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"Artificial living creature" was born! Programmable self recovery will make 100 a reality for all
NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide),
PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone),

The pursuit of immortality is the infinite dream of the world. Driven by biotechnology, this dream is approaching step by step. Recently, the American scientific community published amazing research results in the world's top academic journal 0103010 (PNAs), saying that the world's first half natural artificial "living creature" was created by using the skin cells and heart cells of frog early embryos.
It is not so much a "living creature" as a "living robot" is the first "creature designed from scratch" in human history. However, without a solid shell like previous robots, they can also move freely in the liquid, 100% biodegradable and live in a nutritious environment for a few weeks, just like moving meat pieces controlled by programs. Incredibly, the cut off "living creature" will heal automatically. This unique biological characteristic may contribute to drug transport in the human body and remove the accumulated spots placed in arteries and internal organs in the future. The research group points out that "artificial life" is also used in the fields of body reconstruction, induced regeneration and anti-aging after degenerative diseases, so as to expand the new ideas and possibilities of human health and longevity.
Indeed, the results of this study caused madness and excitement. Since ancient times, overcoming aging has been a human dream. In order to prolong life, rich people want to realize their dream of health and longevity through blood exchange therapy, human freezing, oral nicotinamide mononucleotide, etc. So far, the most demanding and ethical blood transfusion therapy and nicotinamide mononucleic acid (NMN) are widely recommended by rich people as the core components of Harvard's "longevity medicine", which is an effective method to verify the potential of life extension through scientific experiments.
Since 2014, - nicotinamide single nucleotide has continuously proved that scientists from world-class academic institutions such as Harvard University, the University of Washington, Keio University in Japan and the University of Oklahoma can effectively repair human DNA and promote cell energy metabolism. It has been confirmed that this substance can prolong the life span of mammals similar to humans by more than 30%. Injection increases - nicotinyl in elderly rats The expression of amine mononucleotide prolonged the remaining life by 2.3 times.
Living robots have a greater sense of the future than - nicotinamide mononucleotide. Although they are composed of cells, the cells of living robots are only "orderly" arranged by computer algorithms, and there is no further connection and division of labor between cells, so they have no ability to reproduce. This is an important reason why they are classified as robots rather than independent living beings.
My Website: http://PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone),
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