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Knowing When to Visit Urgent Care Because of Widespread Bruising
When somebody falls on a hard surface, bruising is a likely result. Substantial bruising that covers a large area looks alarming. The person might wonder whether going to urgent care clinics would be reasonable. Ruling out any serious injury may be a relief, especially if the individual is elderly. There are urgent care for covid to consider when deciding whether to make the trip to an urgent care clinic.

Medically known as a contusion, a bruise occurs when blood vessels break. This can happen when a part of the body suffers physical trauma. The more extensive the blood vessel breakage, the more bruising appears on the skin.

Most painful bruises can be managed at home. If a muscle has been affected instead of only the skin, the injury can be painful. That's especially true when using the muscle. The person might want to keep an ice pack on the skin when doing so is convenient. Raising the affected body part above the heart can help.

In some cases, excessive blood clotting develops because of the broken vessels. This causes a hard bump, which is medically known as a hematoma. Usually, a hematoma gradually becomes smaller and the bruising fades. However, certain additional symptoms indicate the need to head to urgent care.

If the hematoma is swollen and painful, it could be a sign of a bone fracture. A common result of falling is a fracture of the hand or wrist, which occurs when the person tries to cushion the fall by extending one or both arms. A relatively minor fracture may not be obvious, at least at first. Within the next day or two, a swollen, aching hematoma signals the possibility of a broken bone. An X-ray at Sterling Medical Clinic confirms that a fracture occurred.

A practitioner at the clinic determines whether to use a splint or cast for the injured bone. The goal is to immobilize the bone so it can heal. A splint might be worn until the swelling dissipates, after which a cast can be applied. The cast normally would be removed after five or six weeks.

Although most contusions don't require immediate care at a medical center, it's best to be cautious when the problem could be serious. Same-day appointments can be made online or by phone. Although walk-in service may be provided, scheduling an appointment beforehand prevents spending much time in the waiting room.
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