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Signs You're Living Life Like a Sigma Male
A Sigma Male is a term that refers to a male who is perceived as having little-to-no influence in the social sphere. This pervasive stereotype has even been picked up by geeky websites such as Cracked, where it's referred to as "the neediest of the nerdy" because, quite literally, this guy has to do nothing but watch and wait for everyone else not to screw up.

In reality, this archetype was simply created from a lack of popularity or status among geeks in general. Simply put: sigma males are neither here nor there. They're not cool or geeky enough to be invited into the inner circle of a group, but they're also not creepers who would lurk around outside to check out girls.

Yet there's a bit more to these guys than just a quiet existence within their social circles. When you look at them closely, you'll see that there are some definite tendencies that mark them as sigma males, whether they like it or not.

They're Mature for Their Age

Sigma males are usually the ones who act mature for their age. They've got the emotional intelligence of an adult and will respond rationally to any situation they encounter without letting it get the best of them.

They're also often the ones who are less concerned about what other people think. One of the marks of a Sigma Male is that they choose their own path, rather than follow the herd or what others are doing. If they wear glasses, it's because they've always worn them. If they turn away from mainstream fads, it's not because they're against it in general, but because there's no universal appeal to these things. They simply don't drink alcohol or go to bars at all. Their interests are unique, which makes them stand out from the crowd.

They're Their Own People

Sigma Males aren't just a mannequin standing in the corner -- they're active participants in groups where they have a specific niche. They're not going to change their behavior just because a different group is forming up. In fact, it's often in their best interest to stand out from that group in order to escape unwanted attention or judgment -- and if you watch closely, you'll see that this is precisely what many sigma males will do. They'll make themselves "difficult" to get away from any potential flak, and thus get better treatment from others.

They Know the Obvious

Sigma males often use their knowledge of human nature to serve as a mediator. They're often the ones who know what the rest of the group doesn't, and so can use that information to smooth out any unnecessary frictions or conflicts within a group. This is one of the major reasons why they're always asked to do so much: they don't let obvious things fall by the wayside, and will instead pick these things up and keep them in mind for later. The rest of the group will notice their keen observations and respect them if only to keep the peace!

They're Attentive

Sigma males are always aware when something's going on around them. They won't miss much; when they do, it's because it's important. Perhaps most tellingly, they'll often be the ones who notice things others don't -- so much so that others will inevitably try to get them to stop noticing all these "obvious" things! But no matter what happens, Sigma Males never ignore anything of importance.

They're Cautious

Sigma Males know how to play the odds and take calculated risks. When they do take a risk, they prefer to be ready for it, rather than diving right in without a plan. Their reasoning is often based not on logic, but wisdom -- many of them have been through enough experience to be able to see patterns where others cannot. In this way, they often see the big picture and can easily predict what will happen next. They're not afraid of failure - after all, what's the worst that could happen? - but they're not going anywhere unless either their intuition or common sense tells them it's a good idea.

The Value Their Own Opinion

Sigma males are usually very confident in their own opinions. In fact, they're often confident in everything they do, whether that means a lack of fear of embarrassment from failing at something or decisiveness when it comes to approaching a new situation. They're usually the sort who will stay on-task and finish what they start and can be trusted to give a thoughtful answer whenever asked for one. is probably why sigma males make good friends -- they'll always be dependable, and may always have some tidbit of information for you if only you ask!
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