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The four conditions of At-Tawbah An-Nasuh, or the Acceptance of repentance, is first you repent sincerely to Allah (SWT) and ask for forgiveness. Second, you regret what happened in the past. Third, you resolve to never committing the sin again. Finally, fourth, you ask for forgiveness from those you have wronged or fix the wrong.

1. Al-Iman Bel-Ghayb: Is the belief in the unseen, such as the belief in Allah (SWT), his angels, the jin, and the books He sent down. Although we don't see this essential knowledge, we still believe it as a part of our faith.

2. Steady-State Hypothesis: Creating by Fred Hoyle because he didn't believe in the Big-Bang theory, it states that the universe remains unchanged no matter the density of matter, time, or place (location).

3. Self-evident truth: Is the obvious truth, where no proof is needed. It is clear to us, and we believe it through faith, such as the belief in Allah (SWT) and His angels.

4. Arkan-ul-islam: Are the 5 pillars of Islam that you do as a true believer, and include the Shahadah, Salah, Zakaat, Swam-fasting-, and Hajj (pilgrimage).

5. Dhikr: Is the remembrance of Allah (SWT), through various acts of worship including praying, fasting, loving Allah (SWT), and reading the quran.

1. Tawheed al-Rububiyah, is the oneness of Allah (SWT) as the only creator, with no partners. You must believe that is it Allah (SWT) alone who grants life, and death, and who has created all living aspects with no partners. This type is also called Tawheed Al-Khaliq:

2. Tawheed Al-Uluhiyah, is the oneness of Allah (SWT) as the only one worthy of worship. You must believe that Allah (SWT) is the only one worthy of our praise and submission, through dua, dhikr, prayer, fasting, and our love for Him. This is also called Tawheed Al-Ibadah.

3. Tawheed Al-Asmaa was'sifaat, is the oneness of Allah (SWT) through his attributes. You must believe that Allah (SWT) is the only one worthy of all names, and attributes, and we must believe each one given through the sunnah and Quran. However, you must not give Allah (SWT) unworthy names that show un-perfection, and you must not think too deeply about the names as only Allah (SWT) knows best, and it is beyond our scope.
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