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Eden- America

Sloth- Idlean- Indonesia/Philippines
Wrath- Chagria- Germany
Gluttony- Gourmeisha- United States of America/Native America
Lust- Covetet
Greed- Avaricia- Italy
Pride- -Japan

pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth

CookBook of Zyrqe: Chris' Recipes

Eden specialties:

Idlean specialties:
(Kevin (Keyvine) Tan:
first off, some form of “nasi goreng” which is very popular, basically indonesian variant of fried rice
second, “mi goreng” which are fried noodle dishes which can have a lot of variation
Satay is a meat skewer kinda thing with rice cakes and peanut sauce (not a fan of the peanut sauce personally though)
Joshua Pattugalan:
(I’m allergic to peanut sauce, so something tells me I won’t be a fan either)
(Rather, peanuts)
Kevin (Keyvine) Tan:
“martabak” is a sweet dessert food which is basically some form of pancake, you can have a bunch of fillings inside and overall it lets you be really creative with it
^one of my favorites
Joshua Pattugalan:
Oooh- dessert is good
I almost forgot about desserts
Kevin (Keyvine) Tan:
“bolu kukus” is another one of my favorites, it’s like a steamed sponge cake kind of thing
Joshua Pattugalan:
Thank goodness it’s almost lunch time
This talk of food is really
Kevin (Keyvine) Tan:
that’s all i can think of for now, but i’ll let you know if i think of anything else
Laughed at “Thank goodness it’s almost lunch time”
Joshua Pattugalan:
Gracias amigo
So the idea is- each of the seven cities/nations will have dishes inspired by their country/countries of origin
Kevin (Keyvine) Tan:
oh yeah prawn crackers are also a big thing in Indonesia for dishes like fried rice^)

Chagrian specialties:

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