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Senior Self-evaluation Essay
This Senior Self-Evaluation and Senior Questionnaire are due the first day of school.

Name: Date:

This essay will tell your story in your own words. Your counselor might even quote from it extensively. Please indicate any portion of the essay that you wish to keep confidential.

Think about yourself in relation to the questions below. In an essay, respond to those questions that you consider important (in other words, you do not have to answer every single question), concentrating on what would be helpful in revealing you as a person and as a student. Make your points vivid and memorable by using specific examples and anecdotes.

The essay becomes part of your college file and the basis of your second interview with the college counselor. It should be 8-12 (double-spaced) pages long and must be typed. (You all know I prefer Times New Roman 12-point font!) You can send it to your college counselor as an email attachment if you wish.

* What values are most important to you?
* What kind of person would you like to become? Do you have any current heroes or heroines? Historical heroes/heroines? Fictional heroes/heroines?
* What events or experiences have shaped your growth or way of thinking?

* What courses have you enjoyed the most and why?
* Have you read a book that has changed your way of thinking? Which one and how?
• Have you read extensively of the works of one or more authors (not required for class)? If so, which and why?
• What newspapers or magazines do you read regularly?
• What has been your most stimulating intellectual experience in recent years? Do you have a single academic accomplishment (major paper, science project or experiment, artistic project) of which you're most proud?
* Is your academic record an accurate measure of your ability and potential? Are your ACT or SAT Reasoning and Subject Test scores?
* In your recent experience or background, are there outside circumstances that have interfered with your academic performance? (Consider such factors as after-school jobs, home responsibilities or difficulties, excessive school activities, illness or emotional stress, parental pressure, frequent family moves, English not spoken at home, problems of course scheduling, or other factors which are unique to your recent experience or background.)
* If you could change anything about your academic experience in high school, what would it be and why?

* What activities (hobbies or interests) do you enjoy most outside of the daily routine of school and other responsibilities?
* Do you have any special talents?
* After a long hard day, what do you most enjoy doing for fun or relaxation?
* Have you held any jobs after school or during the school year? What have you done, and what have you learned from those jobs?
* What do you consider your most significant contribution to your school or community?

* How would you describe your school and hometown? How has your environment influenced your way of thinking?
* What has been the most controversial issue in your school or community? What has been your opinion of or reaction to this issue?
* Have you ever encountered people who thought and acted differently from the way you did? What viewpoints have challenged you the most?

* Describe the people whom you consider your best friends (inside or outside of school). In what ways are they similar to or different from you?
* What is special or unique about your family? What do you enjoy the most about your family? What do you have the hardest time dealing with in your family?
* What are the best decisions you have made recently?

* Do you have a specific career ambition? What do you expect to be doing five years from now?
* What degree of academic challenge is best for you? Would you be satisfied to be in the middle or the bottom of your college class?
* What satisfactions and frustrations do you expect to encounter in college? What are you looking forward to? What worries you most?

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Regards; Team

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