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Part 4:
1) What really brought upon the change in dynamics between Kaz and Inej? What are your thoughts on the new turn their interactions are taking?
2) As we've seen all their personalities are quite conflicting, what really ties them all together? Why this group and these people?
-Chapter 27 (Inej vs. Jesper)
3) We see the backstory of how Inej was Brought into the group. Through the chapter she questions her choice to join them, however why is it that she is more concerned about giving up on them vs herself? (Chapter 25)
Favorite Quotes:
"The heart is an arrow. It aims to land true." (Chapter 25)
-These few paragraphs were so amazing as they truly emphasized the change Inej goes through and the idnependence she gains.
"Inej looked at her strange crew, barefoot and shivering in their soot-stained prison uniforms, their features limned by the golden light of the dome, softened by the mist that hung in the air." (Chapter 28)
"She hefted herself up another foot-kaz brought us here-and then another..." (Chapter 25)
-Chapter 25 is my favorite chapter I have read so far!
-The strength of Inej and her becoming more independent!
-The plan failing and them coming up with a new one on the spot-sort of ridiculous
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