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-likewise in leadership, it is about being in sync people to work as a team, to give the best performance possible.
-you have a group of people who have a lot of potential. it is about bringing out that potential to create this amazing team that strives to be better and changes things.
-motivation can come from the people surrounding you.
-you might not be able to go far if you were alone and you just cared about you and your own goals.
-trust and love that you receive from the people around you can motivate you to keep on going.
-influence is about changing the world though the united power of people.

-leadership is a combination of two whats. what someone believes in, and what they do to advocate for it.
-altruism is putting peoples needs before my own, because everbody is goung to spend their time and effort in one place. i might as well put it into a servuce learning.
-being outside your comfrot zone is the point where you start learning, where you start broadening your perspective.

Good afternoon teachers. Today I am going to be sharing about one point of Belle's that resonates with me, and what I have learned from today's leadership masterclass.

One point of Belle's that resonates with me, is that a leader can lead better with empathizing, rather than leading only by example. It resonates with me as we would definitely lead better when understanding and relating with our group mates. A leader should consider everyone's views before taking the next step, instead of coming up with a decision immediately, just to show others that you are decisive or that you can come up with decisions right at the spot.

What I have learnt from this session, is that being outside of your comfort zone is the point where you start learning, where you start broadening your perspective. Being outside you comfort zone can allow you to gather more knowledge from your different experiences. If you do not try to broaden your learning perspective, you might never get to learn new and interesting thing if you never want to try. Even the slightest change of mindset after stepping out of your comfort zone can really change how you carry yourself, how you act, and how you view problems and situations in different perspective. I can always try to be outside my comfort zone. For example during presentations. Normally I would be to afraid to ask questions, as I feel shy and awkward if I ask questions, especially when there are a lot of people present. So whenever I had any questions I would just keep quiet. But being out of my comfort zone can lead me to learning new things. In the future, whenever I have any questions, I should step out of my comfort zone and ask the question, either at the spot or after the presentation has ended. Taking small steps like this can help me broaden the way I think and feel. After minor actions like these, I might feel more comfortable to ask questions if I had any. Slowly trying to step out of your comfort zone will help you gain knowledge and to widen your perspective, and to not just keep your questions unanswered and to yourself. This is the end of my sharing. Thank you!
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