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Chapter 1

Nichole’s Pov
“Ello Everybody! Nichole here” I say waving at the camera
“I know that today is supposed to be a Q and A day, queue the booing. But anyway i have some very important news for you guys! I got into Youtuber High”
“ ok but anyways i wa-”
“OMG I GOT IN” Jennifer screamed in my now open doorway. Funny i thought i locked it… oh well it was just Jennifer, she is my flatmate. Shes a youtuber who has a fair enough subscribers.
“Calm down Jennifer……...ok now, what did you get in to?”
“YOUTUBER HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Oh me too, now do u want to be in my now messed-up video?”
“Sure……. wait YOU GOT IN?!?!?!?”She asked jumping up and down
“Yas now set down before i go eat all the pizza” she sat down instantly, knocking down my camera
“Oh god, I’m so sorry Nichole” Jennifer said as she waved her hand infront of me
“Any who lets get back to the video” I said as i picked the video camera back up
“Ello everybody i have a very special announcement for you guys… me-” “and me” Jennifer chimed in
“Got into…Youtuber High! In the letter they told me that you guys voted me to go and that they would greatly appreciate if i said i would say yes. So i did some research about the school and found out that it is located in london, and emailed them and said I would love to go. They emailed back and said that i am getting an flat, who i am sharing with Jennifer, and that i would be getting all my meals for free and some better equipment… like a better PC and recording equipment, So im excited for that.” i said as i was messing around with my Llama plushie.
”So thank you for voting for me to go and me and Lainy should be moving in about a week. Bye bye see you guys later an be expecting a moving day vlog. Dan and phil should be there helping us move, They got in too, btw. Bye!!!” I jumped up and turned off my camera.

Chapter 2

*Time skip to moving day*

“Nichole wake up its moving day and Phil should be here soon” Jennifer yelled down the hall of the flat we were moving out of today. i had done most of my packing yesterday so the only thing i have to pack is
“Ehhhhhhhh getting up is for noobs”i yelled back
“Dans coming…”
“Ugh fine then” i hopped out of bed and looked at the time. 7:40.
“What the hell Jennifer. I have 20 minutes to get ready!”
“Well i tried to get you up and hour ago but you didn't get up”
“Ugg well whatever” I walked over to my bag i had packed yesterday and pulled out some cloths. I grabbed some of my make up and walked to the bathroom and it being almost empty nothing was there except for my makeup and Flatiron did not help my messy i quickly did my hair and minimal of make-up and then put on a gray loose fitting sweatshirt, some skinny jeans, my purple converse, and my cat ear ring on my right ring finger. I grabbed my laptop and shoved it in my backpack with my beats and vlog camera.
“Kay I’m ready”i yelled down the hall to Jennifer
“Kk give me a second” She yelled back
I turn around and look at my old room thinking of all of the collabs me and my friends have done in this room… like mine and tyler oakleys truth or dare video… its confusing… (A/N Im just going to make her have a flashback)

“Prank call Dan or Phil” I read from Amazinglexis’s tweet
“Really? Ok well i guess dan.” Tyler said back pulling out his phone to call him.
“Ok. i will just try not to laugh… and fail at it.” I said staring into the camera
“Ha ok. Three. Two. One” He hit the call button on his phone
“Hello” Dan said over the phone
“Oh hey dan! SO im In London and wanted to know if we could hang out at the club or somthin.” He said in his Drunk voice
“Umm i don’t know.”He said back with hesitation
(A/N Omg i’m dying right now.)
“Ok im kidding…. i just want to see you” He stopped for a second to think of a word “...Babe.” Tyler said
“Tyler are you drunk?” He asked
“NO where in the world would you get that idea?” He said in a sarcastic voice
“Is someone there with you?” He asked questioning Tyler
“No im by myself”
“Oh do you need a ride to your hotel?” (A/N Lets just pretend dan has a car.)
“Oh NO hun i can drive myself”
“Ok where are you i’m going to came pick you up.” Dan said sounding like he was getting up.
“Oh my lord i got him to stand up... “Tyler said in his normal voice
“What are you talking about?” He said and i heard a door getting shut
“This was a prank call dan… it was a dare...sorry blame Amazinglexis on twitter” Tyler said laughing his butt off.
And by this time I was on the floor laughing with Tyler as dan was confused
“Wait what? This was just a dare for a video? Ha. You made me get up and walk out the door i was almost to my car.”
“Sorry dan” I said sitting up and feeling bad for him… i mean if my friend called me drunk saying they were going to drive and was kidding i would have been mad.
“Ya sorry dan” Tyler said sitting up too
“Its ok but next time don’t make me get up.” He said back laughing.
“Haha Ok” I said
“so who is the girl thats in the room with you tyler…”
“Oh Its Nichole, You know awkwardnichole?”
“Oh ya i know about her... can i talk to her?” he asked
“Sure” me and tyler said in unision.
I picked up the phone and took it off speaker
“Ya why did you want to talk to me?” I asked politely… but inside i was screaming...i was talking to the person who got me into YouTube.
“Ya You wanna collab sometime? I mean next time i’m in manchester that is.”
“Ya that would be perfect. It would be nice to meet you…. do you want my number?”
“Ya that would be perfect”

“My god Nichole stop daydreaming”Jennifer told me waving her hand in front of my face and snapping me out of my
“Sorry i was thinking, what's wrong” I asked
“Nothing its just dan and phil are almost here and i guess dan has been talking about you the whole way here… according to phil” Jennifer said smirking
“Well it is the first time we have met and we talk all the time” I say back to her blushing
“Mhm whatever you say” She said sarcastically
“Like you aren’t excited to see phil”I say straightening up
“Shut up” She says back trying to hide her blush
I smile at her telling her that i was joking. Then i here car doors slam. I smile and look at Jennifer who is already looking at me.
“They are here” she tells me
“I know”i say back
“Come in guys”I yell to them hoping that they heard me
“Race you to the door”She yelled behind her to me
“Hey get back here” i yell to her as i'm racing down the hall to catch up to her
“Im gonna win-” Jennifer yelled as she ran into phil who opened the door and fell over on the wood floor.
“Oh god Jennifer are you ok?” Phil asked her with a concerned look on his face
“Ya im fine” Jennifer said forgetting that she was on phils arms and upon noticing this she started blushing like a mad woman.
“Umm phil do you think you could put me down?”
“Oh… ya… sorry” Phil said blushing too as he put her down
“Ok well that was awkward” me and dan say in unison. Not noticing each other until we both said that.
“Oh nichole!” dan said looking at me and walking over to me.
“Dan!” I say as he engulfs me in a bear hug and i hug back.
“I havent seen you since Playlist live!” He says
“I know right!” I say but it was muffled by my head being buried in his chest.
“Ok now its awkward for us” phil says as we finally let go of each other.
I realise my cheeks are heating up and look up and notice so are dans.
We just kind of stood in a very awkward silence for about what felt like forever.
“Ok anyway let put that behind us and go get a moving truck.” Jennifer said saving the day
“Ok good idea…” I ask right after she finished her sentence.

Chapter 3

“So…” i say in the taxi with dan
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