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Act 1 Romeo journal entry:
This night I have been invited to go to a party at the Capulet’s but I do not wish to go. Mercutio and Benvolio have talked me into going only to see all of the other beautiful women other than the one I really love. But I believe that will only make me love the other woman even more. Oh but, a woman I did see this night that peeked my interest; It was a beautiful woman named Juliet who I could barely take my eyes off of once we first met. She speaks as though kissing would be a sin as to kiss a woman that I do not know. But after woo she did believe and we kissed for years it seemed; Her lips were like clouds as she told me, “You kiss by th’ book”, But our love was soon halted and interrupted once we found out we were from the opposing houses of Capulet(Me) and Montague(Juliet). The nurse above all was very interruptive of our love and she is the reason why we found out about each other in the first place. Hopefully she may love me as much as I love her for she is the saint to my knight, and the life to my death. I wish that as we part from this party and this night that we will meet again, maybe by candlelight to kiss and love once more.

Act 2 Romeo journal entry:
Some may call it obsession, but I call it the will to chase the one you love; and this night I followed my heart to find Juliet on her balcony as beautiful as ever calling for me, “Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo”, I did follow the sound of her sweet voice close to her balcony as we gazed into each other’s eyes and pledged our love. Her sweet scent is all that makes me want to always be with her. That is why we will now marry and the Friar will marry us tomorrow at 9. I may have to leave her balcony tonight, but we will meet again tomorrow for it will feel like a thousand years. I hope that for now our families will not find out but, if they do Friar Lawrence believes that it will finally bring peace to the houses feuds. Hopefully our love will not lead us to another mutiny or a banishment from each other’s houses. I should just stop worrying; everything will be O.K. I will be with Juliet and Benvolio and Mercutio will soon follow and learn to love both houses. Now that we are married I may not get along with the people of Capulet, but I now must learn to love them for they are my parents-in-law and my brothers-in-law.

Act 3 Romeo journal entry:
There is no longer any need for dispute between Tybalt and I because we are like family now. If he won’t accept that then he will have to kill me and anyone else that stands in his way between me and the love I now must have for him. Uh Oh, Mercutio is being very antagonizing towards Tybalt hopefully he will not cause a fight to disperse, for it would be his own doing to cause such a mutiny. Tybalt better not fight with Mercutio either since they are now his family too. Mercutio!!! Tybalt what have you done! This is your fault! I told you to hold your swords and stop the fighting. I or You or both of us must be with him! I or You or both of us must be with him! Oh No, what have I done…what will Juliet think of me for killing her dearest cousin. I will now have to be executed and forever be without Juliet. Banishment? There cannot be a worse punishment. I would rather die and eventually have the chance to be with Juliet than Live and be without her

Act 4 Friar Journal entry:
Why must these two fools love each other so dearly? All they do is cause heartache. And oh how stressing tis it. Now, Juliet must marry Paris. Hopefully she won’t come begging for help. I always give help but it causes me such stress. But in such a dire and conflicting situation like this I should be helping. Romeo will be furious when gets the news and realizes that not only is he banished, but his true love has shown feelings for another man. He would probably desire to kill Paris in order to make Juliet his bride only. But wait, There is another solution. Juliet can make sure that tonight before bed she is positive that everyone is gone and that no one will re-enter your room until morning while she does this simple task. I can give her a potion that will force her into a sleep-state for 48hrs and will also drop her heartrate which will give the illusion to her family that she will be dead, which she really isn’t. Once they mourn for her they will put her in her family’s tomb where she will lay and await her awakening. Before this I will send a messenger to Romeo to tell him the plan so that he can be their when Juliet wakes to comfort her and take her away to Mantua. While her parents will still think that she is dead.

Act 5 Romeo Journal entry:
Hopefully some good news will come soon. It’s all I have wanted ever since I have been banished. I just wish that I could see Juliet again. I would rather die than be without her. Oh here comes Balthasar, maybe with some good news. No! it can’t be true! I defy you stars! Why must my beloved Juliet die on terms like these. Well if I cannot be with her in this life. Then I must find a way to meet her in the next. Juliet I will lie with you tonight. An Apothecary lives nearby, maybe I can something from him that will aid me in my travels to the next life; maybe a way out. I will force upon him 40 ducats he cannot refuse an offer of such for he is to poor to live without it. He has given me a potion which is so powerful that even if I had the strength of a thousand men that It would still kill me immediately. I will take and use this potion at Juliet’s grave. I will take Balthasar with me, he will be of some use in getting into the tomb. Now that I have a pickaxe I will open her tomb and…Paris? What are you doing here? I am no “Vile Montague” I only killed Tybalt because he killed Mercutio. Go away I do not want to commit another crime. Please the only weapon I have is for myself. Will you provoke me? Alright then let’s fight boy! We both have such bad luck; so valiant I will bury you in a magnificent grave. Juliet you look so beautiful it’s as if you are still alive. Oh this potion works fast, the Apothecary was right. So I die with a kiss.

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