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The term, emulation hacking, sounds a bit confusing doesn't it? For some readers who have tried game emulators, you will have somewhat of an idea what emulation hacking will be about. Though, it goes a step beyond gaming; this method of programming can emulate any kind of app settings on your device without actually changing your device's real settings. How can this be?!The new programming language built around emulating software, EmulationSync emulates the configuration of other apps and programs, without the need to have the actual programs or apps on your device. In other words, EmulationSync tricks your device, not to mention websites, networks, servers and other devices (etc) into believing it has the actual program on your device! Huh?!Emulation hacking is when you write a program without a Graphics User Interface (GUI), that emulates configuration settings, often saved as a binary (.bin) or some other executable file. You can save the source code as an.apk for example. When you try to install the app it will give you a parsing error. That's normal actually. Your EmulationSync program is supposed to be used once and then safely thrown in the trash. But what does this achieve?!Emulation hacking speeds up your device as you have a program that is a no-program. The files are often very small in size and only take up minimum space in memory and/or storage. You're getting the maximum benefits without paying any money and without constantly worrying about needing updates. VPNPatcher for example turns your device into a completely unhackable and untraceable VPN-enabled device, even though only the settings of the VPN are emulated. So what?!So, you get all the benefits of all the best and most expensive apps, programs and software for free! The EmulationSync programming language is dedicated to the public domain and it's website offers and gives away the programs and the source code for each respective programs and apps! Emulation hacking uses bare minimum resources, is lightweight, doesn't rely on configuration files; creates maximum capacity apps, programs and software, and you can emulate anything with the simple to learn and use EmulationSync programming language! How... I mean... when?In conclusion, if the variables and functions or objects exist in any programming language, it can be translated or converted into binary! That is how emulation hacking truly works, especially the world's 1st ever emulation programming language, EmultationSync! Read more
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

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Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

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