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Why are press on nails bad for your nails? Well, that is a great question. To start with, the adhesive used to apply these faux nails are extremely bad for your nails. On top of bad chemicals being used during application, press on nails prevent your real nail from receiving oxygen and nutrients, therefore it can cause some damage to the actual nail. Although does not always happen every time someone uses press on nails, there is still some chances of permanent damage due to non-professional installations.

Another bad thing about press on nails is their potential to harm you! This seems extreme but let me explain. When wearing fake nails it causes you to be less aware of scratching things or potentially hurting someone because you do not feel pain as much as you would if you had your own nails. Fake nails are bad for you and bad for others!

When wearing press on nails, the bad outweighs the good because it could be potentially very dangerous. Wearing fake nails can cause bad damage to yourself and other people around you so please use your real nails instead!

Press on nails are bad for your real nail because of harmful chemicals used during application, lack of oxygen & nutrients, potential dangers towards self & others

- pro's/con's of wearing press on nails - potential danger to yourself - bad damage caused by bad chemicals used during installation - prevent possible permanent damage due to lack of oxygen/nutrients being fed into the actual nail - not always lead to bad damage, but bad damage can still occur to the real nail - bad for others because of lack of pain sensation - bad chemicals lead to bad consequences (i.e. harm towards self/others)

- press on nails prevent you from feeling pain as much as people who do not wear fake nails put off - bad for your real nail due to bad chemicals used during installation; stops nutrients & oxygen delivery into the actual nail causing permanent damage - bad for others around you because of possibility of scratching/hurting them unknowingly due to carelessness caused by increased pain persistence

As shown above, press on nails are bad for your health and bad for those who surround you! In conclusion, press on nails should be avoided at all costs. There is too much bad that can happen if you wear press on nails, so do yourselves a favor and avoid bad health.

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