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just to make this clear, i don' want to know when i will get my order. i have other questions that i want answered. so its a request that you don't give me assurance about my order delivery but give me answers to questions which i am asking. please give answer of the raised question and don't ignore these question

1) OD117241547457904000 Sat, 7th Dec 9:54 am Gurgaon Your order has been dispatched from the Flipkart facility. Sun, 8th Dec 9:22 am Gurgaon Your order has been dispatched from the Flipkart facility. this order was dispatched to some xyz hub on sat 7th dec 9:54 am, it didn't reach anywhere but somehow it was dispatched again to some other hub on 8th dec on 9:22am. so my question is how can one order be dispatched two times or how can one order be dispatched again without arriving anywhere . it has not reached anywhere in the duration between two dispatches. question

2) does flipkart has any sort of grievance officer? nodal officer? or any such position? as such person is required as per indian laws. does flipkart has any such officier or appointed person who can be contacted by consumer to raise concern? question

3) OD117239022711475000 again my question is not when i will get product, my question is Sat, 7th Dec 9:54 am Gurgaon Your order has been dispatched from the Flipkart facility. this product was dispatched for manesar hub from gurgaon hub on 7th dec 9:54 am. it has not reached manesar hub till now. 8th dec 6:02pm. how may hours does it take for an order to reach from one hub to another when distance between two hubs is less than 50km. when both the hubs are in same city? please don't respond with the promised or expected delivery date as thats not what i am asking. question

4) can flipkart cancel some order even if customer give them instructions not to cancel the order under any circumstances? question

5) how can i email flipkart? this is not an email, this is a form. i want to maintain and email chain. how can i do that? i don't want to fill the form for sending some automated email, i want actual email id on which i can email and have to and from conversation. this is not contact via email, this is contact via form and then you respond via email. i want to contact support via email and get response via email as well. request 01: please don't cancel my order under any condition, until and unless you get a written request from me from my email id. i don't want flipkart to fool me again by cancelling order after 3 days and then saying that they can't do anything about cancelled order. i have already called and made same request not to cancel my order, i have that coversation recording as well and i am making that same request again that flipkart don't cancel my order. request02: for the third time please don't reply with the new expected or promised date for the delivery. i am not asking about that and you have already told me that 100 times now, i am asking other questions. please respond to those.
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