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Romeo and Juliet Questions—Answers to be typed or handwritten. Make sure they are your words and not borrowed from primary sources.
1. Prologue: In which northern Italian city is the play set?
2. What is the purpose of the prologue?
3. Act 1: Scene 1: For which families do Gregory and Sampson work?
4. Why do you think Shakespeare opened the play with this scene of the servants?
5. Prince Escalus yells at Capulet and Montague. What punishment will they suffer if their followers fight in the street again?
6. Why is Romeo so sad at the beginning of the play?
7. What advice does Benvolio give to his lovesick cousin?
8. Scene 2: Count Paris asks Lord Capulet if he may marry Juliet. Who is Count Paris and what condition does Lord Capulet make on Juliet’s behalf concerning the proposal?
9. Why does Romeo decide to crash the Capulets’ party with Benvolio and Mercutio?
10. Scene 4: Write a few sentences in which you give your impression of Mercutio. Why is his character so important to the play?
11. How does Tybalt react when he recognizes Romeo and what is Lord Capulet’s reaction?
12. How does Friar Lawrence react when Romeo asks him to marry him and Juliet that day?
13. Act 3: Scene 1: What does Mercutio do when Romeo tells Tybalt he will not fight him? How is Romeo responsible for what happens to Mercutio?
14. How does Romeo react to what happens to Mercutio?
15. Act 4 Scene 3: Friar Lawrence tells Romeo that he has not been condemned to death but to banishment. How does Romeo respond to this news at first?
16. Act 4 Scene 4: What decision does Lord Capulet make in this scene regarding Juliet and Paris?
17. How does Lord Capulet react when Juliet goes against his decision regarding Paris?
18. Act V Scene 2: What news does Friar John bring Friar Laurence regarding the message for Romeo?
19. What does Friar Laurence do as a result of this news?
20. Act V Scene 3: Why is Paris at Juliet’s grave?
21. What does Paris think when he sees Romeo at Juliet’s tomb?
22. What happens between Paris and Romeo?
23. What is it about Juliet that should have told Romeo that she was not dead?
24. Why does Juliet kiss Romeo after he is dead?
25. Give a 2-3 sentence summary of the ending of this play.
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