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stiles and scott think about them and only them gosh why would they do that to me i did abousluty nothing to them and they go and do that what kind of brother and close friend do that to and stiles dont get me started on him i know he has been acting weird lately but i didnt think he those kinds of feelings for me like ya i knew he cared for me but not that much he got over it though but i think he is still hanging on and it kinds of sucks like why cant he just leave me alone and go on with his on life besides i thought he had this massive crush on lydia and how was i supposed to know that allison and scott were dating we became friends before he even met her or at least got to even know her anyways but you know scott still gets mad at everything and blams everythign on me me me me he got so mad it scared me he took my wrist and he like clawd me and it broke skin i was so scared that i stared crying at that point and her cakmed diwn and stopped i havent talked to him since it has been two days i have a wrap around my wrist and everytime he sees it i can see the guilt in his eyes like he didnt mean too but when it was happening i looked into his eyes and all i saw was anger then they started to change color and that scared me even more i looked up a lot of things and couldnt figure anythig out with the anger claw marks on me and the disappearing on full moons and i thought about what stiles said when scott started acting weird was being a were wolf and i thought he was insane until now i have been up all day and all night tryign to find out what the heck he is then i relized everything that has been happening he was bit by a wolf but not just a wolf a were wolf and his wound magically disappered and he acts a lot different and goes away on a full moon my brother scott is a werewolf and i want to know who turned him and kill them who ever it is i will find them they did this to my brother they made him different he was perfect the way he was and now he is all different hurting me he would never hurt me but now he has and i am scared for my llife everytime i hear him come even near me i get scared for mylife and i need help i need to talk to someone who will understand me and stiles already knows about it and didnt tell me so i really dont trust him anymore and allison and lydia they will most likely think that im insane so theres one more person that i trust more than anybody else and that is derek.
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