weeks since the last time I had been on the ice, and needed to get used to it again. Once I put my second foot on and got moving I quickly regained my composure, feeling the ice slide beneath my skate, and the familiar coolness of the air. Everyone was scattered about the ice, practicing jumps, and spins. For the most part everyone was in a group but Armin was all alone in the corner, doing scratch spins. Nearby was Erwin, he was with a short raven hair boy. I skated over to Armin.

"Hey Armin!" I greeted the blonde as he was pulling out of a scratch spin.

"Oh, hey Eren." He smiled weakly.

"Can I practice with you?" I asked.

"S-sure." He moved aside.

I did a small spiral and once I got to the middle I brought my leg out, along with my arms. I spun, slowly bringing my arms and leg in moving faster the closer my limbs got to my body. I kept bringing them down, until my feet were both on the ground and my arms at my sides. Then I slowly crouched, and brought my leg out, into a sit spin. As I slowed my leg that was slightly extended crossed over the other, and I stood back into the original scratch spin. I stepped out of the scratch spin, and circled back around to Armin.

"Whoa... Was that a sit spin?!" Armin asked, eyes wide.

"Y-yeah, you don't know how to do one?"

"Only Levi, and Erwin can." Armin pointed towards Erwin and the raven haired guy. "Those two are Erwin, and Levi. They're the top two skaters. Stay away from Levi, he's scary, but Erwin is nice."

I looked over at the two, Levi was doing Lutz's, while Erwin was watching.

"His Lutz is flawless." I thought.

Levi took off from the ground backwards, spinning 3 times and landing gracefully on the same foot.

Thought back to the time when dad taught me the Lutz. I would always end off on the opposite foot, and even to this day I really need to concentrate, or i'll end off on my left instead of my right. I smiled at the memory, and took off, doing a small semi circle for speed. I jumped, and spun 1...2...3...4 times before landing on the same foot. I continued, and completed the circle, panting next to Armin.

Levi was staring at me, a small flare in his eyes.

"Challenge accepted, Turd muffin!" He yelled.

Everyone turned towards me, whispering to each other.

"The new guy challenged Levi." "He's kinda cute." "He's gonna get creamed."

Levi skated to the middle, and everyone moved to the side of the rink.

"Are you gonna participate or not?" He challenged.

I cautiously approached him.

"Here are the rules, i'm going to do a move and if you can't do it then I win. If you do get it, then you show me a move, and i'll do it. The first person who can't do a move is out."

"What do I get if I win?" I asked.

"You get to be my partner for the upcoming competition. When I win, I want you to resurface the ice for 3 weeks."

"What if I don't want to be you partner?" I said defiantly.

"It's a privilege to be my partner, shitty brat." He held out his hand. "Deal?"

I begrudgingly took it.

"Good, see ya' after class." Levi skated away, back toward Erwin.

"Well i'm fucked."

"Hell yeah you are! I can't believe you challenged Levi!" I turned around, a girl was standing behind me. Eating a potato. (IT WAS BOUND TO HAPPEN OKAY)

"I'm Sasha! Nice to meet ya'!"

"A-are you eating a potato?" I asked confused.

"Yup! See you after class!" She said as she cheerfully skated back to a boy with a buzz cut.

I was about to go back to Armin, when a whistle blew. Everyone skated towards the front of the rink, where Coach Shadis was standing. I quickly followed, and stood next to Armin.

"Okay today's lesson..."

——————-TIME SKIP

"Everyone practice those routines!" Coach yelled one last time, before stepping off the ice, and walking out.

Class was over but no one made a move to leave, instead the entire class sat on the stands to watch the brawl that was about to happen.
Levi and I were facing eachother, a battle between our eyes. I glared into his gray cold heartless ones, and my green warm, piercing ones.

"You first." I challenged.

"Happily, lets get this over with." He turned, and I moved to give him room.

He sped up, doing some back crossovers to get into position. Then jumped spinning his body halfway and landing on his opposite side. A simple Salchow

"What the fuck? Why are you going so easy?" I knew he was being easy on me. This move was nothing compared to the Lutz.


I sped up, and got into position. I easily copied the move.

"My turn." I smiled devilishly

"Nothing to easy but not too hard either... Toe Loop it is."

I circled around, once I was where I wanted to perform the jump itself I spun halfway around so my left skate could dig into the ice for leverage and jumped, twirling once in the air, and landing perfectly on one foot. It was a little fancier than I had intended, but will do nonetheless. (Did you know nonetheless is one word?)

Levi snickered, and copied the move. As soon as he finished he transitioned into his next move. Sped up, and did a side spin, switching legs as he turned. He did this three times, going faster each time, but on his fourth he spun three times, once he landed he immediately turned into a scratch spin, that was at least 3 times as fast as the one I did with Armin. Once he slowed down, he jumped out of the spin on one foot, and bowed.

"I think I may have won. Do you want to try and do that move? Or shall we just get out the Zamboni now?"

I stared at him. "Oh, no I sure am scared now. I guess I should try, though." I said in a mock scared voice.

Levi glared at me, before stepping aside. I moved to the end of the rink, and took a deep breath. I started, speeding up. I did the first jump, and landed it perfectly. On the second jump I felt the momentum from the first try to pull me off balance.

"I see now."

I quickly regained my composure, and moved into the third. The force was much stronger this time, and I used it to make my scratch spin faster.
I moved my arms in, and felt my body move faster. I pushed my spin to my limits, and went faster then even Levi did. Once I slowed down enough I decided to get a little cocky. I pulled my leg up, and the spin slowed slightly, but once I got it up to my face, I sped up again. Once the momentum from my spin had decreased enough for me to back out of I brought my leg back down and shoved my skate into the ice to stop myself in front of the audience of my peers. I looked up at a bunch of wide eyes, and bowed.

"Tch, show off."

I looked at Levi. "My turn?"

"Fuck you." Levi skated back to the front of the rink, and stepped off the ice.

Before he left I yelled "You wish!"

He turned, and my blood turned to ice. "I'll see you at practice tomorrow Eren." And with that the raven haired man left without another word.

I gulped.But I wasn't allowed to be afraid for very long, when I heard Sasha yell.

"EREN YOU DID IT" She ran on the ice, bare foot, and hugged me.

The next thing I knew everyone was cheering for me, and hugging me.

Once things finally settled down, we all went to change, and I waited in fear for class the next day.


Levi, and I had met up on the following weekend to practicing for competitions. We had a week. A week to learn and perfect a 3 minute performance.


Levi we standing 10 feet away, and was getting pissed because I was still struggling on my lutz's.

"I CAN, I JUST SUCK DICK TODAY FOR SOME REASON" I yelled back in mid jump.

I landed on the wrong leg, again.


I gulped, and prepared for the jump. I jumped. And landed on the wrong leg.


"AAAGH." I yelled as Levi suddenly charged after me full blast

I skated away, but was tackled by Levi. Levi fell on top of me, and we wrestled, laughing. We rolled around, and I found myself on top of Levi, I had his arms pinned and our faces just inches apart. Suddenly the air got hot. I stared into his eyes.

"Levi..." I murmured.

His hair was slightly wet from the ice, and the sweat glistened on his forehead.
He looked... Hot? Cute? Sexy.

I shook my head and got off of him. "S-sorry."

"I can't like this guy... I've only met him 4 days ago."

I remembered my second practice. I had expected to get beat up, but instead, he told me "I needed to get off my ass now, and get to practicing for the competition." (Just incase your wondering i'm 6 hours into writing this chapter. I started at 5:00 right after I ate chinese, and it's now 11:02)

Levi got up, and brushed himself off. "I-it's fine..."

I circled around, and continued to practice the jump. I focused on my feet and managed to land it on the correct foot.



I sighed, and circled back around. I did the same jump 4 more times before Levi was satisfied that I had it.

"Good, lets go take showers. We stink."

I agreed, and we walked back to the locker rooms.

I had never took a shower at the rink before, even though I brought my bathing stuff, I simply never did. I took one when I got home of course.

I drabbed my bag, and walked through the door that read "Showers" I looked around, and realized there were NO curtains, or walls for that matter. In Fact it was basically just faucets lined up on a wall.

"What the fuck?"

"Yeah, the showers here suck ass." Levi came up behind me.

"I-i'll just go home and take one..." I turned around.

"Quite being a wuss and take a damn shower, before I pull you in myself."

Levi walked to the nearest one, and started to strip.

"Levi!" I yelled, looking away.

"What, shit face?"

"Don't just strip!"

"Eren shut the fuck up, we're both men now strip."

"Fine." I gave in.

I avoided looking at Levi, while I walked to the shower that was one away from him. There were only 3 showers, because 2 only had cold water.

Turning from Levi I pulled down the sleeves of my Leotard, once I had I down to my hip I stopped, and looked over at Levi. He had his shower running, his toned ass was facing me.


I felt my member respond.

"What the fuck are you doing Jaeger?"

"Nothing." I pulled my leotard the rest of the way off.

I turned on the shower, and allowed the warm water to run over my tense body.

"Fuck this feels amazing." I murmured, under the warmths spell.

I grabbed my soap from my bag, and lathered up my body. I was about to put it away, but dropped it. (Yes this is happening.)

I laughed. "Levi I dropped the soap."

"You would do that."

I bent down to pick it up, and put it back in my bag. (Haha you wanted smut? Nope we're only on the second chapter, even though this is more like 3 chapters. ITS 12:03 7 FUCKING HOURS.)

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