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Personality/Attitude: Minnie will probably be the most bubbly and optimistic person you will ever meet. She has a sort of naive optimism, like a child that doesnt know how cruel the world is yet. She likes making new friends, and usually goes for the people that look like they need a friend. However, Minnie can also be very shy, and is prone to vanishing whenever she is frightened or nervous. Minnie is very accident prone as well. More often than not, she will find herself hurt, scraped up, or in a situation in which she needs help. Despite this, Minnie will find weird ways, that her optimism usually plays part in, to get herself out of things.
Skills/Talents: Minnie is fond of sewing, as she didn't have a lot of clothing shops in her town, and she actually makes a lot of her own clothing.
Favorites/Likes: She likes to sew, and though she's terrible at it, she loves to try to make food.
Most Hated/Dislikes: Like all people with common sense, Minnie doesn't like rude people. She also doesn't like when people bother her about her past, or about her eye, even though she totally does the same thing herself.
Goals/Ambitions: She doesn't really have any goals, and she just goes with the flow.
+ Habits: When Minnie is nervous, she'll fidget with her mirror, and often she'll subconsciously make parts of her vanish or reappear with it. Other times, she might fidget and adjust her eyepatch, even if she doesn't need to do it.
Hobbies/Interests: Again, she likes to sew mostly.
Philosophy of Life: Her philosophy in life is to just look on the bright side and live life as it comes.
Religion/Beliefs: She doesn't follow any religion, but she isn't really an atheist either.
Sexual Preference: Bi-curious
Place/Type of Residence: She lives in a small and very cramped home, and she often knocks over things in her own house due to how small it is.
+Occupation: Student
+Powers: Minnie can manipulate light using mirrors, and she always keeps a small one on her. She isn't the best at it, and she can do one trick. She can use the light and her mirror to make herself seem invisible, or like she isn't there, by manipulating the reflected light. This is about all she can do, and though she can use the light to flash it and people's eyes, I don't think that really counts.

When Minnie break the stream of light, her body absorbs it. This causes her body to glow, but only when it is injured. For example, if Minnie cuts her left arm, her left arm will glow. This goes for all her limbs, including her upper arms, hands, legs, feet, hands, ears, etc. Along with this, some parts of her limbs will randomly glow when she's overcome with emotion. She cant control it, and the glowing can last for days or only for a few hours depending on either the injury, or just luck.
+Power Weaknesses: Though she can glow any time, Minnie has a limit on how many times she can use the invisibility stuff. Her hair is yellow, but as she uses her power over and over, it turns whiter. She has 6 uses of her power until her hair is snow-white. However, she has 6 uses when she is just making herself invisible. When she is with anybody else, it is the number of extra people divided by the amount of uses she has left, and the result is how many uses it takes up. For example, if she has 2 other people with her, it would equal to 3 uses, not 1.
Backstory: Minnie was born in a tight-knit town of only 24 people. This means that she knew every single person in her town as a kid, and though she was bubbly enough to befriend them, she never met anyone else, which is where we shyness stems from. When she was born, her right eye absorbed all the light in the room, causing that eye to glow very brightly permanently. There is no pupil, and she can't see in that eye. Because the light is so bright, she keeps an eyepatch over it, as if someone looks directly in it, it's like looking directly into a flashlight. When she has the eyepatch off, she can't look in mirror as it blinds her as well, since she is drawn to the light. Minnie has had her power since she was born, and everyone in her town knew of it. She didn't really train hard, which is why she only knows the one trick.
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