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Country, Island, State, Organization or OC?: Country

Zombie, Survivor or Zombie/human?: Survivor

Name: Philippines
Nicknames: Philip, Phil
Age: Historically, roughly over 500 years old. Physically, in his early 20s.
Gender: Trans Male (Stealth)
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: "ASS. IS. ASS." (Pansexual)
Overall personality: Philip is pretty energetic for someone in their 20s, although they try not to show it. They get bored rather easily, and is incapable of sitting still doing nothing without internally dying first, combine that with their impulsivity and clumsiness, and you got a recipe for a bit of trouble. He can be quite annoying and a bit of a jerkwad at times, with their brutal honesty and tendency to be quite temperamental being a bit of an nuisance to deal with.

When the whole zombie apocalypse thing rolled in, Philip became a LOT more cautious approaching other people, survivor or otherwise. He also became a lot more selfish, backstabbing and taking advantage of those he doesn’t care about with little remorse if he deems it necessary for his survival. He’s only truly loyal to those he is closest with, other than that, y’all can just fuck off lmao. (I didn’t know how else to word it, sorry if that came off kinda weird—)

Likes: Sweets, Gardening, Nature, Food, Not dying, Music, etc.

Dislikes: Loud Noises (Yeah, he doesn’t use his pistols a lot…), Dust (He's allergic... It's unfortunate cause that's gonna be hard as shit to avoid—), Dying, Japanese Empire, etc.

What weapon(s) do they have?: Two pistols and more than a handful of different knives.
Any scars?: They have quite a few scars, but most of them came from his history. Some noticeable ones are a cut on the left of his forehead and a large abrasion on his right knee.
Accessories(Like glasses or earrings): He wears an eyepatch designed to look like the Philippine Sun over his right eye.
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